- Main category: Cheese Sandwich images
Season four[]
Pinkie Pride[]
Where he had come from, nopony knew... though I once heard tell that he was banned from Manehattan after his dancing for 25 and a half hours straight wrecked most of the city.
Of course, if one met him when he was in his "serious state", nopony would think he was a party-goer...and yet, he was.
His sense was pointing him in the direction of Ponyville.
His cutie mark was in the shape of a cheese sandwich torn clean in two.
He was as random as a certain pink pony we know.
His riding companion was a rubber chicken named Boneless.
He was a one-pony party machine (not unlike a certain somepony we know).
Everypony and their fillies were watching with bated breath as Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie strolled into town, wearing the most ridiculous get-ups, for their 3:10 pm goof-off.
Cheese Sandwich hadn't expected Pinkie Pie wielded the finest piece of party-related artillery.
Of course, Pinkie was unaware that Cheese Sandwich possessed the finest in party-related assault vehicles.
His heart in a singing kind of mood, Cheese Sandwich decided it was time to share some information about his true past.
The truth was that Cheese Sandwich had not been born a party pony- cruelest fate had him born a super-shy nerd.
Embarrassed by his lack of a social life, Cheese Sandwich ran away from his home town, searching for a better life.
So sad was he that he failed to pay close attention to his surroundings... including that random party hat in the middle of the path!
Dazed and confused, Cheese Sandwich woke in the strangest of places.
Thankfully, the aboriginal ponies bore him no ill will, offering him companionship and a cheese sandwich.
Also, the locals decided to truly welcome him with their "tossing our new friend into the air and hoping he sticks the landing" dance.