Can't say young since she's immortal, but Princess Cadance is happy to see Twilight.
Twily, come give me a hug.
Cute little hug for Twilight.
Princess Cadance placing a bandage on Twilight's cut.
Princess Cadance is kind.
"I'm the one who's lucky, Twilight."
Filly Twilight and Princess Cadance.
Sunshine,sunshine, ladybugs awake...
...clap your hooves and do a little shake!
Cadance and filly Twilight watching a bickering couple.
Princess Cadance spreading the love.
Oh yeah, that's how you spread love.
The real Cadance's first appearance.
That is one messy pony princess.
Twilight Sparkle used Tackle!
The foe's Cadance used Endure and braced itself!
Twilight Sparkle used Glare to cast a shadow of doubt!
Reciting the rhyme from Twilight's childhood
Reunited and it feels so good!
I'm here for you Twilight and I'll always be here for you.
"Now if only there was a way out of here..."
Like the Crystal maidens of Link to the Past
"But instead of having cake..."
"...with all my friends to celebrate."
"My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all."
"Find a way to save the day."
"I don't fear that I may lose him."
" one who wants to use him."
"Not care for, love and cherish him each day."
About to get closer to the mining cart
"For I oh-so love the groom."
"All my thoughts he does consume."
The rocks are being lifted.
And the singing princess is getting carried into the cart
"...I'll be there very soon!"
It's gonna be a bumpy ride!
My love will take flight!
"It's too late, Princess."
"I'm about to marry him."
"We're never going to save him!"
Double trouble: Real Cadance appears!
Now if only Princess Cadance had a pair of sunglasses.
Princess Cadance breaks through bridesmaids in the most ingenious way.
I'm still the cuter one you scary looking queen!
"Still think you're going to save him, Princess?"
Cadance see's Shining Armor is under the queen's control.
Cadance is determined to take back her groom.
Princess Cadance looks mighty serious.
Okay, now we've got a real problem.
Princess Cadance is looking at us. yay!
"Come on, you can still save him!"
Are you lying to me Twilight?
Taking her Shining Armor into her arms.
Cadance seeing some bubbles.
Princess Cadance overjoyed to see Shining Armor back to normal.
Princess Cadance isn't intimidated by Queen Chrysalis.
Princess Cadance still not amused by Chrysalis's antic.
Cadance worried as Shining Armor struggles recreate the spell.
Shining Armor is thinking-"Now is not a good time for hugs."
Princess Cadance holding on to Shining Armor.
The logo for the next Final Fantasy.
There is nothing greater than her love for him.
Yum! (Now that's the real "delicious")
Make space for the princess!
Everpony is looking how beautiful the bride is.
Everypony looking at the happy couple.
Cadance and Shining waving to the crowd.
Kissu-kissu for her new hubby-wubby.
A lovley image of Cadance and Shining Armor saving the day.
Celestia and Luna disscuss the Crystal empire.
Sitting on her throne, while feeling tired and weak.
Princess Cadance's spirits are lifted at seeing Twilight Sparkle.
Doing their hoof-shake, makes Cadance's day.
The heavy burden she bears.
Feeling weak by the minute.
Princess Cadance fell asleep.
She's your sister, tell me what she means.
Poor Cadance, is so very tired.
I think I'm going to fall over, Shining Armor catch me.
Dramatic Breathing stuff.
What is she doing? Having a foal?
Princess Cadance, getting weak by every passing second.
Shining helps Cadance up.
It's time for us to pick a house. Ooh! More House Hunters!
Woah! Look at those eyes!
I herby proclaim chocolate is extinct!
I hope she finds us a better house.
Eww that toilet is disgusting
I herby bow to King Sombra!
Must..Stay...Awake..For New Years!
A shot of Cadance Lauren forgot to add her magic to.
A spark of hope in her eyes.
Princess Cadance with her wings spread out.
"The crystal heart has returned."
Spike on Princess Cadance's back.
Hey Cadance, after this, can we get a burger?
A princess is only happy when she notices the closest ponies to her heart.
"... Clap your hooves together and do a little shake!"
The Best Princess with the Best Pony. Epic!
Pointing out the mud bath to Rarity.
Cadance teaching Twilight
Hearing some not so good news.
Princess Cadance stepping out.
Cadance - The Empress of the Crystal Ponies.
"What was wrong with your welcome?"
Princess Cadance fully understands the misunderstanding.
Princess Cadance hears Ms. Peachbottom.
Very pleased with Twilight and her friends.
Now anticipating the happy ending.
"The Equestria Games are awarded to... The Crystal Empire!"