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This guide is intended to show players how to obtain all 80 advancements in Minecraft: Java Edition. Three advancement guides are in need of cleanup. For more information about advancements in general, see the advancement page. For a guide on Bedrock Edition's achievements, see the page Tutorials/Achievement guide.


Advancements are basically tasks to complete that will help guide you in advancing further into the game. Some of the more advanced advancements will also give you experience as a reward. Advancements are organized into five categories: Minecraft, Nether, The End, Adventure, and Husbandry.

Even though many advancements have parents and are parents of other advancements, it does not matter which order you complete the advancements; the parents of advancements are just a guide of the easiest order to work through the advancements. For example, the advancement "Husbandry" is the parent of "The Parrots and the Bats", but this does not mean that "Husbandry" must be completed before "The Parrots and the Bats". Each advancement is independent of one another, despite them having parents. For more information, see the advancement page.


Advancements Tree

Advancement tree in the "Minecraft" tab


Advancement-plain-rawThe heart and story of the game

Requirements: Have a crafting table in your inventory.

Get a crafting table in your inventory to get this advancement. This one is easy, but requires some prerequisites. First, just hold down the attack on a log until it breaks, then collect the dropped block by walking over it.

Logs are found on trees, which are very easy to find (as long as you didn't start out in an ocean or desert biome). Just look around when you spawn.

Use the log you just got from the tree and open your inventory. You will see a 2×2 grid near the top right-hand corner; place your wood log in any of those grids. Then, click on the planks that appear to obtain them.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Matching Log

If you turned on a bonus chest when you created your world, there is a good chance that it will contain logs, planks, or both. If you have these, you probably won't need to get any wood to create a crafting table.

Finally, put one of the four planks you got into each container of your grid (a 2×2 square of planks). You can use to place a single plank into the grid, instead of all four.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Planks

Once you have the crafting table in your inventory, you will get the advancement.

Parent of: Stone Age

Stone Age[]

Advancement-plain-rawMine stone with your new pickaxe

Requirements: Have cobblestone, cobbled deepslate or blackstone in your inventory.

First, place your crafting table on the ground by holding the crafting table in your hand and use the ground. Follow the crafting recipe below to make sticks (note that this can also be done in your inventory crafting grid):

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Planks

Now arrange your sticks and some planks in the crafting table to make a wooden pickaxe:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Planks +

Note that you may need to get more wood in order to have enough to make a wooden pickaxe.

To get the advancement, you must find stone (which is easy, you don't need to find a cave for this), and mine it with your wooden pickaxe to get cobblestone (stone will become cobblestone if you mine it without a Silk Touch pickaxe). Exposed stone can be found on the sides of hills and in ravines/caves. If you find a cave or ravine, do not go deep into it, because you will encounter mobs (such as zombies and skeletons).

If you are in the Nether or below Y = 8, you can also mine blackstone or cobbled deepslate to get this advancement although the chances of you getting to the Nether or finding a deepslate blob without picking up any cobblestone are very slim. Blackstone is located in the basalt deltas biome. You may also find blackstone in other biomes near the lava ocean.

Parent of: Getting an Upgrade

Getting an Upgrade[]

Advancement-plain-rawConstruct a better pickaxe

Requirements: Have a stone pickaxe in your inventory.

You need to make a stone pickaxe to get this advancement. Using your wooden pickaxe, mine three stone blocks so you have three cobblestone blocks. If you are deep underground, you can also mine deepslate which turns into cobbled deepslate, which is suitable for crafting.

If you are in the Nether, you can also make a stone pickaxe using blackstone. Blackstone is located in the basalt deltas biome. You may also find blackstone in other biomes near the lava ocean.

Now arrange your sticks and cobblestone/blackstone /deepslate blocks in the crafting table to make a stone pickaxe:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Cobblestone or
Blackstone or
Cobbled Deepslate +

Stone pickaxe also spawn in bonus chest, bought by novice-level toolsmith villagers, or by toolsmith villager gifts.

Parent of: Acquire Hardware

Acquire Hardware[]

Advancement-plain-rawSmelt an iron ingot

Requirements: Have an iron ingot in your inventory.

The intended method for attaining this advancement is to find iron ore. Iron ore is found at almost any height in the world, but is most common at altitudes 15 to 232. It does not generate at all between layers 73 to 79, so you shouldn't look there for it. The two main ways to find iron ore are to find it in a cave, or to find it in an exposed stone surface either on the ground or in the side of a hill/mountain. Because caves often have monsters in them, they are not recommended to go into until you have some armor and weapons, so finding an exposed surface in the ground with iron in it is much safer. If you find iron in the side of a hill, you may need to place blocks to make a tower or staircase up to it, especially if the hill is very high. If there are no caves or exposed stone surfaces near you, you could start a mineshaft. If you are feeling very daring and adventurous, make a stone sword and a few torches, and go ahead and search a cave. Torches can be made once you find coal, which is spawn very common in level 0 to 320 in the Overworld. You can also smelt the log to make charcoal, which can turn into torches. The way turn make furnace and smelt will be below. The torch recipe will be below. You can usually find iron in caves very quickly, because the walls of the caves will expose a lot of blocks.

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Charcoal Any Log or
Any Stripped Log or
Any Wood or
Any Stripped Wood +
Any fuel

Torch Coal or
Charcoal +

If you are lucky, you can find iron ingots in chests in village blacksmiths, armorer's house, toolsmith's house; desert temples, dungeons, mineshafts, jungle pyramids, shipwrecks, buried treasures, pillager outpost, woodland mansion, stronghold, nether fortress, bastion, and end city. Iron nuggets can also spawn in ruined portals, bastions, shipwrecks, and village taiga houses, which if you have 9 iron nuggets could be turn into 1 iron ingot.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Nugget

Bastion can also generate block of iron, which can turn into 9 iron ingot.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Iron

Once you find iron ore, mine it with your stone pickaxe (don't mine it with a wooden pickaxe since it won't drop anything). It will drop raw iron (unless you mined it with the Silk Touch enchantment, in which case it will drop an iron ore). Block of raw iron can also generate in ore vein, which can turn into 9 raw iron.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Raw Iron

Then make a furnace using cobblestone, blackstone, and cobbled deepslate and put the raw iron or iron ore in it along with a fuel source, such as log, planks, or coal. After 10 seconds, it yields an iron ingot.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Furnace Cobblestone or
Blackstone or
Cobbled Deepslate

Iron Ingot Iron Ore +
Any fuel

Iron Ingot Raw Iron +
Any fuel

Iron golem can spawn in villages, and pillager outpost; which when kill drops 3-5 iron ingot. Zombie, husk and zombie villager also have a chance to drops 1 iron ingot. Iron nugget also can be obtain by smelt an iron tools, weapon, armor, horse armor, or a chainmail armor; and by bartering. The way to get gold ingot will be below.

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Iron Sword or
Any iron tools or
Any iron armor or
Any chainmail armor or
Iron Horse Armor +
Any fuel

You will get the advancement once you transfer the iron ingot from the furnace to your inventory. Iron ingots can further be made into many useful tools, weapons, and armor.

Parent of: Suit Up | Hot Stuff | Isn't It Iron Pick

Suit Up[]

Advancement-plain-rawProtect yourself with a piece of iron armor

Requirements: Have any type of iron armor in your inventory.

You need to collect at least four iron ingots.

Arrange the iron ingots in the crafting table to make at least one piece of the following armor:

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Helmet Iron Ingot

Iron Chestplate Iron Ingot

Iron Leggings Iron Ingot

Iron Boots Iron Ingot

Iron armors can also spawn in chest in village armorer's house, and blacksmith; ancient city, stronghold, and end city; in armor stand in taiga village outdoor armory; by having a small chance to drop when killing zombie, husk, drowned[verify], zombie villager, skeleton, or stray; can be bought from armorer villagers, or by bartering.

You will get the advancement when you put one of the pieces of armor in your inventory.

Parent of: Not Today, Thank You

Hot Stuff[]

Advancement-plain-rawFill a bucket with lava

Requirements: Have a lava bucket in your inventory.

Gather 3 iron ingots, and arrange them in the crafting table to make a bucket:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot

Bucket can also be found in chests in savanna village houses, monster rooms, and woodland mansions. Water bucket can also be found in village fisherman's houses. Bucket of aquatic mob can also bought from novice-level fisherman villagers and from wandering traders.

Now, all you have to do is find lava and use your bucket to fill it up. Lava lakes can be found rarely on the surface in the Overworld, and sometimes underground above Y=0. They often light the surrounding grass and trees on fire, which makes them easy to spot from a distance, especially at night. However, lava is most common at Y=-55 and below, where it fills all of the caves in place of air. If you are in the Nether, getting lava can be very easy because it is found in the lava sea there. If you are high up in the Nether, getting down to the lava ocean could be quite difficult though. Lava can also generate as a spring block in both Overworld and the Nether, or spawn in village blacksmith, ruined portal, nether fortress, bastion, woodland mansion, stronghold, and delta.

Notice that you have to use the bucket on the source of lava. Normally, if the lava you see is not flowing, you can use the bucket anywhere, because every block of lava is a source block. But if you see a stream of flowing lava, you have to trace the lava flow to its source, and use the bucket on it.

Parent of: Ice Bucket Challenge

Isn't It Iron Pick[]

Advancement-plain-rawUpgrade your pickaxe

Requirements: Have an iron pickaxe in your inventory.

This advancement can be achieved by making an iron pickaxe, which requires 3 iron ingots.

Arrange the iron ingots and 2 sticks in the crafting table to make the iron pickaxe:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot +

Iron pickaxe can also spawn in mineshafts; village blacksmith, and toolsmith's chest; and end city; or trade from journeyman-level toolsmith villagers.

Parent of: Diamonds!

Not Today, Thank You[]

Advancement-plain-rawDeflect a projectile with a shield

Requirements: Block an incoming projectile using a shield.

First, you need to craft a shield:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Planks +
Iron Ingot

Then you need to find a skeleton, a pillager, a stray, a shulker, a blaze, a drowned with a trident, another player to help you, or anything else that fires projectiles. Holding the shield in either hand, hold use, and let the projectile shoot toward you. The shield should block it (except if an arrow was shot from a crossbow with Piercing), therefore rewarding you the advancement.

Ice Bucket Challenge[]

Advancement-plain-rawObtain a block of obsidian

Requirements: Have an obsidian block in your inventory.

Use three diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Diamond +

Diamond pickaxe can also spawn in bastion and end city.

You also need a bucket of water: find a water source and use it with your bucket.

