Pinkie invites Twilight to Gummy's birthday party with an energetic song.
You're still a clown, Pinkie, even without the red nose.
Pinkie Pie looks so cute in a tux. Gummy's a sharp-lookin' chap too!
Still lively enough to invite Applejack!
Pinkie really goes to great lengths to accommodate her friends.
Being a cake is exhausting. Especially if you have legs, tail and a head
"Next time, I think I’ll just pass out written invitations."
The party, which is held in the attic of Sugarcube Corner, begins.
"Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you can make it to Gummy’s party!"
"Don’t worry, there are plenty of other surprises in [the apple bobbing tub]."
When Rainbow Dash asks her what's in the tub, Pinkie says, "I can't tell you that, silly. Then it wouldn't be a surprise."
"This punch is simply divine."
Rarity spots Gummy lounging in the punch bowl. Pinkie doesn't even bat an eye.
Rarity forcibly drinks the punch.
Pinkie knocks over Twilight in her enthusiasm.
Pinkie obliviously dancing.
"Gummy wants to dance! Go, Gummy! It’s your birthday! Go, Gummy! It’s your birthday!" Gummy twitches his tail to the beat, placid as ever.
"Hooie! Ah am beat! I haven’t danced that much since… Well, since your last party. Thanks again for the invite!"
Pinkie tries to get her friends to stay a little longer: "There's still some cake left."
Twilight politely declines and praises the party, saying, "We should do this again soon."
"We should do this again soon!"
The next morning, Pinkie shows up at Twilight's house and says, "It's soon!"
"All our bestest friends are invited, and there’s gonna be dancing, and games, and cake, and ice-cream, and punch!"
Twilight reads the invitation, which says that the afterparty is that same day at 3:00 PM.
Pinkie accepts Twilight's claim. "I understand. Your studies come first. But don’t worry, we’ll be sure to save you some cake."
Twilight: "This afternoon? As in, this afternoon this afternoon?" Pinkie: "Yes indeedy."
Twilight uses magic to hastily make a pile of books.
"Oh, gosh. I wish I could make it, but I’ve gotten a bit behind in my studies. I’ve really gotta hit the books."
Good thing she's not mad (at this point, that is).
"You shouldn’t hit the books. You should really just read them."
Pinkie shows up at Sweet Apple Acres.
"Who’s ready to shake their hoof-thang?!"
Applejack takes an invitation card from the basket on her head.
"It’s an invitation to “Gummy’s After-Birthday” party this afternoon!"
Applejack: "This afternoon? As in, this afternoon this afternoon?" Pinkie: "That’s funny. That’s just what Twilight said, ..."
And the answer is, "Yes! It’s this afternoon!"
Pinkie scrutinizes Applejack when she stutters something about having to pick apples.
"Ooh! Love the new hat. Very modern. What’s the occasion?"
"Gummy’s after-birthday party is this afternoon. I’m delivering the invitations."
"It’s so strange. Everypony keeps saying that."
Rarity: "I’m going to have to decline. I have to… wash my hair!"
Sad at her Rarity's refusal.
"Don't be silly. Your hair doesn't look dirty."
Rarity is desperate enough to plunge her head into a trash can full of garbage.
Pinkie's optimism: "Oh well, a party is still a party even with only two guests."
"Oh, man! We’d love to, but… we’re… house-sitting this afternoon."
"We'd really better get going."
"Maybe I could bring you some after-birthday cake and ice-cream. Who’re you house-sitting for?"
Rainbow Dash makes up and name and Pinkie says, "That’s strange. I know just about everypony around here."
"There's a bear around here?"
They make up more details about Harry the Bear before flying off.
"Something strange is definitely going on around here, Gummy."
"But what are the chances all my other friends would have plans this afternoon too?"
"The more I think about it, the more those are starting to sound like..."
Pinkie spies on Twilight, who is entering Sugarcube Corner downstairs.
"That doesn’t look like studying... or hitting!"
Pinkie overhearing the conversation between Twilight and Mrs. Cake.
"Time to get to the bottom of things!"
"I think our cover’s been blown! We’ll need a new disguise."
Pinkie watches Twilight surreptitiously transfer the Sugarcube Corner box to Rarity.
Pinkie follows Rarity, who meets Fluttershy in a dark alley.
Rarity and Fluttershy whisper about evading Pinkie.
She hops away but crashes into a wall and topples into the street.
Naturally, Fluttershy is terrified.
"I thought everypony loved my parties..."
Don't you get away from me, Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow Dash takes refuge in the school's bell, but guess who else is there?
"What's the real reason you didn't want to come to Gummy's party?!"
Dash speeds up a mountain cliff and Pinkie is already there, of course.
She furiously chases Dash into Sweet Apple Acres.
