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Corbin Bleu

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Corbin Bleu
Twelid Brooklyn, 21 Frar 1989 (35 sena)
Nazzjonalità Stati Uniti tal-Amerka
Residenza Los Angeles
Missier David Reivers
Konjuga/i Sasha Clements (en) Translate
Koppja/i Sasha Clements (en) Translate
Alma mater Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (en) Translate
High School of Performing Arts (en) Translate
Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School (en) Translate
Lingwi Ingliż
Okkupazzjoni attur televiżiv
attur ċinematografiku
producer ċinematografiku
attur tal-palk
artist diskografiku
Sħubija High School Musical Cast (en) Translate
Moviment artistiku mużika pop
Strument/i tal-mużika vuċi
Tikketta tar-reġistrazzjoni Hollywood Records (en) Translate
Walt Disney Records (en) Translate

Corbin Bleu Reivers (twieled fil-21 ta' Frar 1989) huwa attur, kantant, u żeffien Amerikan.


Year Title Role Notes
1998 Soldier Johnny appearance
Beach Movie Kid
1999 Family Tree Ricky Main Role
Mystery Men Butch appearance
Galaxy Quest Young Tommy
2004 Catch That Kid Austin Main Role
2006 High School Musical Chad Danforth made for television (Disney Channel)
2007 Flight 29 Down: The Movie Nathan McHugh made for television (Discovery Kids)
The Secret of the Magic Gourd (2007 film) Voice Main Role
Jump In! Isadore "Izzy" Daniels made for television (Disney Channel)
High School Musical 2 Chad Danforth made for television (Disney Channel)
2008 High School Musical 3: Senior Year Chad Danforth First HSM to be in theatres
2009 Free Style Cale Bryant Main Role
Beyond All Boundaries Voice Main Role



Year Album Billboard 200 Certifications
(sales threshold)
2007 Another Side 36
  • US sales: 142,000+
  • US: TBD
2009 Speed of Light -
  • US sales: TBD
  • US: TBD

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