Princess "
Cadance" (or so we think)
Princess Cadance doesn't look very pleased.
Can't resist those "evil" big eyes.
"Call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."
"Do I really have to do this?"
Even the fake Cadance can pull off a perfect Squee!
I (hate) (hate) (hate) them!
Applejack looks pleased, but Cadance looks disturbed.
Reluclantly taking the fritters.
They seem to be very bad.
Fake Cadance and her bridesmaids
Rarity, you're blocking my view.
Rarity also looks pleased, but Cadance does not seem amused.
"(thinking) Ugh! What a kiss-up!"
Rarity is proud of her latest creation.
"Make them a different color."
These need to be in a new color.
Don't you dare disagree with me.
The Glare seems to be working.
I am not the slightest amused.
My, aren't you trying hard to please me.
"If we were celebrating a six year old's birthday party..."
Being honest with Pinkie Pie? How dare she!
Cadance as she interrupts the conversation between siblings.
"Could I speak to you for a moment?"
She seems satisfied that Twilight left.
Here I am, your dearest bride.
Princess Cadance's face seems rather cute.
"Maybe we should just ignore her."
She's behind me isn't she.
Cadance crushing Twilight.
Wait, she just grew back.
So long, my sweet, for good!
Poor Twilight... she must be steaming!
Evil Chrysalis walk away from imprisoned Twilight
She must be wearing eyeliner.
Everywhere! She's everywhere!
"Now you're in prison, forever."
Run all you like, my sweet.
"This day is going to be perfect."
"Soon I'll have that little pony, and Equestria will be mine!"
Real Princess Cadance no. Cute...yes.
Notice the rose in her hair magically switched from red to pink.
Bow before me, my puppets!
"I could care less about the dress!"
"I won't partake in any cake."
...well I'll be lying when I say."
"That through any kind of weather."
"I'll want us to be together."
What did the hat do to her??
Look at the mirror. Then look at her face. Is that possible, what she's doing with her eyes? And am I the only one that's concerned with that?
Nopony notices the evil part of the song being sung by the impostor Cadance.
Ooh, what evil eyes you have.
Split screen with the fake Cadance and the real one.
Split screen of the real Princess Cadance and the fake.
Can't you see, I'm annoyed?
"Why does she have to ruin my special day!?"
Fake Cadance hears the real Cadance.
"How did you escape my bridesmaids!?"
Chrysalis about to reveal her true form
Revealing her true form to the crowds.
The shape shifting master of here!
Yeah this is how I look, Deal with it.
The camera really loves you Chrysalis!
I'm a Queen, so that makes me the cuter one!
Chrysalis with the real Cadance.
"Isn't that right, "dear"?"
Looks like Queen Chrysalis forgot to take Princess Celestia into account.
You're so serious, you know that.
Let's get ready to rumble!
Chrysalis and Celestia clashing
Queen Chrysalis never expected to beat Princess Celestia.
Chrysalis is more powerful than Celestia!
What she doesn't know is that Celestia was holding back to avoid turning into
I've never felt so alive!
"You won't get away with this!"
Perfect your cue to be quiet.
"You do realize the reception's been cancelled, don't you?"
Well, If it isn't the Shining Armor's whelping sister, Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight was right all along
Quiet everypony, I'm about to start my reprise
Chrysalis in flight with two changelings
Who said supervillains can't be adorable too?
"What good will that do!"
"My changelings already roam free!"
Queen Chrysalis don't care what Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are doing.
"What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment."
Enjoying the mayhem... got Ponystate?
Looks like Team Chrysalis is blasting off again!