Next, you need to go down to the bottom of a cave, at below Y-level 11. Find a lava lake (you cannot use flowing lava, or else it will become cobblestone) or any structures that have lava, and pour the bucket of water next to the lava. An alternative method is to find a flat biome (plains, desert, etc.) and search for a lava lake there, and do the same thing. The water should flow onto the lava, turning it into obsidian. If you find naturally occurring obsidian, that works as well. Mine the obsidian with your diamond pickaxe, and pick it up. Note: This doesn't work in the Nether, since water vaporizes in the Nether.

Obsidian can also in the chest in village blacksmith, ruined portal, nether fortress, and bastion; as a block in ruined portal, woodland mansion, ocean ruins, end spike, obsidian platform, and end ship; and by bartering.

Parent of: We Need to Go Deeper


Advancement-plain-rawAcquire diamonds

Requirements: Have a diamond in your inventory.

Get a diamond in your inventory to get this advancement.

First of all, you must find diamond ore. Diamond ores are very rare, but by either branch mining deep down in the world or exploring caves that go very low, you will eventually find one. Diamond ore generate below level 15, most commonly between level -50 and -64. Mine it with your iron pickaxe, and collect the dropped diamond.

Diamonds can also spawn in village blacksmith, toolsmith's house; shipwrecks, desert temple, jungle pyramid, mineshafts, buried treasure, and end city. Block of diamond can also generate in woodland mansion, which can be turn into 9 diamonds.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Diamond

Parent of: Cover Me With Diamonds | Enchanter

We Need to Go Deeper[]

Advancement-plain-rawBuild, light, and enter a Nether Portal

Requirements: Enter the Nether dimension.

First of all, you will need to build a nether portal, or find a ruined portal and fix it. To make a portal, you need at least 10 obsidian. Make your portal using the obsidian like so (build it upright, or else it will not work):

Budget version

Alternatively, you could build it like this, but it uses more obsidian:

Full version

If you find a ruined portal, you wouldn't need to build an entire portal on your own, but you do need to fix it up to be complete. Depending on how broken (and large) the ruined portal is, it might be easier to fix it than to make your own, but it could also be a lot harder, making it not worth to try fixing. To fix a ruined portal, you need to mine any crying obsidian in the portal (except for the corners because these don't count) with a diamond pickaxe, then complete the portal by placing regular obsidian in the gaps. There is a chest near the portal that may contain some obsidian to help you with this, but it's likely that you will have to get some on your own anyway. The chest also may contain a fire charge or flint and steel, which is very useful because this will light the portal, even if you can't fix the ruined portal and decide to make your own.

Now you need a way to light the portal to activate it. This could be a flint and steel or a fire charge. If you don't have either of these, you need to get an iron ingot and a piece of flint and place these anywhere in your 2×2 crafting grid to make a flint and steel.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot +

Flint can be obtain by breaking gravel, or generate in village fletcher's house, and ruined portal. Light your portal by using the flint and steel or fire charge on the top surface of one of the bottom blocks. You can also light the nether portal using lava next to flammable blocks, or lightning. If the portal doesn't light up, make sure that it is complete and the correct size, does not contain any crying obsidian (only regular obsidian), and does not have blocks inside the frame, then try again. Your portal will now look like this:

Or like this:

Once you stand inside the portal for a few seconds, you will be teleported to the Nether and you will get the advancement. If you are not prepared to go into the Nether, go back to the Overworld the moment you set foot in the Nether. To return, step out of the portal and step back in again.

Parent of: Zombie Doctor | Eye Spy

Cover Me With Diamonds[]

Advancement-plain-rawDiamond armor saves lives

Requirements: Have any type of diamond armor in your inventory.

Craft any piece of diamond armor. You will need to collect at least four diamonds.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Diamond Helmet Diamond

Diamond Chestplate Diamond

Diamond Leggings Diamond

Diamond Boots Diamond

Diamond armor can also spawn in bastion, end city, woodland mansion, and ancient city; by having a super small chance to drop when killing zombie, husk, zombie villager, skeleton, or stray; or can be bought from armorer villagers.

Once you have one of those four pieces of diamond armor in your inventory, you will be rewarded the advancement.


Advancement-plain-rawInvicon Enchanted BookEnchant an item at an Enchanting Table

Requirements: Enchant an item at an enchanting table.

To get this advancement, you must build an enchanting table and enchant an item:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Book +
Diamond +

To obtain books, you need to have a leather and 3 papers. Leather can be obtain by killing cows, mooshrooms, horses, donkeys, mules, llamas, trader llamas, hoglins, and foxes (a fox can sometimes spawn holding a leather, which always drops upon death); by fishing, by bartering with piglins, or by crafting from 4 rabbit hide.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Rabbit Hide

Rabbit hide can be obtain by killing rabbits, foxes (a fox can sometimes spawn holding a rabbit hide, which always drops upon death); or by cat gifts. Leather also spawn in village tanner's house, and bastion. Paper can be obtain by crafting from 3 sugar cane.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Sugar Cane

Sugar cane can generate naturally near water. Paper can also generate in village cartographer's house, shipwreck, and stronghold library. When you have enough materials, you can make a book.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Paper +

A bookshelf drops 3 books without using Silk Touch. Bookshelves generate as a block in village library houses, woodland mansions, and stronghold libraries. Book can also be obtain by disenchanting an enchanted book at a grindstone. And finally, book can generate in village plains and desert house, shipwreck, stronghold library, and ancient city. Now when you have a book, you make an enchanting table.

To enchant, you will need a tool, weapon, or a piece of armor. You will also need between 1 and 3 lapis lazulis, which can be found in ore form between levels -64 and 64, being much more common in underwater caves than in dry caves. Lapis can also be found in item form in desert village temples, mineshafts, and shipwrecks. A block of lapis lazuli can generate in a woodland mansion, which can be turned into 9 lapis lazulis.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Lapis Lazuli

Also, make sure you have plenty of experience levels, as you will need them to enchant an item.

Zombie Doctor[]

Advancement-oval-rawWeaken and then cure a Zombie Villager

Requirements: Turn a zombie villager into a villager.

Throw a splash potion of Weakness at a zombie villager and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie and pressing the use key with a golden apple in your hand). Then, wait a few minutes. Don't let the zombie burn in the daylight. You can do this by having something blocking the zombie overhead, giving it Fire Resistance, or a helmet to keep the zombie from burning. Alternatively, you can do this at night.

First, you need to have a brewing stand. To make a brewing stand, you need to have 1 blaze rod and 3 cobblestone, blackstone, and cobbled deepslate. To obtain blaze rod, you need to kill blaze, this is the only way to obtain blaze rod. Blaze rod not only use to craft brewing stand but also use as a fuel of brewing stand. Just turn a blaze rod into blaze powder.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Blaze Rod

Now you need to craft a brewing stand.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Brewing Stand Blaze Rod +
Cobblestone or
Blackstone or
Cobbled Deepslate

Brewing Stand Blaze Rod +
Cobblestone or
Blackstone or
Cobbled Deepslate

Brewing stand also generate as a block in village church, igloos, and end ship.

Next to brew a splash potion of Weakness, you will first need a fermented spider eye:

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Fermented Spider Eye Brown Mushroom +
Sugar +
Spider Eye

Spider eye drops from killing spiders, cave spiders, and witches; from generate in desert temple. Sugar can be crafted from sugar cane and honey bottle. The way to obtain honey bottle will be below.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Sugar Sugar Cane

Sugar Honey Bottle

Sugar can also drops from witches. Brown mushroom generate in the dark in the Overworld, in swamp, old growth taiga, and mushroom fields biome; and generate almost everywhere in the Nether. Brown mushroom also generate in woodland mansion. Brown mushroom can also drops from brown mushroom block, which generate in huge mushroom. Huge mushroom generate in dark forest and mushroom fields biome.

Next, you need to have a water bottle. To have a water bottle, to use a glass bottle in the main hand or in the off hand on water. Glass bottles can be obtained by crafting, drinking potion or honey bottle, fishing, or from witch drops. To craft glass bottles, you need to have 3 glass (not stained glass). Glass obtain from smelting sand, or red sand, which is generate in desert, badlands, beach; disk near river, pond; in the ocean floor, in warm ocean ruin, desert village, generate in chest in desert temple, or trade by wandering trader. Glass also generate in woodland mansion and ancient city. You need to have Silk Touch to obtain glass otherwise, it drops nothing.

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Glass Sand or
Red Sand +
Any fuel

Glass Bottle Glass

Water bottles can also obtain by fishing or bartering.

The following steps are performed in the brewing stand.

Potion Potion ingredients Potion brewing recipe

Potion of Weakness
( 1:30)
Potion of Weakness
Fermented Spider Eye + Water Bottle

To turn a potion of Weakness to splash potion of Weakness. You need to have a gunpowder, which is drops from killing creepers, ghasts, and witches. Gunpowder also generate in dungeon, desert temple, shipwreck, and woodland mansion. So now, back to the brewing section:

Potion Potion ingredients Potion brewing recipe
Splash Potion

Splash Potion of Weakness
( 1:30)
Splash Potion of Weakness
Gunpowder + Potion of Weakness

For more information about brewing, see the pages "Potion" and "Brewing".

Splash Potion of Weakness also generate in brewing stand in igloo. Witches also throw splash potion of weakness if somehow you can't go to the Nether or don't spawn near the igloo. Moreover, zombie villager also spawn in igloo.

Alternatively, you can shoot the zombie villager with an arrow of Weakness. It can be crafted by 8 arrow and 1 Lingering Potion of Weakness (the way to obtain arrow and dragon's breath will be below), but it's hard to obtain dragon's breath. The easier way to obtain it is to buy it from master-level fletcher villagers.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Arrow +
Lingering Potion of Weakness

You can craft a golden apple using 1 apple and 8 gold ingots.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Golden Apple Gold Ingot +

Apple drops from oak leaves and dark oak leaves, which generate in oak and dark oak tree. Dark oak leaves also generate in woodland mansion. Apple also generate in village plains house and blacksmith, igloo, bonus chest and stronghold. Apprentice-level farmer villagers selling 4 apples for 1 emerald. Gold ingot can be obtain by smelting raw gold, gold ore and nether gold ore.

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Gold Ingot Raw Gold +
Any fuel

Gold Ingot Gold Ore or
Deepslate Gold Ore +
Any fuel

Gold Ingot Nether Gold Ore +
Any fuel

Gold ore generate from level -64 to 32 in Overworld. It drops 1 raw gold without Silk Touch, and itself with Silk Touch. Nether gold ore generate from level 10 to 117 in the Nether. It drops 2-6 gold nugget without Silk Touch, and itself with Silk Touch. Gilded blackstone also have a chance to drops 2-5 gold nuggets, which generate both in chest and as a block in bastion. Zombified piglin also drops both the gold ingot and the gold nugget. Gold nuggets also can be obtain by smelt gold tools, weapon, armor and horse armor.