Pinkie's way of knocking the door (WARNING: Don't try this at home).
"Mind if I take a look inside the barn?"
"Uh, well, she was just bringin’ in some... supplies! Yup, supplies for the... renovation! Fixin’ up the whole thing, top to bottom... uh, lots of construction goin’ on in there right now."
Applejack slams the door on Pinkie's neck.
Pie: The Ultimate Glarista!
"They’re up to something, Gummy! Something they don’t want me to know about!"
"Well, I’m gonna know about it! I’m gonna know about it big time!"
"Tell me about it big time!"
Pinkie tries to get Spike to talk.
It's time to interrogate.
"All you have to do is talk."
This isn't what she wanted him to say.
"Talk about our friends."
"You're not understanding me! I want you to confess!"
" I’m the one who spilled juice all over Twilight’s copy of Magical Mysteries and Practical Potions!"
"And sometimes... when no one’s around... I do this."
"Looking good, Spike. Looking real good."
"Tell me that my friends are all lying to me and avoiding me because they don’t like my parties, and they don't want to be my friends anymore!"
Spike repeats it verbatim.
Pinkie's mane suddenly inflates and then deflates, accompanied by the sound of rushing wind and a balloon popping.
This is the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life.
"Oh no, my friends don’t like my parties and they don’t want to be my friends anymore."
"Thank you all so much for coming!"
Pinkie looks at the guests that she has constructed for Gummy's afterparty.
She fakes the voice of Mr. Turnip: "Could I have some more punch?"
"Well, of course you can have some more punch, Mr. Turnip. "
Mr. Turnip gets his punch.
A twanging noise plays when Pinkie's face suddenly and briefly contorts.
Rocky: "This is one great party! You really outdone yourself!"
(in a refined voice) "I'm having a delightful time as well."
"I'm so glad, Sir Lints-a-Lot."
Bag of flour: "Might I tro’ble you for another slice of cake?"
"Anything for you, Madame Le Flour."
Rocky says that he's glad none of the ponies showed up, and Pinkie says, "They're not so bad..."
From this moment on, the guests start talking of their own accord in her imagination.
Rocky calls Pinkie's pony friends losers, and she says, "Oh, c’mon now. “Losers” might be a little strong, don’cha think?"
She concedes. "Well, it was pretty rude."
Madame Le Four says, "Pretty rude? It was down right deeespicable!" *slaps table with hand/corner of sack*
"You know what? I’m not gonna speak to them ever again. And I’m not gonna invite them to another party as long as I live!"
A magical pink pony with Schizophrenia. Your argument is invalid.
The camera cuts to exterior of Pinkie's illusion and shows her grabbing the guests while voicing them.
Umm...Pinkie? You feeling alright?
Rainbow Dash enters the house and apologizes for rushing by Pinkie earlier. "Had some place to be and couldn’t slow down and say, 'Hello.' You know how it goes."
She says through gritted teeth: "I know how it goes, all right!"
"I'm spending time with my real friends."
"Oui! Zat iz correct, madame!"
"I'm having a wonderful time right here."
Pinkie pushes Rocky forward while telling Rainbow Dash to back off (in his voice).
Rainbow Dash: "Alright, party's over."
"You... have to... come... with... me!"
Rainbow Dash gets a faceful of Pinkie Pie.
Gummy calmly sitting on Pinkie as usual.
The barn door creaks open.
Her eyes narrow and she glares even harder. (Look at Gummy.)
She becomes indignant when Fluttershy whispers that she thought Pinkie would be more "excited".
Agitated, she calls it a farewell party, because they don't like her anymore and are going to kick her out of the group.
The definition of despondency.
Applejack: "Why in the world would you think we didn’t like you anymore, sugarcube?"
Applejack isn't convincing Pinkie Pie at all.
Pinkie screams "Why?!" into Rarity's face.
Fluttershy gets the same treatment: "Why?!"
"Because you've been lying to me and avoiding me all day! That's why!"
Dash: "Uh, yeah! Because we wanted your party to be a surprise."
"We’ve been planning this party for such a long time."
"We had to make excuses for why we couldn’t attend Gummy’s party, so that we could get everything ready for yours."
"If this is a farewell party, why does the cake I picked up from Sugarcube Corner say, 'Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie?'"
The rare and endangered Frilled Lizard Pinkie Pie.
"And you like me so much you decided to throw me a surprise party!"
"You girls are the best friends ever!"
"How could I have ever doubted you?"
Twilight reconciles with Pinkie.
Twilight and Pinkie forms a conga line...
...and the others join in on the fun.
"You girls wouldn’t mind if we celebrated Gummy’s after-birthday party too, would you? His party was cut short, and he’s pretty upset about it."