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So, this is the first episode in which the unidentified white squeeze bottle appears. In other episodes, other possible explanations as to it's contents are made unlikely. It could conceivably be something other than glue, but it remains unexplained. The problem with glue is it's manufacturing process. It appears that in our universe, glue is made from horse bones. Perhaps it does not work that way in Equestria for ethical reasons. Perhaps there, non-sentient humans incapable of speech run around wild, and are harvested for glue production. - AzureZenith (talk) 16:09, March 31, 2013 (UTC)

Some glue in our universe is made from horse bones; there are a number of [ways] of making an adhesive that could definitely be applicable in Equestria. --Kilmarnock228 (talk) 07:56, November 27, 2017 (UTC)