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Golden Sword or
Any golden tools or
Any golden armor or
Golden Horse Armor +
Any fuel

Gold nugget also in village plains and savanna house, igloo, ruined portal, shipwreck, ocean ruins, and bastion. If you have enough 9 gold nuggets, you can make 1 gold ingot.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Gold Nugget

Block of gold also generate as a block in ocean monument, ruined portal, and bastion; in the chest in bastion and ruined portal, which can be turn into 9 gold ingot.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Gold

Gold ingot also generate in village blacksmith, toolsmith's and temple house; dungeon, mineshaft, buried treasure, bastion, desert temple, end city, jungle pyramid, nether fortress, ruined portal, shipwreck, stronghold, woodland mansion, and end city.

Golden apple also generate in dungeon, mineshaft, bastion, desert temple, igloo, ancient city, ruined portal, stronghold, ocean ruins, and woodland mansion.

Once the zombie villager turns into a villager, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Eye Spy[]

Advancement-plain-rawFollow an Eye of Ender

Requirements: Enter a stronghold.

Enter a stronghold to get this advancement. Strongholds can be found by using eyes of ender. Eye of ender can be craft using 1 ender pearl and 1 blaze powder. Ender pearl can be obtain by killing endermen, bartering, trading with expert-level cleric villagers, or can be found in "fake end portal" room of woodland mansions. A very feasible way to obtain ender pearls in early game is to find a warped forest biome in the Nether, and kill as many endermen there as possible. Blaze powder is crafted from blaze rods, which only drop from blazes; this means you will have to find a nether fortress and kill a few blazes to obtain their rods.

Although the player usually needs 10-12 eyes of ender to activate the end portal, much less are needed to find a stronghold. Usually, 4 eyes of ender is a good amount to start, given that the player doesn't throw the eyes too often and lose all of them before reaching the strnghold.

Use to throw eyes of ender up in the air and following which direction they go. When you throw them and they go into the ground, dig where they went underground, until you reach stone bricks, which is the stronghold.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Blaze Powder +
Ender Pearl

For more tips on finding the stronghold, see this part of the tutorial on defeating the ender dragon.

Parent of: The End?

The End?[]

Advancement-plain-rawEnter the End portal.

Requirements: Enter the End dimension.

Jump into an end portal, which is found in end portal rooms in strongholds. You may need to fill the eye into the end portal to go to the End, which mean you need a maximum of 12 eyes of ender to go to the End. Ender pearl also spawn in stronghold chest, which can turn into eye of ender and can fill the end portal. When you go to the End, you will get the advancement before the actual terrain loads. Once the End's terrain loads, you will get "The End" advancement (the difference is the question mark). Make sure you come prepared before going to the End, because the only way out is to either defeat the ender dragon, or die in the attempt. In Hardcore mode, to beat the ender dragon, you must not die otherwise you cannot respawn.


Advancements Tree - Nether

Advancement tree in the "Nether" tab


Advancement-plain-rawBring Summer Clothes

Requirements: Enter the Nether dimension.

To get this advancement, you will need to enter the Nether dimension. Do this by walking into a nether portal, and then you will appear in the Nether.

Parent of: Return to Sender | Those Were the Days | Hidden in the Depths | Subspace Bubble | A Terrible Fortress | Who is Cutting Onions? | Oh Shiny | This Boat Has Legs

Return to Sender[]

Advancement-fancy-rawDestroy a Ghast with a fireball

Requirements: Kill a ghast with a ghast fireball. Other fireballs do not work.

Kill a ghast using its own fireball to get this advancement. When a ghast shoots a fireball at you, wait until it comes towards you, and then attack the fireball to send it flying back to the ghast and kill it. The reflected fireball will roughly go in the direction the player's crosshair is pointing in, so the player can aim at the position where the ghast is about to fly to.

To reflect the fireball without endangering themselves too much, the player should face the fireball, stand slightly to the side, and start spam-clicking the attack button as the fireball comes close. The fireball can be attacked slightly outside its hitbox, so even if the player fails to hit the fireball, it flies past the player without hitting them. The spam-clicking is beneficial because the time window to hit the fireball is very short, and that the fireball can be reflected regardless of attack cooldown.

The above method is, however, very dangerous for unskilled players. A safer method is to shoot a projectile, such as an arrow or a snowball, at the fireball.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 50 experience.

Parent of: Uneasy Alliance

Those Were the Days[]

Advancement-plain-rawEnter a Bastion Remnant

Requirements: Go inside a bastion remnant.

To get this advancement, the player needs to enter a bastion remnant. They are hard to miss, since they are enormous and made of blackstone (and all of its variants). Bastion remnants spawn in every biome in the Nether except for the basalt deltas. When you enter the bastion, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Parent of: War Pigs

Hidden in the Depths[]

Advancement-plain-rawObtain Ancient Debris

Requirements: Have ancient debris in your inventory.

In order to get this advancement, the player must find ancient debris. It can be found in the Nether, at levels 8 to 119 and mainly at levels 8 to 22. On average, level 15 has the most ancient debris. Ancient debris can also rarely found in chests in bastion remnants. To mine it, you need a diamond pickaxe or better. Once you have the ancient debris in your inventory, you will be rewarded the advancement. Ancient debris also generate in bastion. For a tutorial on how to find ancient debris, see the pages "Ancient Debris" and "Tutorials/Ancient Debris".

Parent of: Country Lode, Take Me Home | Cover Me in Debris

Subspace Bubble[]

Advancement-fancy-rawUse the Nether to travel 7 km in the Overworld

Requirements: Travel at least 875 blocks horizontally from your original nether portal in the Nether, and then create and enter another nether portal in that location.

To get this advancement, you will need to use the Nether to travel between two points in the Overworld with a minimum horizontal distance of 7000 blocks between each other.

Horizontal distances are scaled down in the Nether by a ratio of 8:1 for travel in the Nether. This essentially means that for every one block you travel in the Nether, you travel eight blocks in the Overworld. This also means that you must travel at least 875 blocks in the Nether in order to travel 7000 blocks in the Overworld.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

A Terrible Fortress[]

Advancement-plain-rawBreak your way into a Nether Fortress

Requirements: Enter a nether fortress.

Enter a nether fortress to get this advancement. Look for a dark brown structure with many rooms, hallways and pillars, made of nether bricks. Sometimes one may have to travel a long way in the Nether in order to find a nether fortress.

For tips on finding a nether fortress, see this part of the tutorial on defeating a nether fortress.

Parent of: Spooky Scary Skeleton | Into Fire

Who is Cutting Onions?[]

Advancement-plain-rawObtain Crying Obsidian

Requirements: Have crying obsidian in your inventory.

To get this advancement, you will need to obtain crying obsidian. Crying obsidian can be obtained from bartering with piglins, from finding it as part of ruined portals, or from loot chests in bastion remnants. You will need a diamond pickaxe or better to mine it. Once you have the crying obsidian in your inventory, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Parent of: Not Quite "Nine" Lives

Oh Shiny[]

Advancement-plain-rawDistract Piglins with gold

Requirements: Throw a gold-related item at a piglin while not wearing golden armor.

To complete this advancement, you will first need to get a piglin to become aggressive toward you (it must not be a baby piglin) while you are not wearing any golden armor. Attacking the piglin while wearing any golden armor will not trigger the advancement. Then, you have to either throw or use one of the following items item at the piglin:

Any other items, even if they are gold-related, will not unlock this advancement.

Once the piglin gets the item, you will be rewarded the advancement.

This Boat Has Legs[]

Advancement-plain-rawRide a Strider with a Warped Fungus on a Stick

Requirements: Ride and boost a strider with a warped fungus on a stick.

To get this advancement, you will need two items: a warped fungus on a stick and a saddle. A warped fungus on a stick can be crafted using the recipes below. A saddle can be found in loot chests, from fishing, or it can be obtained by trading with master-level leatherworker villagers.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Fishing Rod or
Damaged Fishing Rod +
Warped Fungus

Once you have those items, you have to find a strider. They can be found in the lava seas and lakes throughout the Nether. Because of this, you may have to bridge across a sea of lava to get to the strider. If you are in the endgame and have an elytra, you can fly to a body of lava and find some striders easily. Alternatively, you could attract them with warped fungus.

Once you have a strider in range of you, use it with the saddle to saddle it. If there is a zombified piglin or a baby strider on top of the strider, then you will have to choose a different strider. However, zombified piglins are good, because the strider which is riding the zombified piglin will have a saddle already equipped on it. There is a 1 in 30 chance of a zombified piglin riding a strider. If that is the case, try killing the zombified piglin. Then, you will have an already saddled strider.

Afterwards, use the strider to ride it. Then, select the warped fungus on a stick and ride the strider. Then, once again use the warped fungus on a stick to boost the strider. This will use up one durability on your warped fungus on a stick. Once you have boosted the strider, you should be rewarded the advancement.

Parent of: Hot Tourist Destinations | Feels Like Home

Uneasy Alliance[]

Advancement-fancy-rawRescue a ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it

Requirements: Kill a ghast in the Overworld.

This advancement is rather difficult. The hardest part is getting the ghast through a nether portal. Soul sand valley biomes are the best places to get the ghast but the amount of skeletons might be dangerous.

The first step is building the biggest nether portal possible (23x23). Before attempting to move the ghast through it you should enter the portal to load the chunks and remove any block which might suffocate the ghast. Then you can use fishing rods (prepare a lot of them because they break really fast) to move a ghast through the portal. Keep a flint and steel in the hotbar in case the ghast breaks the portal. Elytra and fire resistance potions are not necessary but really helpful.

Once the ghast is in the Overworld, you will have to kill it. Once you have successfully killed the ghast, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

War Pigs[]

Advancement-plain-rawLoot a chest in a Bastion Remnant

Requirements: Open a chest in a bastion remnant.

For this advancement, the player needs to enter a bastion remnant and find a chest. Then, open the chest. The advancement will be rewarded as soon as you open the chest.

However, it should be noted that any nearby piglins that can see you will attack you when you open the chest. So to safely open the chest, you should either find a chest with no piglins around, or block the piglins off so they can't get to you.

Country Lode, Take Me Home[]

Advancement-plain-rawUse a compass on a Lodestone

Requirements: Use a compass on a lodestone.

