School of Friendship LTS | |
![]() | |
Event Information | |
Type | Story |
Rewards | |
Running Time(s) | |
July 13, 2018 - July 23, 2018 June 14, 2019 - June 24, 2019 Aprl 16, 2021 - April 26, 2021 | |
School of Friendship is a 10-day limited time story that was first held from July 13, 2018 to July 23, 2018; it was held for a second time from June 14, 2019 to June 24, 2019; and held for the third time from April 16, 2021 to April 26, 2021. It is based off of the Season 8 premiere.

Princess Celestia: A School of Friendship, hmm? I think that's a wonderful idea, Twilight! I'll help in any way I can.
Twilight Sparkle: Thank you, Princess Celestia! We haven't quite finished the main campus building yet, even though we've already started teaching a few pilot classes...
Twilight Sparkle: But there's a big difference between attending a school and running one! It's not like there's a rule book to follow.
Princess Celestia: Actually, there is! The Equestria Education Association is a board of learned ponies that oversee every school in Equestria... and their guidebook is very specific.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh no... I've never heard of that. Should I have heard of that?!
Princess Celestia: Of course not. You've never run a school before... but you'll need the EEA's approval sooner rather than later, if you want to move forward.
Quest #1: Curriculum Vitae[]
Quest #1: Curriculum Vitae | |||
"Okay! The School of Friendship may be opening... uh... REALLY soon, but I can do this! I've just got to get my materials ready to present my plan to the EEA!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Twilight to plan for the EEA meeting
1 Time
50 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle | |||
Ending text | |||
"I went ahead and snuck a peek in the EEA's tribunal hall, and... they all look really scary? This might be harder than Twilight thinks it is..." |
Chancellor Neighsay: Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am Chancellor Neighsay. Equestria owes you a great debt... but princess or no, we expect you to do things by the book.
Chancellor Neighsay: Can we trust you to follow through with this so-called "School of Friendship" plan? Or will you leave the campus unattended to gallop off on your... "adventures"?
Twilight Sparkle: Chancellor... My journey beyond Equestria showed me firsthoof that the threats out there are greater than we imagined!
Twilight Sparkle: If we want to keep our land safe and create a friendlier tomorrow, we need to teach the Magic of Friendship far and wide!
Milestone #1: By the Book[]
Milestone #1: By the Book | |||||||||
"I believe my curriculum meets that goal -- as well as meeting the EEA's requirements! I have some copies of my lesson plan here, if you'd like to take a look..." | Bring: 15 lesson plans (100%) (75% replacement) | Rewards | |||||||
Truffle + Bookstore | Twilight Sparkle | Prim EEA Official (X2, 500 ![]() |
Chancellor Neighsay (50 ![]() | ||||||
Quest giver: Twilight Sparkle | 3 hours | 3h 30min | 2 hours (Skip: 1 ![]() | ||||||
Ending text | |||||||||
"I'm having trouble imagining Chancellor Neighsay smiling. About ANYTHING. Is that weird?" |
Chancellor Neighsay: A school for ponies to learn how to protect themselves... The EEA concurs. Everypony should be prepared to defend our way of life.
Chancellor Neighsay: So -- if your work is in order -- provisional EEA approval is granted. We will need to observe your school up and running before it can be fully accredited, however.
Twilight Sparkle: Then, please -- join us for Friends and Family Day. It'll be the perfect time to see our progress!
Quest #2: Academic Calendar[]
Quest #2: Academic Calendar | |||
"We did it! Now that the EEA has signed on, we can open up the school to a whole new bunch of applicants! I just have to wait for the new semester to start..." | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Wait for new School of Friendship students to arrive!
1 day and 10 hours (From Start of Event)
100 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle | |||
Ending text | |||
"The new students are Here! I'm a little bummed that nodragon else new, besides smolder, enrolled... but I can handle it!" |
- Wait Time goes down for everyone (the wait you see here is if you skip all the quests up to this point).
Twilight Sparkle: These new students come from all over the world! Princess Celestia helped me reach out to all the kingdoms -- friendship is something that needs to be shared with everycreature!
