Near Pure Good Hero Wiki


Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
Near Pure Good Hero Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about the pony Applejack as her human counterpart was voted Pure Good, and thus only pony Applejack's info should be put here.

Applejack is one of the six deuteragonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She is a cowgirl Earth pony who lives and works at Sweet Apple Acres with her grandmother Granny Smith, older brother Big McIntosh, younger sister Apple Bloom, and her pet dog Winona. She is a member of the Mane Six and represents the element of honesty.

She was voiced by Ashleigh Ball, who also voiced Rainbow Dash.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

In General[]

  • She is extremely honest and feels remorse for when she tells a lie.


  • It's revealed in a flashback that she went back to the Apple farm after spending time with her uncles because she saw the farm as her true home.

Season 1[]

  • Assuring Twilight to let go of her hooves when she was about to fall off a cliff, knowing that she will be saved by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.
  • Defeated Nightmare Moon with the Elements of Harmony.
  • She apologized to Twilight for pressuring her into give her the Grand Galloping Gala ticket.
  • Saved Ponyville from a stampede of cows.
  • When Twilight asks if her friends hate her because of her magic like they did with Trixie, she says to Twilight that she doesn't because her magic is part of who she is and she is proud of having a friend with strong magic.
  • Saved Twilight from a rock avalanche.
  • She and Rarity worked together to clear up the house from a tree.
  • Apologized to Zecora for her actions towards her.
  • Tried to clear up all parasprites from Ponyville and her family's farm.
  • Working together with everypony on Winter Wrap Up.
  • Helping Apple Bloom get her cutie mark.
  • Realized the true meaning of sportsmanship, she and Rainbow Dash apologized for their actions.
  • Finished Rarity's unfinished dress as an apology.
  • Supporting the Crusaders in a talent show.
  • Rescuing Rarity from the Diamond Dogs along with the other Mane Six and Spike.
  • Attempted to stop the battle between the ponies of Appleloosa and the buffaloes.
  • Planning a birthday party for Pinkie Pie to celebrate along with the rest of the Mane Six.

Season 2[]

  • Felt remorse for lying even though she was corrupted by Discord and was not her fault.
  • Helped the rest of the Mane Six de-corrupt Rainbow Dash.
  • Defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony.
  • Promising that she will take Twilight's problem seriously.
  • Teaching Rarity and Sweetie Belle how sisterhood works.
  • Helping Apple Bloom get rid of her cutie pox.
  • Disguised herself as Mare Do Well to save every pony and prevented Rainbow Dash from doing so just to teach her about humility.
  • Tried to stop Spike from rampaging across Ponyville.
  • When she wasn't able to win first prize at the Celestia Rodeo, she started working for Cherry Jubilee as a way to get money to fix the roof of Ponyville's town hall.
  • Competing with the Flim Flam Brothers at the Cider-making competition.
  • Tried to help Twilight stop a disaster from happening, although it was revealed there was no disaster.
  • Forgiving the Cutie Mark Crusaders for spreading embarrassing and hurtful gossip.
  • Tried to convince Twilight that her brother, Shining Armor, cared for her.
  • Apologizing to Twilight for treating her at rehearsal and not listening to her.

Season 3[]

  • Along with the rest of the Mane Six, she tries to make all the ponies in the Crystal Empire happy.
  • Tried her best to make sure the Crystal Ponies wouldn't see the fake crystal heart so they could still have hope.
  • Along with the Apple family, she brought all the Pinkies to one place to see who was the real Pinkie.
  • She tried to defend Twilight when Trixie was going to banish her along with the rest of the Mane Six.
  • Helping Twilight with defeating Trixie in the magic duel.
  • Along with the rest of the Mane Six, she went to the Wonderbolt Academy to give Rainbow Dash a package so Pinkie Pie wouldn't spend all day looking at Rainbow Dash's mail box.
  • Comforted Rainbow Dash when she was going to give up being a Wonderbolt along with the rest of the Mane Six.
  • Hosting the Apple family reunion to create so many good memories. Eventually, she got too caught up with it, which destroyed the barn. She later apologized for it.
  • Building the Apple barn back together with her family as a way to create the best memories possible.
  • Saved Spike from the Timberwolves.
  • Tried to make a fake situation where she was in danger to stop Spike from trying to continue his Noble Dragon Code and continue to think he owns her.

Season 4[]

  • When Twilight was sad about not being able to spend the Summer Day Festival with her friends in Ponyville, she told her that even if they were separated, they would still be connected by the Elements of Harmony.
  • Saved Twilight and Spike from a cragadile alongside the rest of the Mane Six.
  • Saved Twilight from the Everfree plants along with the rest of the Mane Six.
  • Helped Rainbow Dash and Daring Do defeat Ahuizotl.
  • Defeated Mane-iac alongside the rest of the Mane Six.
  • Helped the Mane Six in making the vampire fruit bats stop liking apples to save the apples in the apple trees.
  • Turning Flutterbat back to Fluttershy in the episode "Bats!".
  • She felt remorse for making Fluttershy help her in making vampire fruit bats stop liking food because it was against their nature.
  • Helps rebuild a taxi when its wheel is broken.
  • When it was revealed that there was no evidence Pinkie Pie was related to the Apples, she says that despite not having any proof, she was an Apple due to how she stayed with the Apple family during all of the trip.
  • Helped to convince Pinkie Pie to not leave Ponyville and continue having good parties.
  • Helping Rarity realize how she acted in the episode "Simple Ways".
  • Helped Fluttershy lose her fear of performing on stage.
  • Helped Pinkie Pie get her Cutie Mark back.
  • Helping bring a group of Breezies back to their home after they get separated.
  • Saving Apple Bloom from a Chimera.
  • Apologizing to Apple Bloom for her overprotectiveness.
  • Presenting a bag of rock candy to Pinkie and Maud as an apology.
  • Saved Granny Smith when she tried to break the High Diving record.
  • She felt remorse for lying about how Flim Flam's Tonic was real.
  • Revealing that Flim Flam's Tonic is fake.
  • Helping Rainbow Dash study for the Wonderbolt Reserves entrance exam.
  • Defeated Tirek with Rainbow Power.
  • Bringing back the magic of every pony in Equestria.
  • Releasing the princesses from Tartarus.