To complete this advancement, you will need a lodestone. To obtain a lodestone, you need a netherite ingot and chiseled stone bricks.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Chiseled Stone Bricks +
Netherite Ingot

One lodestone always generates in the bridge chest in the bridge bastion remnant.

Once you have your lodestone, you need to get a compass. Once you have your compass, place the lodestone and use it with the compass. The advancement will be rewarded to you as soon as you use the compass on the lodestone.

Cover Me in Debris[]

Clock JE3
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Advancement-fancy-rawGet a full suit of Netherite armor

Requirements: Have every piece of netherite armor in your inventory.

To get this advancement, you will need a full set of netherite armor. To first acquire this, you will need a full set of diamond armor, four netherite ingots and a smithing table. If you are playing on 1.20 or higher, you will also need four netherite upgrade smithing templates.

Netherite ingots and diamond gear can be crafted or found in bastion remnant chests. Diamond gear can also be obtained by trading with villagers, killing mobs for drops (rarely), and it can also generate in end city and woodland mansion chests. Smithing tables can also naturally generate in toolsmith houses in villages. Netherite upgrade smithing templates can be found in bastion remnant chests but guaranteed only in treasure rooms there. Alternatively, given seven diamonds and a netherrack, they can be duplicated in the crafting table.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Diamond Helmet Diamond

Diamond Chestplate Diamond

Diamond Leggings Diamond

Diamond Boots Diamond

Netherite Ingot Netherite Scrap +
Gold Ingot

Smithing Table Iron Ingot +
Any Planks

You can then place down your smithing table and make a full set of netherite armor:

IngredientsSmithing recipe
Diamond Boots or
Diamond Helmet or
Diamond Leggings or
Diamond Chestplate +
Netherite Ingot
Upgrade Gear

Once you make all of the armor, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Once you make all of the armor, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

Spooky Scary Skeleton[]

Advancement-plain-rawObtain a Wither Skeleton's skull

Requirements: Have a wither skeleton skull in your inventory.

Get a wither skeleton skull. Wither skeletons, found in nether fortresses, have a small chance of dropping one upon death. Wither skeletons have a 2.5% chance of dropping their skull, a 3.5% chance of dropping with Looting I, a 4.5% chance with Looting II, and a 5.5% chance with Looting III.

Once you have obtained the skull, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Parent of: Withering Heights

Into Fire[]

Advancement-plain-rawRelieve a Blaze of its rod

Requirements: Have a blaze rod in your inventory.

Acquire a blaze rod in your inventory to earn this advancement. A blaze may drop a blaze rod when killed by the player. When you have obtained the blaze rod, you will get the advancement.

Parent of: Local Brewery

Not Quite "Nine" Lives[]

Advancement-plain-rawCharge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum

Requirements: Charge a respawn anchor with glowstone four times (to the limit).

To complete this advancement, you will need a respawn anchor. To make a respawn anchor, you need 6 blocks of crying obsidian and 7 blocks of glowstone.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Crying Obsidian +

Then, place your respawn anchor and use glowstone on it four times to fully charge the respawn anchor, and you will get the advancement.

It is strongly recommended that this is performed in the Nether dimension. Although respawn anchors can be charged in the Overworld and the End, the moment you click on a charged respawn anchor, it will explode.

Feels Like Home[]

Advancement-plain-raw Take a Strider for a loooong ride on a lava lake in the Overworld

Requirements: While riding a strider, travel 50 blocks on lava in the Overworld.

To complete this advancement, you must bring a strider to the Overworld. You can get the strider to follow you into a nether portal by holding a warped fungus, or ride it into a nether portal then dismount it, and the strider will be transported to the Overworld. Make sure that there is no water or rain on the Overworld side, as the strider takes damage from them.

After the strider is in the Overworld, you need to ride it continuously on lava until you're 50 blocks from where you started. The lava can either be a natural lava aquifer, or a long lava track you made yourself. Because this advancement only accounts for horizontal displacement, going in a circle for more than 50 blocks doesn't count. Once you're horizontally 50 blocks away from where you mounted the strider, you are granted the advancement.

Hot Tourist Destinations[]

Advancement-fancy-rawExplore all Nether biomes

Requirements: Find every biome in the Nether.

This advancement is achieved by setting foot in all five biomes in the Nether: the basalt deltas, the crimson forest, the nether wastes, the soul sand valley, and the warped forest.

If you go to the advancement tab, you can see a progress bar, showing how many of the five biomes you have visited. However, it does not show which of the five biomes have been visited.

A way to check which biomes a player has visited is introduced in the "Adventuring Time" section, which also applies to this advancement; the only difference is that the entry to look for is minecraft:nether/explore_nether.

Once you have entered all of these biomes, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 500 experience.

Withering Heights[]

Advancement-plain-rawInvicon Nether StarSummon the Wither

Requirements: Be in a 101×101×104 (approximate) range from a wither when the wither explodes.

Summon the wither. Place 4 soul sand or soul soil in a T shape, in any direction, and place 3 wither skeleton skulls on the line of 3 soul sand/soul soil.

The wither will immediately spawn, but cannot deal any damage nor be done any harm for 10 seconds, until it explodes. At this point, as long as you're within a 100.9 x 100.9 x 103.5 area, you will get the advancement. For more information on the wither, what to expect, what to prepare, and how to fight the wither, see the pages "Wither" and "Tutorials/Defeating the wither".

Parent of: Bring Home the Beacon

Local Brewery[]

Advancement-plain-rawBrew a potion

Requirements: Remove an item from a brewing stand's potion slot.

Before beginning, you will need a glass bottle (made with 3 glass) and, of course, a brewing stand, made like so:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Blaze Rod +
Any stone-tier block

Brewing stands can also be found occasionally as workstations in villages in the Overworld.

In the inside of a brewing stand, there are three slots on the bottom with the outline of a glass bottle, and another slot on top, which is for the actual potion ingredient. There is also a slot in the top left with the outline of blaze powder.

Brewing a potion is not actually required to complete the advancement.[1] The simplest way to do it is to put any glass bottle (even an empty one) into any of the bottom three slots of the brewing stand interface and then remove it to get the advancement. No blaze powder or potion ingredients are required.

Parent of: A Furious Cocktail

Bring Home the Beacon[]

Advancement-plain-rawConstruct and place a beacon

Requirements: Be in a 20×20×14 range when a beacon is activated.

This advancement requires being near a beacon when it is activated. First, you must craft the beacon, which requires the rare and precious nether star.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Glass +
Nether Star +
Nether Star

However, when you place a beacon by itself on the ground, it will not do anything. You need a pyramid of certain blocks, which include blocks of iron, gold, diamonds, emeralds, and/or netherite. When activated, beacons can give you special powers if you are a certain number of blocks from the beacon. Placing a beacon on top of the center of mineral blocks on a 3 x 3 layout will give the beacon a power level of 1. If you place mineral blocks in a 5 x 5 manner with the 3 x 3 layout and a beacon on top of that, the beacon with have a power level of 2. You can continue adding bigger pyramid layers up to level 4, of which the beacon and pyramid should look like this:

Layer 1 (highest): Beacon, Layer 2: 3 x 3 layout of iron, gold, diamond, emerald or netherite blocks, Layer 3: 5 x 5 layout of mineral blocks, Layer 4: 7 x 7 layout of mineral blocks, Layer 5: 9 x 9 layout of mineral blocks,

To get this advancement, it doesn't matter what power level the beacon as on. As soon as the beacon is activated, it will shoot a beam of light to the sky, and you will get the advancement. Also, if you use the beacon, you can give the beacon iron ingots, gold ingots, diamonds, emeralds, or netherite ingots to get special powers. The higher-level beacon you have, the better powers you can get.

Parent of: Beaconator

A Furious Cocktail[]

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Advancement-fancy-rawHave every potion effect applied at the same time

Requirements: Have every status effect that can be obtained from a potion.

To get this challenge advancement, you will need to brew and use these 12 potions:


Tip: So that you don't have to spend a long time drinking every potion, turn each potion into a splash potion using gunpowder, and continuously throw each splash potion at the ground below you, to get all 13 effects quickly.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

Parent of: How Did We Get Here?


Advancement-oval-rawBring a beacon to full power

Requirements: Be in a 20×20×14 range when a beacon is activated with a pyramid of height 4 (excluding the beacon itself).

Be near a beacon when it is powered by a full-size level 4 pyramid. To acquire this, place blocks of iron, gold, diamonds, emeralds and/or netherite on the ground in a 9 x 9 layout. Place another layer of minerals blocks on top of that in a 7 x 7 layout, and another on top of that in a 5 x 5 layout. Finally, your final layer should be 3 x 3, and you can place your beacon on top of this. Once the beacon shoots its beam to the sky, you will get the advancement. A level 4 beacon can also give special and rare powers to the player, if opened and given a type of mineral.


How to get the "Beaconator" advancement.

How Did We Get Here?[]

Advancement-fancy-rawHave every effect applied at the same time

Requirements: Have every non-instantaneous status effect applied to the player that is obtainable in Survival mode at the same time (with the exception of Saturation).

To get this challenge advancement, you need to be affected by all the following status effects at once:

Before attempting this advancement, you must have killed the ender dragon, so that you can reach the outer islands of the End. You so must have killed the wither, so that you have access to a beacon.

First, find a naturally-generated sculk shrieker (such that its can_summon property is true according to the targeted block info on the debug screen) as close as possible to an unexplored ocean monument (such that it still has at least one elder guardian). If you know your seed or are on a singleplayer world, you can use a seed map program like Chunkbase to look for a deep dark biome with a nearby ocean monument (note that, due to how the deep dark generates, it's impossible for a deep dark biome to be right under a deep ocean biome).

Dig a simple 2×2 staircase down to near the inner horizontal edge of the deep dark biome to about Y=-51 and tunnel around inside the deep dark biome to look for a cave system with a shrieker in it. Use the F3 debug screen to confirm that the shrieker's can_summon property is true, then surround the shrieker with wool (optional) and start destroying any nearby sculk sensors, followed by any sculk catalysts. If there are any other shriekers nearby besides the one you intend to use, destroy those first. If shriekers are activated three times (such that one of the "Warden draws close" sounds plays), carefully leave the area and wait at least thirty minutes for your warning level to drop back down to 0 before continuing, as a fourth shrieker activation within ten minutes after the "Warden draws close" sound will summon a warden. When done, double check that there are no more sensors nearby by making some extra noise around the area, then remove the wool surrounding the shrieker, but put a bottom slab on top of it to prevent you from accidentally stepping on it.

