The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

NOTE: The Everfree Forest is not unlocked until you reach level 25, therefore all of the quests require level 25+.

Tree of Harmony[]

Tree in a Haystack[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"If we want to stop these vines and save Equestria, we've got to find the Tree of Harmony!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Find the Tree of Harmony
1 Time
Cost: ? Bit
Rewards: 150 Star, 1500 Bit
Closing Text
"There it is... The Tree of Harmony! It needs us! Let's see if the Shards of Harmony can help heal it!"
  • In the Everfree Forest, you have to follow stone paths to uncover expansion zones. To reach the Tree of Harmony, you should take the right path from Zecora's Hut. The bridge over there is not considered as path and will not unlock tile across it.
  • After completing this quest, the player will be rewarded Teahouse.

Story Event[]

Chest of Harmony[]


  • Explore the Castle of the Two Sisters in Everfree Forest (requires 95 000 Bits Bit and additional 15 000 Bits Bit and 6 hours to remove boulder that blocks path to castle)
  • Gather enough Element Shards to fight Tirek (75 Laughter Shard, 45 Generosity Shard, 60 Honesty Shard, 45 Kindness Shard, 60 Loyalty Shard, and 45 Magic Shard)
  • Prepare any four Totems at Zecora's Hut and free spots for them
  • Don't click at any of Tirek's quests if you see that you are not ready yet so you wont start the count-timer
  • It is pretty easier than freeing the Tree of Harmony but this time, time will be against you.

Never Knock a Gift Pony![]

Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Dear Pinkie Pie, I've left a special party-rific present for you in Ponyville. Be on the lookout the next time you are in town!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Collect the gift from Cheese Sandwich in Ponyville
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 80 Star, 800 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"This is great! Thanks, Cheese!"

The Calm That Follows the Thorns[]

"?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Never Knock a Gift Pony!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect from shops 10 times
10 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: ?
Closing Text

More Like Coco PUMMEL![]

Quest Giver: Coco Pommel
"Dear Rarity, I wanted to give you this special gift to thank you for your generosity, so look for a special package in Canterlot!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Calm That Follows The Thorns"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect the gift from Coco Pommel in Canterlot
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 400 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Thanks, Coco! And thank YOU for your help!"

The Long Trot to War[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"The Wonderbolts have spotted Tirek stomping his hooves in the Everfree Forest, near the Castle of the Two Sisters! He looks ready to strike... We've got to stop him!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"More Like Coco PUMMEL!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Explore the Castle of the Two Sisters
1 Time
Cost: Varies
Confront Tirek 3 times in Everfree Forest (24 hours time limit)
3 Times
Cost: 60 Laughter Shard 40 Generosity Shard 30 Honesty Shard
Rewards: 50 Star, 1500 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Great job, everypony! Tirek's gonna think twice before he tries that again!"
  • Tirek will disappear for a while each time you confront him. For this quest intervals will be 30 minutes (8 Gem to skip) and 1 hour (15 Gem).

SpitFIRE it Up![]

"Spitfire wants to do whatever she can to help us stop Tirek once and for all! She's got a gift waiting for us in Ponyville, so let's go check it out!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Long Trot to War"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect the gift from Spitfire in Ponyville
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 400 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"When the chips are down, it's great having Spitfire in town!"

Prepared Ponies Prevail![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Tirek's still out there somewhere... We can't let him catch us by surprise!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"SpitFIRE it Up!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect 25000 Bits Bit
Skip: 10 Gem
25000 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 200 Star, 3500 Bit, 2 Gem
Closing Text
"Thanks to you, we're all stocked and supplied!"

T-I-R-E-K Spells Trouble![]

Quest Giver: Spike
"Oh, no... TIREK'S BACK!!! We can't let him endanger Equestria any longer!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Prepared Ponies Prevail!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Confront Tirek 4 times in Everfree Forest (36 hours time limit)
4 Times
Cost: 60 Laughter Shard 45 Generosity Shard 45 Honesty Shard 30 Kindness Shard
Rewards: 70 Star, 1800 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Phew! Nice job saving Equestria, everypony!"
  • Tirek will disappear for a while each time you confront him. For this quest intervals will be 30 minutes (8 Gem to skip), 1 hour (15 Gem), and 1 hour (15 Gem).

This'll Be a Breeze![]

"We've got to get to Ponyville quick! Seabreeze says he's got a special gift, just for us!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"T-I-R-E-K Spells Trouble!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect the gift from Seabreeze in Ponyville
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 400 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Awesome. Thanks, Seabreeze! With friends like him, Tirek doesn't stand a chance!"

Totem Time![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Zecora's got all kinds of awesome totems that can help us if Tirek ever returns! Let's hoof it over to her hut so we can place 4 of them!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"This'll Be a Breeze!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Place 4 Totems in Everfree Forest
Skip: 8 Gem
4 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 600 Bit
Closing Text
"These totems look great! Awesome work, everypony!"

Tirek's Tantrum![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"What's worse than a super-strong, super-evil super-centaur? A super-strong, super-evil super-centaur WHO'S REALLY REALLY MAD AT YOU! ...*GULP*" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Totem Time!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Confront Tirek 5 times in Everfree Forest (48 hours time limit)
5 Times
Cost: 75 Laughter Shard 45 Generosity Shard 60 Honesty Shard 45 Kindness Shard 30 Loyalty Shard
Rewards: 100 Star, 2000 Bit, 2 Gem
Closing Text
"He's gone...! He'll be back, though. So be on your guard, everypony!"
  • Tirek will disappear for a while each time you confront him. For this quest intervals will be 1 hour (15 Gem to skip), 1 hour (15 Gem), 1 hour (15 Gem), and 2 hours (25 Gem).

