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The Loud House
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The following is a list of episodes in the second season of The Loud House, which was renewed for that season on May 25, 2016. All episodes are directed by Chris Savino, though "The Old and the Restless", "Vantastic Voyage", and "Patching Things Up" were co-directed by Kyle Marshall.


# Title card Title Airdate
11 Louds a Leapin' Title Card
"11 Louds a Leapin'" November 25, 2016
The Louds are getting ready for Christmas when the unthinkable happens to Lincoln: his sled goes in their neighbor's yard! Lincoln and Clyde attempt to pull off a sled rescue mission and end up finding secrets about Mr. Grouse.
Note: This is the first episode to reveal Lynn Sr. and Rita's faces.
Intern for the worse
"Intern for the Worse" November 9, 2016
Tensions run high when Lincoln and Clyde both get an internship at Flip's Food & Fuel and compete to win the manager title.
The Old and the Restless "The Old and the Restless" November 10, 2016
When Lincoln sees how tame Pop-Pop has gotten in his older age, he takes him out for a day to remember.
Baby Steps
"Baby Steps" January 10, 2017
Clyde thinks that his dads are going to have another baby, so Lincoln helps him learn how to be a good big brother.
Brawl in the Family "Brawl in the Family" January 11, 2017
Lori and Leni both buy the same dress, and Lincoln's loose lips about them end up causing a full-blown fight to break out in the Loud House.
"Suite and Sour" January 9, 2017
The Loud kids promise to behave themselves on a trip to a resort.
Back in Black "Back in Black" January 12, 2017
When Lucy gets a crush on Rusty's brother Rocky who is a "regular and normal", her sisters give her a makeover.
Making the Grade
"Making the Grade" February 24, 2017
When Lisa gets put into Lincoln and Clyde's class, Lincoln's social standing is at stake.
Title-VantasticVoyage "Vantastic Voyage" February 23, 2017
The Loud kids are sick of their family van always falling apart, so they decide to try and trick their dad into buying a new one.
Patching Things Up
"Patching Things Up" March 15, 2017
Lana and Lola try out for Bluebell Scouts, but soon discover that one of them may be more suited for it than the other.
Cheater by the Dozen "Cheater by the Dozen" March 16, 2017
Lincoln and Clyde think that Bobby is cheating on Lori, so they conduct an investigation on him.
Lock 'N' Loud Title Card
"Lock 'n' Loud" February 22, 2017
The Loud kids take home security to the next level after getting in trouble for always disobeying their father's order to lock the front door.
Title-TheWholePicture "The Whole Picture" February 21, 2017
Lincoln accidentally erases all of his old childhood photos, so he and Clyde try to recreate them before Lincoln loses his memories.
No Such Luck
"No Such Luck" March 13, 2017
Lincoln finds himself with unexpected free time after his sisters think that he is bad luck and ban him from attending their activities.
Frog Wild "Frog Wild" March 14, 2017
Lincoln and Clyde's class is going to be dissecting frogs. When Lana hears about it, she convinces Lincoln that it is wrong, and the two embark on a frog rescue mission.
"Kick the Bucket List" April 10, 2017
Lincoln and Clyde have their Spring Break set up, but it turns out that they only have one day left after their writing and thinking.
Party Down "Party Down" April 11, 2017
Lori manages a party for her guests, but soon they are unable to come due to their other plans.
Fed Up
"Fed Up" April 12, 2017
Bored with the same meals, the kids sabotage Lynn Sr.'s dinner preparations to they can order pizza, but when they are caught, they are forced to prepare tomorrow's dinner.
Title-ShellShock "Shell Shock" April 13, 2017
Lincoln and Ronnie Anne have to take care of an egg, but Lincoln does not trust her with the egg.
"Pulp Friction" April 14, 2017
Lincoln and Clyde submit an Ace Savvy comic to a meet-the-creator contest, but are foiled by a surprising nemesis.
Title-PetsPeeved "Pets Peeved" May 15, 2017
When Lana brings a new pet home, the kids begin to overload with attention. This causes the other pets to plan to get rid of it.
"Potty Mouth" June 14, 2017
The kids hear Lily curse, and they are afraid that they are a bad influence on her, so they try to change her behavior.
Title-LIsForLove "L is for Love" June 15, 2017
When a love letter addressed only to "L. Loud" shows up at the house, the siblings try to figure out the intended recipient.
The Loudest Mission - Relative Chaos
"The Loudest Mission: Relative Chaos" May 29, 2017
Ronnie Anne and Bobby visit their crazy, chaotic extended family. Bobby fits in great but Ronnie Anne struggles with the smothering nature of their relatives. Things get even harder when Mrs. Santiago announces that she and the kids will be moving closer to them.