Then, begin building the contraption around the shrieker as shown below. The stone bricks can be any full, solid block that blocks mob sightlines (including glass blocks), and the gold block can be any solid opaque block that can be powered by redstone. Note that all dispensers and observers are horizontal and the piston is facing up. The trapdoor in layer 2 should be covering the adjacent dispenser face, and the trapdoor in layer 1 should be covering the block under it so that the shulker minecart is raised slightly off the ground. When done, remove the bottom slab over the shrieker. The water column above the beacons should extend all the way up to sea level, and there should be no opaque blocks between the beacons and the sky (things like water and leaves are fine). The iron blocks can be any beacon-compatible mineral block, but iron is the easiest and fastest to obtain because it can obtain from iron golems.


Once finished, place the spectral arrows in the Layer 1 dispenser and the splash potions in the layer 2 dispenser and set the beacons to Strength I+Regeneration I, Haste II, Speed II, Jump Boost II, and Resistance II. Dig a simple tunnel at least 1 block wide and at least 2 blocks tall from the top of the water column (at sea level) to the ocean and fill it with at least 1 layer of water (keeping at least 1 layer of air). Find a dolphin (remember that they can spawn in all ocean biome types except frozen and cold) and lead it back to the tunnel and down to the room with the waterlogged chests, then tie it to the fence post there and put a nametag on it to prevent it from despawning. The waterlogged chests should prevent the dolphin from drowning while also allowing it to keep contact with water to prevent it from dehydrating.

From the rails on layer 5, dig a straight staircase up and toward the world spawn until you reach the surface. At that point, go directly to the world spawn and use a compass to find the specific location of the world spawn, which is (by default) the northwest corner of the chunk. Press F3+G (or equivalent on a non-QWERTY keyboard) to show chunk borders and use a compass to find the 1×1 vertical column that the compass always points to as you walk around it. Make sure that there are no blocks over this block (including non-solid ones like flowers, grass, torches, and leaves), then surround the spot with glass and rails as shown below:

The netherrack shown above represents the world spawn, where entities show up when they come through the exit portal in the End.

Extend the rail out by 16 blocks on both ends, then begin running rails from this spot all the way to the staircase dug earlier, bridging over water if necessary. If possible, try to tunnel through hills rather than going over them, as the minecart could get stuck otherwise. It may take thousands of rails and bridging blocks to get from the world spawn to the build site, so it may be easier to simply bring a few stacks of logs and iron blocks with a crafting table to craft rails as you go. This is one of the most time-consuming parts of this advancement, but it's far more reliable than using a boat since boats can't be moved vertically up without a piston, riding a boat across water risks drowning the shulker if you move too quickly, and moving a boat across a bridge in the end risks having an enderman teleport and push the boat off the bridge and into the void. Using a minecart to carry the shulker, pushed by a furnace minecart, also allows the player to keep a healthy distance to avoid getting shot at by the shulker, and using a furnace minecart and regular rails instead of powered rails is much more resource-efficient.

Once the rails are run all the way from the world spawn to the build site, double check that there are no gaps anywhere in the rail line from the world spawn all the way up to the contraption's drop shaft, then break the most recently used bed, make sure you're not wearing any armor with Thorns, optionally grab a shield, and head into the end and find an end city with two shulkers still at the entrance. The city should be as close to an end gateway as possible, though exact distance is less important than how much bridging you'll need to do between the two. Again, Chunkbase can be used to find a suitable candidate. Enter through the opposite side from the entrance to prevent the shulkers from seeing you and place blocks as shown below to obscure the shulkers' vision and set up the rails which will eventually be used to pick up the shulker.

Using an activator rail to eject a minecart-riding shulker into the exit portal

The red concrete blocks mark the spaces that must contain full, solid blocks to prevent the shulker from being ejected there instead of inside the exit portal.

Once that's done, place regular rails leading all the way up and into the end gateway. Take note of the direction your rails are facing using the F3 debug screen, then go through the gateway. A trapdoor or fence gate can be used to force you into the 1-block-tall swimming position to go through without using an ender pearl each time. Depending on the type of gateway, you'll either end up at a corresponding gateway on the main island or on the obsidian platform at 100,49,0. If you arrive at the obsidian platform, just remember that any blocks on and above it will be reset to air anytime an entity enters the end, so if you exit and re-enter the end after building here (or if anyone else enters the end if you're on a server) before you get the shulker, you'll need to replace the rails. Wherever you arrive, place rails under yourself in the same direction as before and continue placing rails up to the corner of the exit portal, with an activator rail at the end, powered by a lever. The activator rail will try to eject the shulker into one of the up-to-8 adjacent air blocks at its Y level, so make sure that there are solid blocks in the spaces around the activator rail so that the only available spot is inside the exit portal.


Now head back to the end city, double-check to make sure you don't have Thorns on your armor, enter through the back like before, place a minecart on the powered rails, and crouch and use a fishing rod to hook the minecart, then get behind the glass blocks and pull the minecart. Wait for the shulker to pass by, then place a furnace minecart on the powered rails and give it some coal/charcoal and a push toward the shulker minecart. Keeping a safe distance, follow the two through the gateway, onto the main island, and up to the exit portal. You should see an empty minecart and furnace minecart and no shulker nearby. Grab both minecarts and go through the exit portal and you should see the shulker in the glass enclosure from earlier. Place the minecart and furnace minecart on the rails leading to the shulker, give the furnace minecart some coal/charcoal and a push, and the shulker will be picked up. Follow it at a safe distance all the way to the build site, but be careful to not let the shulker take damage on the way. If you suspect the shulker may not be at full health, hit it with a splash potion of regeneration. The shulker minecart should fall into the column on top of the trapdoor. Once it does, place a top slab just over the shulker to lock it in place.

Now head to the ocean monument and time how long it takes to go from the ocean monument back to the build site. If it takes longer than about two and a half minutes, you'll need to use nether portals to get from place to place. It may be helpful to build the portals on top of the nether roof to facilitate easy, safe transit. Now look for the nearest pillager outpost and village (Chunkbase can be used for this as well) and build portals to get there as well (unless you can get from the village to the pillager outpost and from the pillager outpost to the build site in under 10 minutes each). At the village, trap at least one villager in a fully-enclosed area with access to a job site, as this is all that's required to count as a "village" for the purpose of raids. At the pillager outpost, it may be helpful to fill the spawning area of the outpost (a 72×54×72 cuboid centered on the top floor) with as many grass spawning platforms as possible to maximize the chances for pillagers (and therefore pillager captains) to spawn and decrease the time it'll take after beating a raid to get Bad Omen again.

At this point, double check that the contraption is set up correctly with a nametagged dolphin tied to the fencepost, a shulker in a minecart next to the shrieker, spectral arrows in the lower dispenser, and splash potions of Fire Resistance, Invisibility, Night Vision, Slowness, Slow Falling, Water Breathing, and Weakness in the upper dispenser (behind the vertical trapdoor). Make sure you can get from the village to the pillager outpost in under 10 minutes, from the pillager outpost to the ocean monument in under 10 minutes, and from the ocean monument to the contraption in under 2.5 minutes (if not, you may need some extra swiftness potions or some other means of fast transportation through the nether portals. Also make sure that the bottom slab covering the sculk shrieker has been removed. If everything looks good, you should be ready to start the process of getting all the effects. It's recommended to make a backup of the world before continuing in case something goes wrong. It may also be helpful to record your screen so that, if something goes wrong, you can see exactly which effect(s) weren't applied.

The sequence for getting the effects is as follows:

  1. Go to the pillager outpost and kill a pillager captain to get Bad Omen (1/27).
  2. Go to the village (losing Bad Omen (0/27)) and beat a raid (kill at least one raid mob in a raid that ends in victory) to get Hero of the Village (1/27). Timer is now 40 minutes. After this point, you should make sure to only eat food if absolutely necessary. Your hunger bar must be at most 15/20 by the time you reach the contraption.
  3. Go back to the pillager outpost and kill another pillager captain to get Bad Omen again (2/27).
  4. Go to the ocean monument and get cursed by an elder guardian to get Mining Fatigue (3/27). Timer is now at most 5 minutes.
  5. Go to the contraption. Getting within range of the beacons gives Haste, Jump Boost, Regeneration, Resistance, Speed, and Strength (9/27).
  6. Eat the golden apple to get Absorption (10/27). Timer is now at most 2 minutes.
  7. Enter the contraption and close the fence gate to enter the swimming position and get Conduit Power (11/27).
  8. Sprint-swim (giving Dolphin's Grace (12/27)) over the shrieker (which will activate and give Darkness (13/27)) and toward the wither rose in the gap between the grindstones to get Wither (14/27). The shulker will also begin firing at you, giving you Levitation (15/27). Continue sprint-swimming toward the wither rose throughout the rest of the steps.
  9. Flip the lever to the right of the wither rose to trigger the dispenser behind you to shoot a spectral arrow at you (giving Glowing (19/27)) and to trigger the piston next to the lever to extend and activate an observer clock which quickly fires the potions in the upper dispenser, giving Fire Resistance, Invisibility, Night Vision, Slowness, Slow Falling, Water Breathing, and Weakness (23/27). The lever can be flipped again to fire another spectral arrow if necessary.
  10. Eat the pufferfish for Hunger, Nausea, and Poison (26/27). Timer is now at most 15 seconds.
  11. Eat the suspicious stew to get Blindness (27/27). This should grant the advancement. However, if Glowing expired before you could eat the suspicious stew, quickly flip the lever again to fire another spectral arrow and give glowing again. As long as you keep sprint-swimming at the wither rose, Wither, Levitation, Darkness, Conduit Power, Dolphin's Grace, and the six beacon effects can all be refreshed (though triggering the sculk shrieker too many times runs the risk of potentially spawning a warden).

This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can only be viewed when the player has completed the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 1000 experience, which is the equivalent of 26 levels if the player previously had no experience.

The End[]

Advancements Tree - The End

Advancement tree in the "The End" tab

The End[]

Advancement-plain-rawOr the beginning?

Requirements: Enter the End dimension (Same as 'The End?').

To get this advancement, you will need to enter the End dimension, by going through an end portal. Once the terrain forms, you will get the advancement.

Parent of: Free the End

Free the End[]

Advancement-plain-rawGood luck

Requirements: Kill the Ender Dragon for the first time.

To get this advancement, you must deliver the last hit to the ender dragon. If there are multiple players, only the player that deals the last hit to the dragon will get the advancement. See the tutorial on how to kill the ender dragon for a proper tutorial.

Parent of: The Next Generation | Remote Getaway | The End... Again... | You Need a Mint

The Next Generation[]

Advancement-oval-rawHold the Dragon Egg

Requirements: Have a dragon egg in your inventory.