You Can't Beat a Treat This Sweet![]

"Silver Shill's got something for us in Sweet Apple Acres! We better go and check it out!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Tirek's Tantrum!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect the gift from Silver Shill in Sweet Apple Acres
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 400 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Ya know, Silver Shill hasn't always been on our side... I guess the one good thing about fighting a super-villain Tirek is that it brings everypony together."

We're Not Gonna Be Caught with Our Manes Down![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"With Tirek on the rampage, folks in Equestria are scared! Let's help keep everypony calm by passing out delicious goodies from our shops!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"You Can't Beat a Treat This Sweet!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Collect a product from shops 20 times
Skip: 12 Gem
20 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 200 Star, 5000 Bit, 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Nice work! And, uh... save some of those for me!"

Check Yourself, Before You Ti-WRECK Yourself![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Tirek's here...! Remember, he might be strong... but there's nothing stronger than friends working together! C'mon, let's stop him once and for all!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"We're Not Gonna Be Caught with Our Manes Down!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Confront Tirek 6 times in Everfree Forest (60 hours time limit)
6 Times
Cost: 60 Laughter Shard 45 Generosity Shard 60 Honesty Shard 45 Kindness Shard 60 Loyalty Shard 45 Magic Shard
Rewards: 120 Star, 2500 Bit, 3 Gem
Closing Text
"... We... We did it! We beat Tirek! Equestria's safe! Friendship really IS magic!"
  • Tirek will disappear for a while each time you confront him. For this quest intervals will be 30 minutes (8 Gem to skip), 1 hour (15 Gem), 2 hour (25 Gem), 2 hours (25 Gem), and 3 hours (25 Gem).

Secret's Unlocked[]

"Check it out -- we've got all the keys! Guys, I think it's time we used them!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Check Yourself, Before You Ti-WRECK Yourself!"EF ?
Task Requirement
Travel to the Cave of Harmony in Everfree Forest
1 Times
Rewards: 50 Star, 800 Bit
Closing Text
"We've made it! What a wonderful castle!"
  • After this quest is completed (and the ending cutscene has finished), Twilight's Library will be replaced with Twilight's Castle. Twilight's Library will be put into player's inventory as Decor item.

Ask Your Zebra Friend[]

This quest chain is an introduction to Totem making.

Watch Your Step![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place, so we've gotta be ready for anything!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones to get to Zecora's Hut
1 Time
Cost: ? Bit
Uncover expansion zones to get to Zecora's Hut
1 Time
Cost: ? Bit
Uncover expansion zones to get to Zecora's Hut
1 Time
Cost: ? Bit
Rewards: 50 Star, 800 Bit
Closing Text
"Great job! Thanks for your help!"

Zecora's Décor[]

Quest Giver: Zecora
"While it seems the forest is broken, fear not, my friends -- just use these totems!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Watch Your Step!"EF 12
Task Requirement
Interact with Zecora's Hut
1 Time
Cost: Free
Create a Totem
1 Time
Cost: Free
Place Totems
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 800 Bit
Closing Text
"Thanks to you and this Totem, the will of evil shall be broken!"

Good Advice![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Princess Celestia says luck is when preparation meets opportunity, so let's get prepared and place a Totem!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Zecora's Décor"EF ?
Task Requirement
Interact with Zecora's Hut
Skip: 3 Gem
2 Times
Cost: Free
Create a Totem
Skip: 3 Gem
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 100 Star, 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"Great job! ...You sure you're not a zebra?"

Dangers of Everfree Forest[]

We'll Need to See Their InVINEtations![]

Quest Giver: Applejack
"I'm getting kinda tired of all these vines, y'all! We've gotta defeat 'em before they can hurt anypony else!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Defeat the Plunderseed Vine
1 Time
Cost: Varies Laughter Shard Honesty Shard Generosity Shard Loyalty Shard Kindness Shard Magic Shard
Rewards: 50 Star, 100 Bit
Closing Text
"YEEHAW!!! Nice work, y'all! No vine's ever getting between me 'n' my friends!"
  • This quest will pop up when you uncover your first Plunderseed Vine in Everfree Forest.
  • Number of shards required to destroy vine varies (it depends on vine size), unlike fighting with parasprites, changelings or vampire fruit bats.

Between a Cragadile and a Hard Place![]

Quest Giver: Applejack
"Whoa, we'd better watch out: We're in cragadile country! They sure can be rough, so we've gotta be ready for anything!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Defeat cragadiles
2 Times
Cost: Varies Laughter Shard Honesty Shard Generosity Shard Loyalty Shard Kindness Shard Magic Shard
Rewards: 100 Star, 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"WOOHOO! Nice work, y'all!"
  • This quest will pop up when you stumble upon a cragadile.

Gardening Can Save Lives![]

Quest Giver: Applejack
"Those fume flowers have got me fuming! Let's get rid of 'em before they can hurt somepony!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Defeat Snapping Vines
2 Times
Cost: 12 Laughter Shard Honesty Shard Generosity Shard Loyalty Shard Kindness Shard Magic Shard
Rewards: 50 Star, 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"Well, all right! Nice job!"
  • This quest will pop up when you find a Snapping Vine.