Sandbar: Whoa... A griffin, right? I'm Sandbar. Are you a student here, too?
Gallus: No. I just figured I'd RANDOMLY stand here and see how many ponies would walk into me.
Silverstream: Ohmygosh, this place is AMAZING! I've spent most of my life in a coral reef underwater -- I was a seapony, but now I'm a Hippogriff! Long story. Anyway, wow! Is that a yak?!
Yona: YES!!! Yak can't wait to meet ponies and tell all about Yakyakistan!
Smolder: *sigh* ... Helping Spike with his molt was one thing, but this...? Dragons are better than this. If Ember wasn't ordering me to be here, I'd...
Twilight Sparkle: (AHEM...) Welcome to the School of Friendship! I'm your head mare, Twilight Sparkle... and class is now in session!
Quest #3: Meet the Faculty...[]
Quest #3: Meet the Faculty... | |||
"My five dearest friends will be teaching you everything they know about friendship... and adhering to a VERY stringent set of academic best practices! Remember: If it's not by the book, it's not right!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Rarity to buy some extremely boring textbooks at the Bookstore Send Pinkie Pie to complain to Twilight about the curriculum. |
1 Time 1 Time |
150 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle | |||
Ending text | |||
"Uh... Is it just me, or are all these classes really, REALLY boring? Pinkie Pie just had to give an hour-long lecture on balloon chemistry!" |
Pinkie Pie: Rrrrrrrgh... No party cannons in class... No baking... NO FUN... I'M PUTTING MYSELF TO SLEEP, HERE!!!
Applejack: I'll say... I don't care what the book says -- you can't teach honesty in a classroom! You gotta go out and learn it by DOIN' it!
Rainbow Dash: All my students think I'm an egghead, Twilight. AN EGGHEAD! My poor, awesome heart can't take it!
Twilight Sparkle: I get it, everypony... Things are getting off to a rougher start than expected. But that's okay! Every school in Equestria follows these rules. As long as we do too, we'll be fine.
Quest #4: There WILL Be a Test[]
Quest #4: There WILL Be a Test | |||
"RRemember: Chancellor Neighsay and the EEA are already preparing for their visit. They need to see a school that follows their guidelines... so we have to try extra hard to make those guidelines work!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Level up Chancellor Neighsay to 3 stars
3 Stars
200 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle | |||
Ending text | |||
"I'm not sure Twilight's plan is working out, either... But Chancellor Neighsay REALLY scares me. So I don't know WHAT to think!" |
Fluttershy: I don't think that the EEA's guidelines are working... but I suppose I'll have to try to meet them for Twilight's sake...
Fluttershy: ... Oh my! What are all of you students doing in the halls? Aren't classes that way?
Silverstream: (Oh no... Professor Fluttershy! We're busted!)
Quest #5: She's Rarity![]
Quest #5: She's Rarity! | |||
"(AHEM...) Oh! It's only... um... a generosity field trip... DAAAaaaAAArling! I'm taking the students to the lake to look at our DIVINE reflections! Just like this! Do you see...?" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send "Rarity" to demonstrate how much she really is Rarity
1 Time
100 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Rarity | |||
Ending text | |||
"Does something about Rarity seem... off, to you? Maybe it's just me..." |
Fluttershy: ... Oh. That sounds nice! Have fun!
Ocellus: (Phew!)
Fluttershy: Hm? Did you say something?
"Rarity": AHAHAHA! No I didn't... uh... daaaaaarling! I'M RARITY!
Fluttershy: Oh. Okay!