To get this advancement, you must get the dragon egg into your inventory. This is achievable after defeating the ender dragon. However, when you punch the dragon egg, it will only teleport. The easiest way for the dragon egg to drop as an item is to place a piston facing the dragon egg, with a lever behind it. Flip the lever to push the piston, which will make the dragon egg drop as an item. Alternatively, you may bring a torch (or just take one of the torches on the exit portal), dig one block under the block the dragon egg is sitting on, place the torch under, and break the block. The dragon egg will fall on the torch, then drop as an item. Of course, any non-full block will work in place of the torch (such as a Fencepost, Bottom-Half Slab, or Pressure Plate). However, the usage of torches is suggested, as they are cheap and easy to obtain.

Remote Getaway[]

Advancement-plain-rawEscape the island

Requirements: Enter an end gateway.

To get this advancement, you must enter an end gateway. Because the gateway opening is only one block high, you cannot walk in directly. You can either throw an ender pearl through, or force your player model in crawling position, most easily achieved with a trapdoor. This will teleport you to one of the outer islands in the End, which is the only place where end cities can be found.

Parent of: The City at the End of the Game

The End... Again...[]

Advancement-oval-rawInvicon End CrystalRespawn the Ender Dragon

Requirements: Respawn the ender dragon using end crystals.

To get this advancement, you need to respawn the ender dragon. This is possible by placing end crystals on certain blocks of bedrock that surround the exit portal in the End. The exit portal is surrounded by three bedrock blocks on each side, with blocks connecting each of the sides, for a total of 16 blocks. Place an end crystal on the middle block of each of the sides. This will respawn the end crystals on the obsidian towers, as well as the ender dragon herself.

Respawn ender dragon

This is the arrangement of end crystals on the End's exit portal that will respawn the ender dragon.

You Need a Mint[]

Advancement-oval-rawCollect dragon's breath in a glass bottle

Requirements: Have a bottle of dragon's breath in your inventory.

To get this advancement, you must collect dragon's breath. To do this, use a glass bottle on the dragon's breath particles, and you will get the advancement as soon as there is a bottle of dragon's breath in your inventory.

The City at the End of the Game[]

Advancement-plain-rawGo on in, what could happen?

Requirements: Enter an end city.

To get this advancement, you must walk into an end city. The only place in the game where you can find end cities are on the outer islands of the End, accessible through an end gateway, which generates when the ender dragon is killed. End cities contain lots of valuable treasure, along with many other things.

Parent of: Sky's the Limit | Great View From Up Here

Sky's the Limit[]

Advancement-oval-rawFind Elytra

Requirements: Have a pair of Elytra in your inventory.

To get this advancement, you must get the elytra in your inventory, which can be found in end city ships.

Great View From Up Here[]

Advancement-fancy-rawLevitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker

Requirements: Travel 50 blocks vertically while being affected by Levitation.

To get this advancement, you must travel vertically for at least 50 blocks under the Levitation effect, which is acquired by getting hit by a shulker's projectile. Earning this advancement becomes significantly easier if you throw an ender pearl at an end city tower above you after gaining Levitation. To avoid dying from fall damage after the effect wears off, you can throw another ender pearl, glide down using elytra, try to position yourself just above a tower roof, place a water bucket where you intend to land, or wear iron or diamond boots enchanted with a high Feather Falling level.

Another way to complete the advancement is to make a 50 block tall tower. Place water at the top, and swim up once the shulker hits you.

You can also get this advancement by traveling downwards 50 blocks, so you can get to the top of a tall end city (more than 50 blocks), and be hit by a shulker. You will be granted the Levitation effect. Next, get at least 8 blocks away from the end city, and then eat a chorus fruit. Because of the way chorus fruit teleportation works, it will teleport you directly on the ground, and you will get the advancement. An alternative to a chorus fruit is to throw an ender pearl at the ground below while you still have Levitation.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 50 experience.


Advancements Tree - Adventure

Advancement tree in the "Adventure" tab


Advancement-plain-rawAdventure, exploration, and combat

Requirements: Kill a mob or get killed by one.

This advancement is easily achieved; either by killing any entity or being killed by any entity. The easiest entity to find early in the game is probably squid, if you spawn near water. Otherwise, you can try to find animals to kill, or wait until nighttime to kill a hostile mob. Overall, no special attention is needed to get this advancement.

Parent of: Voluntary Exile | Monster Hunter | What a Deal! | Sticky Situation | Ol' Betsy | Light as a Rabbit | Sweet Dreams

Voluntary Exile[]

Kill a raid captain.

Advancement-plain-rawMaybe consider staying away from villages for the time being...

Requirements: Kill an illager captain, either from an illager patrol or a pillager outpost.

This advancement is rather easy. All you need to do is wait for an illager patrol to happen, and find the raid captain. Kill it and you will get the advancement.

Alternatively, you can find a pillager outpost and wait for a raid captain to spawn in. Then you need to kill him in a 'direct' way like a sword or a bow. Once you kill it, you will get the same result.

If you don't want to start a raid, make sure to drink a bucket of milk as soon as you get the advancement. If you don't have milk with you, find the nearest cow, mooshroom or goat, and milk it.

Parent of: Hero of the Village

Is It a Bird?[]

Advancement-plain-rawLook at a parrot through a spyglass

Requirements: Use a spyglass while aiming at a parrot.

This advancement is relatively straightforward. You need to obtain a spyglass, crafted using two copper ingots and one amethyst shard. You also need to locate a parrot, which are only found in jungle biomes. Once you zoom in on the parrot, you are granted the advancement.

Parent of: Is It a Balloon? | Is It a Plane?

Monster Hunter[]

Advancement-plain-rawKill any hostile monster

Requirements: Kill any hostile mob.

You must kill a hostile mob to get this advancement. One of the 34 mobs you could kill are: blazes, cave spiders, creepers, drowned, elder guardians, ender dragons, endermen, endermites, evokers, ghasts, guardians, hoglins, husks, magma cubes, phantoms, piglins, piglin brutes, pillagers, ravagers, shulkers, silverfish, skeletons, slimes, spiders, strays, vexes, vindicators, witches, withers, wither skeletons, zoglins, zombies, zombified piglins, and zombie villagers. You can use any type of weapon, block, or your bare hands to kill the monster, but it is recommended to have a sword or an axe, to decrease your chances of being killed yourself.

Parent of: A Throwaway Joke | Take Aim | Monsters Hunted | Postmortal

The Power of Books[]

Advancement-plain-rawRead the powered signal of a Chiseled Bookshelf using a Comparator

Requirements: Place a book inside a chiseled bookshelf while a redstone comparator is behind it.

This advancement should be straightforward to finish once you obtained the three components listed above. Make sure that the comparator is pointing away from the chiseled bookshelf, that is, the white triangle on top of it is pointing away.

What a Deal![]

Advancement-plain-rawSuccessfully trade with a Villager

Requirements: Trade with a villager.

To do this, gather the item that the villager wants, use the villager to access their trades, and put it in their trading slot. Then, put the item that they give you in return in your inventory.

Parent of: Hired Help

Crafting a New Look[]

Advancement-plain-rawCraft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table

Requirements: Trim a piece of armor at a smithing table using a smithing template.

To complete this advancement, a smithing template is required. It can only be found in rare generated structures, and a complete list can be found here. Before trimming the armor, it is strongly recommended to duplicate the smithing template using seven diamonds and a corresponding material, so you may apply this template to other armor pieces later, as the smithing template is consumed each time you trim an armor using it.

Parent of: Smithing with Style

Sticky Situation[]

Advancement-plain-rawJump into a Honey Block to break your fall

Requirements: Jump into the side of a honey block so that it slows you down as you fall.

To acquire this advancement, you need to have a honey block. To craft a honey block, you need to have four honey bottles. Next, place the four bottles in a crafting grid like so:

Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Honey Bottle

Empty bottles remain in the crafting grid after crafting the honey block.
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Place the honey block one block above the ground and jump onto the side of it. The advancement should be awarded if the player touches the honey block before touching the ground.

Ol' Betsy[]

Advancement-plain-rawShoot a crossbow

Requirements: Load (fire up) a crossbow, then shoot with it.

This advancement is achieved by simply firing a crossbow. Crossbows can be made with three sticks, two string, one iron ingot, and one tripwire hook. Crossbows can also be obtained from pillager drops.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Stick +
Iron Ingot +
String +
Tripwire Hook

Parent of: Two Birds, One Arrow | Who's the Pillager Now? | Arbalistic

Surge Protector[]

Advancement-plain-rawProtect a villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire

Requirements: Be within 30 blocks of a lightning strike that doesn't set any blocks on fire, while an unharmed villager is within or up to six blocks above a 30×30×30 volume centered on the lightning strike.

To complete this advancement, distance is crucial: the lightning rod needs to be not too close to the villager to convert it into a witch, and not to far so that this advancement is not triggered. The player also needs to be close to the lightning rod.

To make the lightning not set any blocks on fire, the best option is to build a small pillar out of non-flammable blocks at least 4 blocks high, and put the lightning rod on top of it. Make sure the lightning rod has access to the sky. The villager need to be at least 4 blocks away from the lightning in order to not be converted into a witch. Once the lightning strikes, all players within a 30 block radius of the lightning rod are granted the advancement.

Caves & Cliffs[]

Advancement-plain-rawFree fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive

Requirements: Falls from at least y=319 to at most y=-59 with a vertical distance of greater than 379 blocks.

The usual way of completing this advancement involves creating a tall pillar all the way to the build limit, and a shaft straight down to the bedrock layer right next to it.

The easiest way to create the pillar is using scaffolding: simply place one down, and keep clicking on the side, until you cannot place any more of it. If you start at sea level, you will need 256 pieces of scaffolding, or about 4 stacks. If you don't have easy access to bamboo or string, you can alternatively build the pillar out of sand or gravel, as a pillar made of them can be easily removed by placing a torch or slab at the bottom. Once you get to the top, you can either use a water bucket to get down, or roll down using a boat.

To dig the shaft, the easiest way is to dig straight down by standing in the middle of two blocks, place a bucket of water at the bottom, and then pillar up on one side of the shaft. This leaves a 1 by 1 hole going down straight to bedrock.

Respecting the Remnants[]

Advancement-plain-rawBrush a Suspicious block to obtain a Pottery Sherd

Requirements: Brush suspicious sand and suspicious gravel and obtain a pottery sherd from each.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Sneak 100[]

Advancement-plain-rawSneak near a Sculk Sensor or Warden to prevent it from detecting you

Requirements: Sneak within 8 blocks from a sculk sensor, or 16 blocks from a warden.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Sweet Dreams[]

Advancement-plain-rawSleep in a bed to change your respawn point

Requirements: Sleep in a bed.

