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The Loud House Movie (Original Motion Picture Score) is the licensed score album for the Netflix film The Loud House Movie. The album contains the entirety of the film's musical score, composed by Philip White and Christopher Lennertz, and was released on September 24, 2021 through Republic Records' Kids & Family division.

Track list[]

# Track title Length
1 How to Survive in a Big Family 1:07
2 Activity Panic 0:59
3 Where to First? 1:53
4 Lincoln and Clyde 1:16
5 Needles Are for Amateurs 0:59
6 Welcome to Scotland! 0:47
7 What the Sheep? 1:29
8 Your Ancestral Home 0:39
9 Old Timey Us 1:00
10 Our Own Rooms! 0:58
11 The Duke's Room 1:03
12 The Dragon's Egg 1:00
13 Duke-ing 0:34
14 Lucy's Seance 1:24
15 Let's Fulfill Our Destiny 0:43
16 We're Moving to Scotland 0:39
17 Morag's Scream 0:40
18 The Real Story of the Louds of Yore 2:56
19 Snackin' What You're Packin' 0:35
20 I Could Ride the Dragon 1:38
21 Lela Under the Spell 1:17
22 We Trusted You 1:18
23 Abdication 1:34
24 The Mad Queen Morag 1:08
25 Lucille Brings News 2:06
26 Operation Save the Village 0:51
27 Morag Rides Lela 1:36
28 Loud No More 1:31
29 Fifth Best Junior Magician 0:46
30 Lincoln Rides Again 1:41
31 A Simple Groundskeeper 1:11
32 Warm Feelings 1:41
33 The Louds Head Home 0:57
Total time: 40:09


  1. ↑ The Loud House Movie (Original Motion Picture Score) on Spotify

External links[]