Milestone #2: Deck the (Study) Halls[]
Milestone #2: Deck the (Study) Halls | |||||||||
"I hope Rarity's field trip isn't very long... Friends and Family Day will be starting before we know it. Twilight says we have to make the campus look as pretty as we can for our guests... and I agree!" | Bring: 25 campus decorations (75%) | Rewards | |||||||
Send Pinkie Pie to pick out her very best balloons | Send Fluttershy to search her house for friendly knitted wall hangings | Trim EEA Official X2, 550 ![]() |
Yona (50 ![]() | ||||||
Quest giver: Fluttershy | 2h 30min (Skip: 5 ![]() |
3 hours (Skip: 5 ![]() |
1h 30min | ||||||
Ending text | |||||||||
"It's here! Friends and Family Day is finally here! ... Should I be doing something friendlier than I am now?" |
Twilight Sparkle: As I was saying, Chancellor... We want to instill a sense of loyalty towards others, to encourage acts of generosity, and-- IS THAT AN INSECT MONSTER CHASING A FLYING YAK?!
Chancellor Neighsay: AAAHHH! The school is under attack!
Ocellus: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! The insect monster was me and Yona was the yak and... I'm sorry we all made such a mess! It was an accident!
Silverstream: Maybe skipping class wasn't the best idea...
Chancellor Neighsay: Skipping class...! THOSE are students?! But you said you were opening this school to defend ponies from dangerous creatures!
Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia helped me reach out to ALL the kingdoms! Friendship isn't just for ponies! You--
Chancellor Neighsay: ENOUGH! Your school is a disaster! Perhaps if you had higher standards for who was admitted, this could have been avoided, but as it stands... I am shutting this school DOWN!
Quest #6: School's Out...?[]
Quest #6: School's Out...? | |||
"No...! You have to-- Everycreature, come back! Don't leave! I... I can fix this! I can... They're all leaving... What am I going to do...?!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Wait for somepony to come up with a plan...?
3 Days (From Start of Event) Replacement: 4 days and 14 hours
150 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle | |||
Ending text | |||
"Uh... Twilight's locked herself in her bedroom and won't stop listening to sad music... and I think she built a cave out of pillows? Help!" |
- Wait Time goes down for everyone (the wait you see here is if you skip all the quests up to this point).
Apple Bloom: I call this emergency meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders to order! And the first item on the agenda is...
Scootaloo: WE'RE GLOWING!!!
Apple Bloom: HAha ~~ yeah! I remember Princess Twilight saying that means we're bein' summoned by the Cutie Map to go fix a friendship problem...
Sweetie Belle: Where is Princess Twilight, anyway? I haven't seen her since her School of Friendship got shut down... Which I REALLY wanted to go to, by the way.
Apple Bloom: All of us did Sweetie Belle... But maybe this friendship problem we've gotta fix has something to do with fixin' the school, too! And there's only one way to find out....
Scootaloo: Yeah ~~ by looking at the map and doing this friendship mission ourselves! I hope Princess Twilight sees how responsible we're being once she comes back...
Quest #7: Campus Crusaders![]
Quest #7: Campus Crusaders! | |||
"That makes three of us! Let's see... Looks like the map's tellin' us to go to the School of Friendship's dorm building first ~~ so this DOES have to do with the school! Wonder what we'll find there..." | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Apple Bloom to investigate the School of Friendship Dorms
175 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Apple Bloom | |||
Ending text | |||
"At least the Crusaders are trying to fix this... Twilight still won't come out of her room. I think her pillow fort's has gotten even bigger..." |
Apple Bloom: Eureka! Look at this trail of food leadin' out from one of the dorm rooms! That's a clue, isn't it?
Sweetie Belle: I think so! The nameplate on the door says "Sandbar"... I think that's one of the pony students! But where could he be taking food to? The school isn't even open!
Scootaloo: Guys.... Look at this letter I found! It's from somepony named "Terramar" to his sister "Silverstream" ... he's coming to Ponyville to talk to her about something. Something important!
Sweetie Belle: Not "somepony," Scootaloo -- "somegriff." Silverstream is one of the missing international students from the School of Friendship -- the Hippogriff one!
Apple Bloom: Well, I'll be... Maybe that's the problem we're supposed to solve: findin' those students so the school can open again! Maybe Sandbar knows where they are... or Terramar. Or both!