This advancement is achieved by sleeping in a bed. Beds can be made with 3 wool and 3 planks, which is easy if players have sheep nearby.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Matching Wool +
Any Planks

Sleeping in a bed will reset the player's spawn point, so that when they die, they will respawn next to their bed. Note that this advancement can only be done at night or during a thunderstorm.

Only perform the above steps while in the Overworld. If you try to sleep in the Nether or the End, the bed will explode.

Parent of: Adventuring Time,

Hero of the Village[]

Advancement-fancy-rawSuccessfully defend a village from a raid

Requirements: Kill a raid captain, enter a village and complete a raid.

First, kill a raid captain (which will award the "Voluntary Exile" advancement) and get the Bad Omen effect. Then, go to a village. You will see a bossbar labeled "Raid" and your Bad Omen effect disappeared, indicating that the raid has started. There will be numerous amounts of waves of the raid based on the difficulty. There are 3 waves in Easy, 5 in Normal, and 7 in Hard.

Mobs that will spawn during the raid are: pillagers, vindicators, and ravagers, which spawn on all difficulties. Evokers, vexes and witches only spawn on normal and hard difficulties. Ridden ravagers spawn with a pillager on normal and with pillagers, vindicators and evokers on hard. Illusioners are unused.

Once you have completed the raid (you have killed every illager in the raid), you will get the "Hero of the Village" advancement. You will also get the status effect of the same name of the advancement, Hero of the Village.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

Is It a Balloon?[]

Advancement-plain-rawLook at a ghast through a spyglass

Requirements: Look at a ghast through a spyglass while the ghast is focused on you.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Parent of: Is it a Plane?

A Throwaway Joke[]

Throw a trident at something.

Advancement-plain-rawNote: Throwing away your only weapon is not a good idea.

Requirements: Throw a trident at any entity.

To get this advancement, you will first need to kill a drowned holding a trident. Drowned can be found in ocean ruins or underwater in light level 7 or less in ocean biomes (except in warm ocean), and river biomes. Zombies can be converted to drowned, but they do not spawn with a trident. Tridents are a rare drop from drowned, so you may need to kill a few drowned to get the trident. 6.25% of drowned spawn with a trident, and there is a 8.5% chance for the drowned to drop the trident, with an 11.5% chance to drop with Looting III. A shield can be helpful fighting drowneds underwater, as their tridents deal massive damage.

Once you have obtained the trident, you then have to throw it at an entity. You can't hit the entity while holding the trident; it has to be a thrown. Once the thrown trident has hit an entity, you will be rewarded the advancement. The trident's durability will be reduced by 1 in the process.

Parent of: Very Very Frightening

It Spreads[]

Advancement-fancy-rawKill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst

Requirements: Kill a mob that drops experience within 8 blocks of a sculk catalyst.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Take Aim[]

Advancement-plain-rawShoot something with an arrow

Requirements: Hit any entity with a shot arrow.

This advancement requires a bow or a crossbow and one or more arrows to be crafted beforehand. You can also obtain the bow and arrows by killing skeletons, and get the crossbow from killing pillagers.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Bow Stick +

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Crossbow Stick +
Iron Ingot +
String +
Tripwire Hook

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Flint +
Stick +

Once your bow/crossbow and arrow(s) are crafted, shoot any entity to get the advancement. One arrow will be consumed in the process.

Parent of: Sniper Duel | Bullseye

Monsters Hunted[]

Advancement-fancy-rawKill one of every hostile monster

Requirements: Kill every hostile mob at least once.

Kill every type of hostile mob, and you only need to kill it once. Killing a type of hostile mob in your current world will be saved in the progress bar of this advancement. The 34 mobs you will need to kill include: blazes, cave spiders, creepers, drowned, elder guardians, ender dragons, endermen, endermites, evokers, ghasts, guardians, hoglins, husks, magma cubes, phantoms, piglins, piglin brutes, pillagers, ravagers, shulkers, silverfish, skeletons, slimes, spiders, strays, vexes, vindicators, witches, withers, wither skeletons, zoglins, zombies, zombified piglins, and zombie villagers.

The hardest mobs to kill for this challenge advancement are the ender dragon and the wither (they are bosses). The harder mobs to kill are elder guardians, ravagers (have 100♥ × 50 health, deal up to 18♥ × 9 melee damage on Hard difficulty, can roar (dealing 6♥♥♥ damage and high knockback) when blocked with a shield, and spawn only in raids), evokers and vindicators (spawn only in woodland mansions and raids), piglin brutes (have 50♥ × 25 health and do up to 19.5♥ × 9.75 damage when armed on Hard difficulty), zoglins (requires to get a hoglin into the Overworld, made even harder by their fear of Nether portals), silverfish (found only in strongholds and infested stone variants, and are small), and cave spiders (spawn only from spawners in mineshafts).

The player can track their progress by going to the "Mobs" section in their statistics. All mobs that are killed by the player (or have killed the player) at least once will be shown on the page. Killing a warden is not required for this advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.


Advancement-oval-rawUse a Totem of Undying to cheat death

Requirements: Take fatal damage while holding a Totem of Undying.

Before attempting this advancement, you must go to a woodland mansion or initiate a raid, and kill an evoker, which will drop a totem of undying. Then, if you take fatal damage while holding the totem of undying in either hand (switch between hands by pressing F, better for dual wielding), you will not actually die; instead, your health will regenerate (from Absorption and you gaining 1♥) and you will get the advancement.

The status effects you will get from the Totem of Undying are: 45 seconds of Regeneration II, 40 seconds of Fire Resistance, and 5 seconds of Absorption II. The Totem of Undying will remove all of your current status effects and apply these instead.

Hired Help[]

Advancement-oval-rawSummon an Iron Golem to help defend a village

Requirements: Use 4 blocks of iron and 1 carved pumpkin to spawn an iron golem.

You must summon an iron golem to get this advancement, although summoning it in a village is not necessary. The first thing you must do is gather 36 iron ingots and a carved pumpkin. Use the iron ingots to make 4 iron blocks, and place them in a "T" shape on the ground. Place the carved pumpkin on top of the top middle block.

This should spawn an iron golem; therefore, you will get the advancement. Iron golems will kill any nearby monsters. Iron golems are considered neutral mobs when naturally generated (meaning they will attack you if provoked), but if the player summoned the iron golem, they will become passive toward the player.

Star Trader[]

Advancement-plain-rawTrade with a Villager at the build height limit

Requirements: Stand on any block that is higher than 318 and trade with a villager or wandering trader.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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This advancement requires the player to transport a villager to the build limit of 319, and then trade with it. The villager can be transported upward in a variety of ways, but the easiest solution is usually a vertical flying machine, with the benefit that a tower of some sort need not be constructed.

To conduct the flying machine technique, first trap the villager in a minecart or a boat, and then build a flying machine under it. Once the flying machine is finished, make sure you have the work station and some emeralds to trade with the villager, and then stand on the flying machine, and activate it. To ensure that you or the villager don't accidentally fall down and die, place some water at the bottom as a safety measure. Once the flying machine is activated, it will fly upward, carrying you and the villager with it. Once it reaches the build limit, it automatically stops, and you can place down the work station and trade with the villager. Once you performed the trade, you will receive the advancement.

To get down safely, you can either activate the flying machine to make it go downward, or simply disassemble the flying machine, and fall down into the water you placed below.

Smithing with Style[]

Advancement-fancy-rawApply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder

Requirements: Apply all smithing templates listed above at least once.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Two Birds, One Arrow[]

Advancement-fancy-rawKill two Phantoms with a piercing arrow

Requirements: Shoot a crossbow with the enchantment Piercing at two phantoms with one arrow.

In order to unlock this advancement, two phantoms must be simultaneously killed with a crossbow enchanted with any level of Piercing.

Phantoms spawn after three in-game days wherein the player does not sleep (unless the game rule doInsomnia is set to false).

Due to their health bar, phantoms cannot be killed in one shot with a crossbow. A crossbow does 6♥♥♥ of damage at minimum, 9♥♥♥♥♥ at average, and 11♥ × 5.5 at maximum, therefore requiring two shots.

It's easier to let the phantoms dive down then move into a place with a roof. Now trap the phantoms and wait until two already damaged phantoms line up one after another, and fire a shot traveling through both to kill them. This will complete the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 65 experience.

Who's the Pillager Now?[]

Advancement-plain-rawGive a Pillager a taste of their own medicine

Requirements: Kill a pillager using a crossbow.

First, you will need to obtain a crossbow. To do this, you have to either kill some pillagers, or craft one.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Stick +
Iron Ingot +
String +
Tripwire Hook

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Flint +
Stick +

After you have obtained a crossbow, find a pillager (usually found frequently in pillager outposts and patrols), and kill it using your crossbow. You will need at least 3 arrows to do this. Alternatively, attack the pillager with melee attacks until it is on low health, and finish it off with a crossbow shot. You will then be awarded the advancement.


Advancement-fancy-rawKill five unique mobs with one crossbow shot

Requirements: Use a crossbow enchanted with Piercing IV to kill any 5 different mobs in one shot.

To complete this advancement, you must kill five different mobs in one shot with a crossbow enchanted with Piercing IV, which allows arrows to hit five different mobs.

First, you must prepare a 4×4 area then place fences all around the perimeter. This area is where the mobs will be trapped in. For this method you must also use passive mobs such cows or sheep. With these kinds of mobs, this size should be sufficient to trap all five mobs inside without any issues. If you are using horses, llamas, or any other passive mob that has a larger size than a pig, cow, or the other normal-sized mobs, it is a good idea to make the fence area slightly larger.

Now, prepare all of the mobs' food, the food that is used to feed and breed them, and lure them toward the trapping area. Leads are also a good option. Once you have all five passive mobs trapped in the same 4×4 area, you need to prepare a splash potion of Poison II. Throwing this at the mobs will allow them to be reduced down to one health point, but not fully kill them, which allows you to finish them off with the crossbow shot. You may want to bring a bucket of milk, just in case you poison yourself.

After the poison wears off, it is time to line them up so you can kill all five with a crossbow shot. It is recommended to lure the animals closer together using their breeding food. Holding different types of breeding food in both hands is also a good option because it will lure more animals toward you (for example, holding a carrot in your off-hand while holding wheat in your main hand, will lure pigs, rabbits, sheep, and cows). Once they are attracted with your food each hand, quickly switch to your crossbow shot and fire the arrow in the best possible angle so that all the mobs die at the same time. It is recommended to aim for the mobs which have the smallest hitbox first, like a chicken or rabbit's, because those are harder to hit, while mobs with larger hitboxes should be prioritized last, like a cow or horse's. If they all die after you fire the arrow, you should be rewarded the advancement.

