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Rusty Spokes is a character from The Loud House. He is one of Lincoln Loud's best friends and former classmates. He is also the older brother of Lucy's rarely-seen crush, Rocky Spokes.


Rusty is introduced in the episode "Hand-Me-Downer" as a member of a local bicycle gang, alongside Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire. Although he at first seemed like a mean kid due to his shunning Lincoln for the girly bicycle that he owns (which was given to him by Lori), Rusty's subsequent appearances show him having become a close friend of Lincoln, while Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire have rarely appeared since.

According to the episode "Everybody Loves Leni", Lincoln started hanging out with Rusty and Zach (presumably sometime after the events of "Hand-Me-Downer"), and then brought them together with his other two friends, Clyde and Liam, when the latter two felt left out.

Rusty is the first of Lincoln's friends to appear in The Casagrandes episode "An Udder Mess", where he wins two tickets and give his one VIP ticket to Ronnie Anne to make up for giving Lincoln and Sid her two previous tickets, so the three can have fun together at Dairyland.


Rusty is unlucky, overconfident, and often prides himself on his appearance. Contrary to the common stereotypes of a biker gang member, he is also somewhat overly sensitive, as he apparently once cried when a bird flew into the school gym (as mentioned by Lincoln in "The Price of Admission"). He is also caring towards his brother Rocky, to the point that he faints in horror when he thinks Rocky has been injured after seeing him covered in fake blood in "Back in Black". Rusty also thinks he knows all there is to know about girls and frequently attempts to flirt with them (including Lincoln's sisters, whose names and personalities he tends to get mixed up), though Polly Pain from "Dance, Dance Resolution" seems to be the only girl he has ever actually had any luck with.


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

The Casagrandes

The Really Loud House


  • Like Lincoln, he is clumsy and has freckles.
  • Rusty is the fourth character on The Loud House to change voice actors, after Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie Anne.
  • In the episode "No Bus, No Fuss", Rusty mentions that he has outgrown his bike, which could possibly explain why he stopped hanging out with Papa Wheelie and Flat Tire.
  • According to The Really Loud House episode "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", he is a Capricorn, which would put his birthday between December 21st and January 20th.


External links