Out of the Picture (Loud House)
"Out of the Picture" May 16, 2017
In an effort to not be the forgotten men of Royal Woods Elementary, Lincoln and Clyde do whatever it takes to get into yearbook group photos. Meanwhile, Lola, having taken a bad yearbook photo herself, tries to get it replaced.
Room With a Feud "Room with a Feud" May 17, 2017
Seeing his sisters squabble with their roommates, Lincoln suggests a roommate shuffle based on a compatibility test he and Clyde took.
Back Out There
"Back Out There" June 12, 2017
Clyde, worried that Lincoln is hung up on Ronnie Anne, decides to cure his post break-up blues.
SpellitOutTitle "Spell It Out" May 18, 2017
Tired of her siblings walking over her, Lucy turns to a spell book once owned by Great Grandma Harriet to teach her siblings a lesson.
"Fool's Paradise" June 13, 2017
It's April Fool's Day again, and the Loud family thinks they are safe when they convince prankster Luan to spend the weekend at camp. But when Vanzilla breaks down in front of a motel, the family finds they aren't so safe from her pranks after all.
Job Insecurity Title Card "Job Insecurity" July 25, 2017
The kids discover their dad isn't at his IT job anymore, and is now a dishwasher. Convinced it's their fault, the kids vow to get Lynn Sr. another IT job.
ARGGH You For Real Title Card
"ARGGH! You for Real?" July 24, 2017
Lincoln and Clyde find out that ARGGH! is coming to town, and decide to go to the taping.
Garage Banned Title Card "Garage Banned" July 24, 2017
Tired of her siblings, Lori moves into the garage, but quickly finds that it is more than she bargained.
Change of Heart Title Card
"Change of Heart" July 26, 2017
Clyde is desperate to learn how to act normal around Lori, so he enlists Leni's help.
Titlecardkicked "Health Kicked" July 27, 2017
Worried that their parents are hurting their health from not being active, the children encourage them to exercise.
Future Tense
"Future Tense" September 18, 2017
When Rita and Lynn Sr. meet a new accomplished family, they worry that their kids aren't doing enough activities to ensure a successful future.
Lynn-er TakeAllTitlecard "Lynner Takes All" July 28, 2017
Tired of Lynn's poor sportsmanship during board games, the siblings decide to team up to take her down.
Yes Man Titlecard
"Yes Man" September 19, 2017
The Loud sisters need help from Lincoln, the "Master of Convincing", for advice on asking their parents for money.
Friend or Faux? Title card "Friend or Faux?" September 20, 2017
Lisa gets her report card and finds she's failed social skills; to bring up her grade, she must make a friend.
No Laughing Matter Titlecard
"No Laughing Matter" September 21, 2017
When Luan realizes how her siblings complain about her jokes, she gives up her passion, but the others feel bad about it, so now they have to show Luan that she is funny.
No Spoilers "No Spoilers" October 16, 2017
Knowing Leni's history of spoiling surprises, the kids decide not to tell her about Rita's upcoming party, but keeping Leni away is no easy task.
"Legends" November 11, 2017
Lincoln and Lynn Sr. go on Legends of the Hidden Temple.
Mall of Duty "Mall of Duty" November 11, 2017
Lincoln wants to go to the mall, but has to watch his younger sisters, so he decides to take them to the mall.
"Read Aloud" October 17, 2017
The family embarks on a reading challenge at the library, but Lola refuses to participate.
Not A Loud Title "Not a Loud" October 18, 2017
When Lincoln discovers the first page of his baby book is blank, he worries that his parents are hiding something.
Tricked! Title
"Tricked!" October 13, 2017
For Halloween, Lincoln and Clyde have scoped out a fancy neighborhood to make their dreams of scoring full-size candy bars a reality. Meanwhile, Lucy puts on a haunted maze, and the younger girls scheme to get maximum candy.
The Crying Dame Titlecard
"The Crying Dame" November 24, 2017
The children give Lily an old singing toy from the attic to help her stop crying, but it quickly drives them crazy; when the toy is taken away from Lily however, it causes her to become increasingly sad.
Anti-Social Titlecard "Anti Social" November 24, 2017
The kids try to convince their Dad of the wonders of modern technology after he declares war on their electronic devices.
Snow Way Out Titlecard
"Snow Way Out" December 1, 2017
Lana convinces the children to go to the Burpin' Burger to meet her racecar hero despite the heavy snowfall.
Snow Way Down Title card "Snow Way Down" December 1, 2017
When Lincoln goes on vacation with Clyde, he realizes how overprotective Clyde's dads are.

Character debuts[]

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