Quest #8: Cuties on the Case[]
Quest #8: Cuties on the Case | |||
"Let's Split up, then! Scootaloo and I can look around for Terramar. If he's already here in Ponyville, he might know where Silverstream is..." | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Sweetie Belle to search for Terramar |
1 Time 1 Time |
200 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Sweetie Belle | |||
Ending text | |||
"Twilight...? Ohh, Twiiiilight! If you unlock the door, I promise I'll... Uh... re-Alphabetize your personal library! ... At some point!" |
Quest #9: Bloom on the Move[]
Quest #9: Bloom on the Move | |||
"... And I'll follow the trail that Sandbar left behind! I hear he was friends with those missin' students -- so he might have a lead for us, too. Hm... looks like this trail leads through the Crystal Mines..." | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Score points in the Minecart mini-game!
25,000 Points
300 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Apple Bloom | |||
Ending text | |||
"Twiliiiight! I got two pints of triple-chocolate-mint-chunk ice cream with your name on it! ... Open your door, please?" |
Sweetie Belle: Excuse me... Are you Terramar? I'm Sweetie Belle, and this is Scootaloo, and we're looking for your sister Silverstream. Do you know where she is?
Terramar: I wish I did! I came here so I could get some advice from her, beak to beak. I've had a lot on my mind lately, but... well, it's kind of a Hippogriff problem.
Scootaloo: Well, we may not be Hippogriffs -- but we ARE good at solving problems! Why don't you tell us what it is? Maybe we can help!
Terramar: Okay... See, after the Storm King was defeated, the seaponies didn't have to hide anymore. Some of them changed back to Hippogriffs... but some of them stayed underwater in Seaquestria.
Terramar: Silverstream and my dad live up on Mount Aris, but my mom lives in Seaquestria... and I don't know where I belong! Every other griff my age has already made up their mind...
Sweetie Belle: Where's the best place for you to live, huh...? That's easy! Obviously, its gotta be Mount Aris!
Scootaloo: Yeah! Like she said -- it's gotta be Seaquestria! ... Wait, what?
Quest #10: The Air Up There[]
Quest #10: The Air Up There | |||
"You can't seriously think that Terramar belongs underwater, do you, Scootaloo? You can't even SING underwater! And I hear there's this place on Mount Aris where even the AIR is musical!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Sweetie Belle to sing like a Hippogriff
1 Time
225 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Sweetie Belle | |||
Ending text | |||
"Maybe I should call a Locksmith...? No -- I wouldn't want to violate Twilight's Privacy! Or break her door..." |
Quest #11: The Sea's for Me[]
Quest #11: The Sea's for Me | |||
"Come ON, Sweetie Belle! Terramar OBVIOUSLY belongs in Seaquestria! Where else can you get around by swimming everywhere? I bet it must be almost like Flying!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Scootaloo to move like a seapony
1 Time
250 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Scootaloo | |||
Ending text | |||
"Come to think of it, I'm not even sure Ponyville HAS a locksmith. Big Mac could do it, but... Graah, I'm getting off topic!" |
Sweetie Belle: Mount Aris is beautiful, and green, AND Musical!
Scootaloo: Yeah, well, Seaquestria is exciting, and cool, and did I mention how much swimming is like flying?!
Sweetie Belle: Mount Aris!
Scootaloo: Seaquestria!!!
Sweetie Belle: MOUNT ARIS!!!
Scootaloo: SEAQUESTRIA!!!!
Milestone #3: Crusader vs. Crusader![]
Milestone #3: Crusader vs. Crusader! | |||||||||
"Um... Guys? Guys! I appreciate how... uh... passionate you are about this, but it's not exactly... I still don't know what to do!" | Bring: 30 debating points (75%) | Rewards | |||||||
Send Scootaloo to grill Pipsqueak for public speaking tips | Send Sweetie Belle to gather Hippogriff lore in the Bookstore | Terramar (X2, 600 ![]() |
Silverstream (50 ![]() | ||||||
Quest giver: Terramar | 2 hours (Skip: 6 ![]() |
2h 30min (Skip: 7 ![]() |
1h 30m | ||||||
Ending text | |||||||||
"Uh... how are YOU doing, by the way? I haven't exactly been paying attention to... um... whatever that is. Something with Hippogriffs, I guess?" |
Terramar: UGH! If you both can't even agree amongst yourselves, how am I supposed to make up MY mind?! I might as well not choose at all!