Season 5[]

  • Helping Our Town residents get their cutie marks back and defeating Starlight Glimmer.
  • Honoring the library by decorating the leftovers at the castle.
  • Comforting Apple Bloom about her fear of getting her cutie mark and telling her that she will still be the same regardless of her cutie mark.
  • Comforting Rainbow Dash and assured her to accept Tank's hibernation.
  • Saving the Cutie Mark Crusaders from a stack of falling hay.
  • Stopping Bugbear from rampaging alongside the rest of the Mane Six.
  • She comforted Twilight when she was nervous about meeting the yaks.
  • Saved several ponies from Tantabus' monsters in the dream.
  • Defeating Tantabus in the dream.
  • She tries to make Big Mac and Apple Bloom spend more time with each other after realizing Big Mac was feeling sad about Apple Bloom completely ignoring him, and even indirectly brought them together by telling Big Mac to make Apple Bloom happy while she was on a friendship mission.
  • Saved a designer from the falling Midsummer Theatre Revival's stage.
  • Helping Coco Pommel for the Midsummer Theatre Revival.
  • Congratulating Apple Bloom for getting her cutie mark, and telling her that her parents would be proud of her.
  • She, alongside the rest of the Mane Six and Spike, tried to calm down Pinkie Pie when she was trying to keep the secret that Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were having a child.
  • Although she did cause the Pies' boulder to fall off the quarry, she felt deep remorse for it and helped fix that mistake.
  • Helping the Pies push the boulder to the top of the quarry.
  • Revealing Svengallop's deception to Coloratura.
  • Assuring Coloratura that friendship is a true perk.
  • Along with the rest of the Mane Six, she forgave Starlight Glimmer and accepted her as a friend.

Season 6[]

  • She helped the Crystal ponies try to evacuate the Crystal Empire when the Crystal Heart was destroyed.
  • Comforting Rainbow Dash by remembering the "Rainbow Crash" nickname.
  • Agreed to help the Crusaders with the carts at the end of the episode "The Cart Before the Ponies".
  • Pranking Rainbow Dash back to teach her lesson about the limits of pranks.
  • Forgave Starlight for casting a spell on her and her friends.
  • Trained Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie for the buckball game, but got too overboard for it.
  • Reluctantly teaming up with Flim Flam Brothers to take down Gladmane.

Season 7[]

  • Helping the contest designer for the fashion contest.
  • Helping Grand Pear reconcile with Granny Smith.
  • Tried to show every pony that she and her friends aren't flawless.
  • Helping Rainbow Dash make amends with Pinkie Pie.
  • Redeeming Stygian and sending the Pony of Shadows back into limbo.

My Little Pony: The Movie[]

  • Defeated the Storm King and saved Twilight alongside the rest of the Mane Six.

Season 8[]

  • Standing up to Chancellor Neighsay.
  • Encourage Pinkie to play the yovidaphone again and apologizes for telling her to stop doing something she enjoyed.
  • Helping the Kirin get their emotions and voice back.
  • Scolding Cozy Glow for betraying every pony and taking over the school.

Season 9[]

  • Defeated King Sombra with the magic of friendship.
  • Helping Twilight get the sibling supreme crown.
  • Helping Apple Bloom capture the Great Seedling.
  • Helping Twilight prepare for the last Summer Sun Celebration.
  • Defeating the Legion of Doom with the magic of friendship.
  • Teaching Luster Dawn about the magic of friendship.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She can sometimes be stubborn, which leads her to cause problems, loses her temper and argue with her friends.
  • She is shown to be competitive towards Rainbow Dash three times. Despite they ended up learning their lessons, they began to compete with each other again, so there's no prove it was truly subverted.
  • In Princess Twilight Sparkle, she accused Discord of imprisoning Celestia and Luna, and attempted to turn him back into stone. While she does accept him as a friend, she never apologizes, felt remorse or even admitted she was wrong meaning this isn't subverted.
  • In Viva Las Pegasus, she refused to help Flim and Flam over their friendship problems due to holding her grudge against them.

External Links[]


           My Little Pony franchise logo Near Pure Goods

Friendship is Magic
Spike | Applejack | Pinkie Pie | Rarity | Shining Armor | Starlight Glimmer | Sunburst

Equestria Girls
Pinkie Pie | Sunset Shimmer

Make Your Mark
Hitch Trailblazer | Pipp Petals | Zipp Storm | Spike

My Little Pony: The Movie: Spike | Applejack | Pinke Pie | Rarity
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Hitch Trailblazer | Pipp Petals | Zipp Storm

