- Released on June 4, 2014.[1]
- New area, Sweet Apple Acres, with a number of new ponies
- Apple Bottoms
- Apple Bumpkin
- Apple Cinnamon
- Apple Cobbler
- Apple Dumpling
- Apple Pie
- Babs Seed
- Golden Delicious
- Golden Harvest
- Granny Smith
- Half Baked Apple
- Peachy Sweet
- Several ponies and shops related to the Apple Family are moved from Ponyville and Canterlot to Sweet Apple Acres
- New quests available for this area.
- In addition to the ponies added in Sweet Apple Acres, several ponies are added in Ponyville and Canterlot
- Ponyville
- Canterlot
- The Mine Cart minigame can now be accessed from an icon on the bottom left like the Equestria Girls dance
- New type of rewards: Events
- Events are timed objectives (ranging from one day to one week) which offer up to three rewards depending on how far you can fill the meter within the time limit. The final reward can be some of the new ponies or decorations, lesser rewards can be bits, shards, hearts or wheels.
- Level Cap increased to 80
- New travel interface allowing you to choose which area to travel to, with icons showing if an area has active quests (number in the icon) or shops to collect from (icon showing a coin).
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