Sweetie Belle: Whoa.. Actually... that's a pretty good point! I... uh... sorry for getting swept up in the moment back there, but... Who says you have to choose at all?
Scootaloo: Yeah... Yeah! You said both places have family and friends that love you, so... why not just split your time? (And... uh... I'm sorry, too!)
Terramar: I... actually hadn't thought of that before. That's a great idea! Apology accepted, you guys~~ maybe I don't even need to talk to Silverstream about this after all!
Terramar: Especially since she wrote to me that she was having some kind of "top-secret hideout sleepover" with her school friends... I didn't really want to get in the way of that anyway.
Scootaloo: With her school friends...? Oh my gosh... what if those are the other missing students! If they're all together in one place, maybe we can find them and convince them to come back!
Sweetie Belle: That would be great... IF we knew where they were. But... Oh, hey! Apple Bloom! You're back!
Quest #12: Putting It All Together[]
Quest #12: Putting It All Together | |||
"That's right -- and I found where Sandbar's trail of food leads to! Combined with what you guys figured out, we should be able to save those students once and for all. Listen close: I've got a plan..." | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Wait for the Crusaders to finalize their plan.
8 Days (From Start of Event, leaving 2 days to the end.) Replacement: 7 days and 23 hours
200 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Apple Bloom | |||
Ending text | |||
"You've been with the Crusaders this whole time ~~ helping them fix all this, too? Great idea! I've mostly been hanging out by this door..." |
- Wait Time goes down for everyone (the wait you see here is if you skip all the quests up to this point).
Sandbar : Smolder! Ocellus! Silverstream; Yona; Gallus! Sorry I'm late ~~ I had to take a detour through the Crystal Mines. But I brought cupcakes!
Smolder : Good call, Sandbar. Y'know, it'd be nice if we didn't have to camp out here in secret to do it, but I guess hanging out with other creatures is actually... not bad.
Sandbar : Yeah! Uh... other creatures besides those multi-colored hedgehog things in the corner there. What ARE those?
Ocellus : Am I the only one who didn't sleep through Professor Fluttershy's "Critters of Comfort and Conflict" class? They're puckwudgies!
Gallus : Huh. Who knew? School was actually good for somethi~~ GAH! They're shooting their quills at us! Was there a class on how to make them NOT do that?!
Quest #13: Go, Go, 'Griff![]
Quest #13: Go, Go, 'Griff! | |||
"Maybe. I don't know! But maybe we could try... FLYING AT them SUPER FAST?! 'Cause I have wings now! It's just an idea. Let me try it! Let me, let me, let me!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Level up Silverstream to 3 stars.
3 Stars
250 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Silverstream | |||
Ending text | |||
"The students were hiding out at the Castle of the Two Sisters this whole time? Wow. I've really gotta pay more attention." |
Quest #14: Yak Attack[]
Quest #14: Yak Attack | |||
"Hippogriff plan good... but yak plan better! Yona not scared ~~ because Yona have friends! YONA SMASH!!!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Yona to SMASH!!!
1 Time
300 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Yona | |||
Ending text | |||
"Oh no ~~ Yona almost got turned into a yak-shaped pin-cushion by those puckwudgie quills! I don't think this is working!" |
Quest #15: Changeling It Up![]
Quest #15: Changeling It Up! | |||
"It's not working... The puckwudgies are getting closer! M-maybe I can calm them down... I'll shapeshift into one and try doing a friendship dance! That might work... I hope!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Score points in the Equestria Girls mini-game!
30,000 Points
350 friendship cup | |
Quest Giver: Ocellus | |||
Ending text | |||
"The way those puckwudgies are growling, I'm not sure that was a friendship dance... I don't even know if they HAVE a friendship dance! HELP!" |
Sandbar: Guys... This isn't working! They're getting really close...
