Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Call me Jade. Or if you prefer… Agent 3…
~ Jade introducing herself at the end of Inkopolis Chaos 2.
Fate made me Agent 3. I will follow it, and keep peace between inklings and octolings.
~ Jade’s message in the ending book.

Jade Grady (also known as Agent 3) is a pivotal character in the Inkopolis Chaos trilogy. She is an unseen overarching protagonist of Inkopolis Chaos, a flashback turned cameo character in Inkopolis Chaos 2, and one of the three deuteragonists of Inkopolis Chaos 3. She is Agent 3 (later Captain) of the squidbeak splatoon, and acts as a co-leader (later leader) of the organisation.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • She saved the Great Zapfish from DJ Octavio.
  • She saved Cap’n Cuttlefish and Katelin from a blender.
  • She is always protecting Inkopolis no matter what and works hard to keep peace between inklings and octolings.
  • She often blames herself when things go wrong and is never seen blaming others.
  • Upon finding out that a lot of the octolings she fought were brainwashed, she felt immense guilt for killing them so much in the past, so she went out of her way to make up for her actions by helping out octolings at any point and is often defending them from racism.
  • She always is very protective of Katelin and makes sure nothing bad happens to her. She stood up for her when she received racist comments and always looked out for her, even being willing to fight someone who made fun of her. She was also furious at Lt. Obsidian when she used Katelins PTSD to neutralise her.
  • She also cares for the other agents and puts her life on the line to make sure nothing bad happens to them. She even cares about Summer despite Summer constantly teasing her.
  • She leads the squidbeak splatoon when cuttlefish isn’t there and takes things completely seriously.
  • She begged Katelin not to hand herself into prison in exchange for her safety, despite the fact Blakeson was pointing a gun at her head, showing she is willing to die for other people’s safety.
  • She went back into Cephalon HQ to try and retrieve Katelin and the other captured agents. They escaped anyway, but she still went in without hesitation.
  • She motivated Samuel when he was feeling insecure.
  • She rescued Cap’n Cuttlefish, Callie, Marie and Bethany from prison.
  • She felt guilty when Ruby sacrificed herself for her.
  • When her sister, Bethany, sprained her ankle, she sent her home instead of forcing her to fight.
  • She offered Sylvia a chance to sit out of the final battle, because she knew how traumatised Sylvia was, and that making her fight would be a nasty move. But when Sylvia chose to fight anyway to avenge her parents, Jade respected her decision.
  • She lead the attack against Lt. Obsidians army.
  • She killed Scarlet Spiker to save Summer and Katelin.
  • She and a few other agents sabotaged a lot of the multicoloured ink bombs, saving millions of lives in the process.
  • When Samuel and Natalie were about to blow up, she swooped in and saved them.
  • Overall, despite her serious nature, Jade is a very caring and compassionate girl who puts herself second, and everyone else first, and does anything she can to protect other inklings and octolings.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She is sometimes lethal, as she is shown to sometimes kill without hesitation.
  • She can be quite aggressive sometimes.

External Links[]


           SplatoonLogo Near Pure Goods

Marie | Agent 4 | Pearl Houzuki | Marina Ida | Shiver | Frye


Inkopolis Chaos
Natalie Octarine | Ruby Diorite | Melissa Turfblu | Jade Grady
Axol | Auri Bori

See Also
Nintendo Near Pure Goods
