Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Welcome to the path of carnage, Tatsumi.
~ Najenda welcoming Tatsumi at Night Raid.
Now let's go punish this scumbag.
~ Najenda sending Night Raid in a mission.

Najenda is an important character in Akame ga Kill! manga/anime series. She is a former general of the Empire who, disgusted by corruption, joined the Revolutionary Army and became the firm but kind leader of Night Raid. She serves as a mother figure to Akame. She is also Lubbock's crush and Esdeath's archenemy, as well her former friend.

She was voiced by Risa Mizuno in the original Japanese audio and by Shelley Calene-Black in the English dub.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In general[]

  • She has a strong sense of justice and always tries to do the right thing.
  • She abandoned the Empire when she witnessed its corruption firsthand.
  • She is a great leader, caring a lot about her subordinates.
    • When she abandoned the Empire, she did not force her soldiers to follow, but through sheer charisma, she managed to convince them.
  • After being severely injured by Esdeath, losing her right eye and arm, she did not give up on doing the right thing and, as she could no longer fight, she passed Pumpkin, her Imperial Arm, to Mine, allowing her to fight and do so many admirable features.
  • As demonstrated by the way she reacts to the deaths of her subordinates, it is clear that Najenda cares about them and would prefer them not to die if possible.
  • After becoming leader of Night Raid, she sent team members to kill many monstrous people in the Empire, including:
    • Aria and her family, who deceived innocent people from the countryside and tortured them to death.
      • Consequently, they saved Tatsumi.
    • Captain Ogre and Gamal, who framed innocent people and brutally executed them.
    • The Three Beasts of Esdeath, who killed many of the Revolutionary Army's forces in cruel ways.
    • Bolic, a greedy and perverted man who intended to carry out a coup against the leader of the Path of Peace.
    • And Wild Hunt, complect monsters.
  • Even with Akame ga Kill!'s high Admirable Standards, Najenda stands out for leading Night Raid to victory and for her key role in Mine and Akame's heroism.
  • Although she leads assassins they don't disqualify her for reasons:
    • She only targeted evil vile people who deserved it and did it out of selfless reasons.
    • Avoiding killing is practically nearly impossible in the Akame Ga Kill series given the work's nature since mass murder, genocide and torture extremely common and is an kill or be killed nature.


  • When Akame was sent to kill her, Najenda showed no ill will towards her. In fact, she had empathy, because she knew that Akame was being manipulated and used by the Empire.
  • She talked to Akame and offered her a chance to join the Revolutionary Army to fight for a better cause, which Akame agreed to. In short, this means that it was thanks to Najenda that Akame became such an admirable heroine.
  • When Tatsumi was brought to their hideout, Najenda didn't pressure him to work with them or not, and let him choose for himself, and assured him that they wouldn't kill him if he said no (although they wouldn't let him go either, due to the amount of information he knew).
  • She brought Chelsea and Susanoo to Night Raid, and when she brought them, she sent Susanoo to save the rest of the team - who were being attacked by the Stylish army -.
  • Is implicit that she probably came up with (or at least had an important involvement in) the grand plan to take over the Empire after killing Bolic, who would free the Empire from oppression and try to spare as many people as possible.
  • She gave her old comrade from the Empire, Rokugoh, a mercy "death" while he was being used as a puppet of Yatsufusa.
  • She helped Night Raid by fighting directly on certain occasions and even tried to fight Esdeath despite having no chance at all.
  • After the war, she continued to help protect the new kingdom, helping to weed out the remaining members of the former kingdom and to prevent further rebellions.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • Although she is a good leader overall, Najenda has some "Kick the dog" moments that prevent her from being Pure Good. Examples are: Physically attacking Tatsumi for bringing Nea to the hideout, despite the team ensuring that there was no way for her to expose their location; hitting Tatsumi for thinking she is old; and beat Leone and Tatsumi so hard to the point of giving them bumps for laughing at Susanoo comparing her to a man.
  • She is lethal because she is the leader of a squad of assassins. However, given that she doesn't hurt innocents and only orders people killed who she is sure are corrupt, this a minor prevention and avoiding killing is practically impossible to do so in the Akame Ga Kill series.
  • She's a bit arrogant, with her bragging about having awakened Susanoo out of sheer charisma, or bragging to Tatsumi about when she was courted by men in the Empire, rather than getting straight to the story she wanted to tell him.


  • Currently and Akame are the only Near Pure Good characters from Akame ga Kill!.

External links[]