Twilight Sparkle: ... Not if I have anything to do with it! Sit tight, everycreature ~~ my friends and I will save you!
Silverstream: WHOAAA! Did you see that?! Twilight Sparkle was, like, "vroooom, " and then her friends were all, like, "whirrrr," and then the puckwudgies went flying!
Smolder: Yeah... we all just lived it. But you're right ~~ that was pretty amazing even by dragon standards. Weren't you SUPER depressed, like, just a bit ago, Professor Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: I was... but then the Cutie Mark Crusaders told me where you were ~~ and called my friends to cheer me up and help bring you back to school! If you'd like to re-enroll, that is...
Chancellor Neighsay: Not if I have anything to say about it! I knew I was right to keep observing you... The school was a mistake from the start ~~ and these "students" put ponies' lives in danger!
Milestone #4: Parent-Teacher Confidence[]
Milestone #4: Parent-Teacher Confidence | |||||||||
"Chancellor! Actually, I'm glad you're here... so I can show you all the letters we've gotten from students AND parents, saying that they miss the School of Friendship ~~ and that they want it to reopen!" | Bring: 35 student testimonials (50%) (75% replacement) | Rewards | |||||||
Silverstream | Yona | General Seaspray X2, 650 ![]() |
School of Friendship (50 ![]() | ||||||
Quest giver: Twilight Sparkle | 1h 30min (Skip: 7 ![]() |
2 hours (Skip: 7 ![]() |
30 minutes (Skip: 1 ![]() | ||||||
Ending text | |||||||||
"Wow... Twilight looks SO much better now! I really should've thought about calling her friends first -- that almost always works." |
Twilight Sparkle:: Chancellor Neighsay... these testimonials reminded me that every friendship is special -- so the way we teach it has to be just as unique. My school is going to do things differently!
Chancellor Neighsay: Allowing all of these creatures to attend your school? Changing the rules for them?! This will destroy Equestria, not protect it! The EEA will NOT accredit this school!
Twilight Sparkle: He's gone... but the school is still here, and as long as I'm around, it'll stay that way. Some things you can't teach the old-fashioned way... and friendship is one of them!
Twilight Sparkle: Everycreature... class is back in session!
Leaderboard | Time Limit: 10 Days | |
Assign Characters to complete tasks and earn: Friendship Cupcakes friendship cup . | ||
Prize 1 (1-100) | Prize 2 (101-500) | Prize 3 (501-1000) |
Sincere Friendship Student (or 50 gems) | Puckwudgie Barricade (Decor) | 15 ![]() |
Community Helpers[]
Pony | Friendship Cupcakes friendship cup Produced | Time |
Mrs. Cup Cake + Cherry Stand | 25 friendship cup | 1 hour |
Pipsqueak | 25 friendship cup | 1h 30min |
Big Macintosh + Apple Stand | 25 friendship cup | 1h 30min |
Toola Roola + Pinkie Pie (X3) | 75 friendship cup | 2h 30min |
Coconut Cream + Mr. Carrot Cake (X4) | 100 friendship cup | 3 hours |
Sky Stinger (X5) | 125 friendship cup | 3h 30min |
Cute Friendship Student (X8) | 200 friendship cup | 4 hours |
Gallus : So... uh... what d'you guys say to keeping on hanging out with each other? Just... y'know... trying to read the room.
Ocellus : Gallus... I think that's a wonderful idea!
Smolder : Ehh, what the hey. Count me in, too!
Yona : Yona ready to smash... WITH FRIENDSHIP!
Silverstream : Ohmygosh, I am SO EXCITED! I can't WAIT to make you all bracelets! It'll be my first time doing that, because bracelets don't really stay on underwater, but... HOORAY!!!
Sandbar : Heheh... Yeah! It's like Princess Twilight keeps saying: Friendship isn't just for ponies! And I'm real glad it's for the six of us, too.

- This Limited-Time Story combines the events of three episodes in the series: "School Daze Part 1", "School Daze Part 2", and "Surf and/or Turf".