This is a hidden advancement, meaning that it can only be viewed when the player has completed the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 85 experience.

Careful restoration[]

Advancement-plain-rawMake a Decorated Pot out of 4 Pottery Sherds

Requirements: Craft a decorated pot using 4 pottery sherds.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Adventuring Time[]

Advancement-fancy-rawDiscover every biome

Requirements: Find some but not all biomes in the Overworld.

This advancement is achieved by setting foot in all 52 standard biomes or in the Overworld (the Nether and the End are excluded). The biomes you need to visit are: Badlands, Bamboo Jungle, Beach, Birch Forest, Cold Ocean, Dark Forest, Deep Cold Ocean, Deep Dark, Deep Frozen Ocean, Deep Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Ocean, Desert, Dripstone Caves, Eroded Badlands, Flower Forest, Forest, Frozen Ocean, Frozen River, Frozen Peaks, Grove, Ice Spikes, Jagged Peaks, Jungle, Lukewarm Ocean, Lush Caves, Mangrove Swamp, Meadow, Mushroom Fields, Ocean, Old Growth Birch Forest, Old Growth Pine Taiga, Old Growth Spruce Taiga, Plains, River, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Snowy Beach, Snowy Taiga, Snowy Plains, Snowy Slopes, Sparse Jungle, Stony Shore, Stony Peaks, Sunflower Plains, Swamp, Taiga, Warm Ocean, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills, Windswept Hills, Windswept Savanna, and Wooded Badlands. Once you have been in every biome, you will be rewarded the advancement.

The player can check their progress by going to the Advancement tab and hover their cursor over the advancement. A progress bar will show how many of the 52 biomes they have visited. However, it does not show which of the biomes have been visited, so it is recommended that you create a notepad document and tick off biomes as you visit them.

For a singleplayer world, a reliable way to check for which biomes have been visited is to read the .JSON file that stores the advancements. It involves the following steps:

  • Go to the .minecraft folder >> saves >> (name of the world) >> advancements.
  • Open the only available .JSON file in the folder with a text editor (e.g. Notepad).
  • Find the entry that says minecraft:adventure/adventuring_time.
  • See which biomes are listed under the entry.

The file keeps a record of which biomes the player has visited, as well as the exact time that the player visited them for the first time. By reading this file, the player can learn of which biomes they need to visit in order to complete this advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 500 experience.

Sound of Music[]

Advancement-plain-rawMake the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a Jukebox

Requirements: Play a Music Disc in a Jukebox located in a meadow biome.

First, craft a jukebox as shown below:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Planks +

Then, obtain a music disc. Most of them can be dropped by creepers when killed by a skeleton, and some can also be found as loot in certain generated structures. After you get a music disc, find a meadow biome. Place your jukebox in the meadow and play your music disc in it by using the disc on the jukebox. You should then get the advancement.

Light as a Rabbit[]

Advancement-plain-rawWalk on Powder Snow...without sinking in it

Requirement: Walk on powder snow using Leather Boots

First, craft a pair of Leather Boots with the recipe shown below.

Ingredients Crafting recipe

Then, locate powder snow, which spawns naturally in groves and snowy slopes on the sides of mountains. It can be distinguished from regular snow by its texture. You can also obtain powder snow by placing a cauldron in a snowy biome. Make sure it has exposure to the sky, and then wait for it to snow, as it will fill with powder snow during snowy weather. Once the cauldron is full, you can use a bucket to remove the powder snow from the cauldron and place it elsewhere. The crafting recipe for the cauldron is shown below.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot

Once you have found or placed the powder snow, equip your leather boots and stand on top of it. You will not sink into the powder snow, and you will get the advancement.

Parent of: Sweet Dreams

Is It a Plane?[]

Advancement-plain-rawLook at the Ender Dragon through a spyglass

Requirements: Zoom in on the ender dragon while holding a spyglass.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Very Very Frightening[]

Advancement-plain-rawStrike a Villager with lightning

Requirements: Hit a villager with lightning created by a trident with the Channeling enchantment.

For this advancement, a villager will need to be struck by lightning. To achieve this, the weather needs to be a thunderstorm (rain and thunder). To summon lightning, hit a villager with a trident enchanted with Channeling. Once the lightning bolt is summoned, the villager should turn into a witch. When this happens, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Sniper Duel[]

Advancement-fancy-rawKill a Skeleton from at least 50 meters away

Requirements: Be at least 50 blocks away from a skeleton and kill it with a projectile.

To complete this advancement, you need to kill a skeleton with a projectile that is shot from at least 50 blocks away horizontally. The best way to do this is to first trap a skeleton into a 2×1×1 block area, using fences, so that you don't have to deal with a moving target. Also, make sure that it is nighttime so that the skeleton will not burn in the daytime. Alternatively, if the skeleton has a helmet on, it will also not burn in the daylight. To ensure that the skeleton doesn't despawn, put a name tag on it.

Then, making sure that you are at least 50 blocks away from the skeleton horizontally, throw your projectile at about a 45 degree angle toward the skeleton. It may take many tries to shoot correctly. You will get the advancement once the skeleton is killed by the projectile.

To weaken the skeleton and kill it in one hit with your projectile, you can hit it with another weapon for a certain number of times, until you can hit the skeleton with the projectile in one hit. You will get the advancement as long as when the skeleton is killed and it was hit by your arrow at last. If you have an iron sword, diamond sword, netherite sword, or any type of axe (except netherite), you can hit the skeleton twice with that weapon before shooting the skeleton with a fully charged arrow in one hit. If you have a wooden, stone, or gold sword, hit the skeleton three times with that weapon before shooting the skeleton. A bow enchanted with Power IV or V can kill a full health skeleton in one hit. Although arrows are the easiest to use, any projectile can be used for this advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 50 experience.


Advancement-fancy-rawHit the bullseye of a Target block from at least 30 meters away

Requirements: Hit the absolute middle of a target from at least 30 blocks away.

To complete this advancement you need to craft a target.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Redstone Dust +
Hay Bale

Then, place the target on the ground. Now you need to get a bow and at least one arrow. Shoot on the bullseye (center) of the target from at least 30 blocks away horizontally until you hit the bullseye. Changing the FOV value to 30 may be useful here.

To acknowledge where the arrow lands and how close you were, you can place 15 Redstone dust in a line starting from the target with Redstone lamps below. The more lamps light up the more accurate your hit was.[more information needed]

When you hit the bullseye from at least 30 blocks away horizontally, you will be rewarded the advancement.

An easier way to do this is to place an iron trapdoor on top of the target block. Set up a Redstone trail 30 or more blocks long (use repeaters too). shoot the trapdoor in the middle and then pull the lever 30 blocks away. this will grant you the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 50 experience.


Advancements Tree - Husbandry

Advancement tree in the "Husbandry" tab


Advancement-plain-rawThe world is full of friends and food

Requirements: Eat any item that can be eaten, and replenishes at least 1 hunger point.

Eat any type of food, other than cake, milk, or potions. It doesn't matter whether it's a pufferfish, a golden apple, or bread; as long as it is a type of food, you will get the advancement.

Parent of: Bee Our Guest | The Parrots and the Bats | Best Friends Forever | Fishy Business | Total Beelocation | A Seedy Place

Bee Our Guest[]

Advancement-plain-rawUse a Campfire to collect Honey from a Beehive using a Bottle without aggravating the bees

Requirements: Without provoking the bees, place a lit campfire or fire under a beehive or bee nest, then harvest honey from it.

First, craft a campfire. You will need 3 sticks, 3 logs, stripped logs, wood, stripped wood, stems, stripped stems, hyphae, or stripped hyphae. This is optional; as you can also light fire underneath the beehive. The campfire's smoke will still reach the beehive if it is within five blocks below it.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Stick +
Coal or
Charcoal +
Any Log or
Any Stripped Log or
Any Wood or
Any Stripped Wood or
Any Stem or
Any Stripped Stem or
Any Hyphae or
Any Stripped Hyphae

Next, find a bee nest. Bee nests are located in trees. They naturally generate along with 3 bees. Alternatively, you can also make a beehive, if you have enough resources.

To craft a beehive, you will need 3 honeycombs and 6 of any planks.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Planks +

Then, you need to craft a glass bottle. To craft a bottle, you need 3 glass.

Ingredients Crafting recipe

Then, place the campfire under the beehive or bee nest. Use the bottle on the beehive/bee nest. You will get a honey bottle, and the player will get the advancement.

Parent of: You've Got a Friend in Me

The Parrots and the Bats[]

Advancement-plain-rawBreed two animals together

Requirements: Breed two breedable mobs together.

Use one breedable mob with the item that they can breed with, and then use the same type of mob nearby with that item, and they will come together and make a baby. Cows, sheep, and chickens are probably the easiest animals to breed, because they don't require very expensive items. Cows and sheep breed with wheat and chickens with seeds.

Also, you can breed tamed wolves with any type of meat and tamed cats with any type of fish. However, wolves and cats are a little bit rarer than most animals although cats naturally spawn at villages.

See the chart under the advancement "Two by Two" for details on what item each animal needs to breed.

Parent of: Two by Two

You've Got a Friend in Me[]

Advancement-plain-rawHave an Allay deliver items to you

Requirements: Have an Allay deliver an item to you.

First, you need two of one block or item.

Next, find an Allay. They can spawn in woodland mansion jail cells and pillager outpost cages.

After you find an allay, give it one of the two blocks/items you brought by using the item on it. Then, drop the other one. The allay will pick up the item on the ground and throw it to you, awarding you the advancement.

Parent of: Birthday Song

Whatever Floats Your Goat![]

Advancement-plain-rawGet in Boat and float with a Goat

Requirements: Enter a boat that is occupied with a goat

First of all, you would have to locate a Goat.

They usually and only spawn on mountains with a light level of 7 or higher. So first, you would have to locate a [Mountain] biome.

There is a chance that you would not find any goats, so you should search around for more mountains.

After you have located a goat, place a Boat and place it on the block right next to the Goat. It should occupy the boat now. After that, enter the boat by right-clicking to the boat.

Best Friends Forever[]

Advancement-plain-rawTame an animal

Requirements: Tame a tameable mob.

Tame one of the 5 tamable mobs in the game: cat, horse, llama, parrot, or wolf. Horses count as donkeys and mules.

Parrots can be found in jungle biomes. They can be tamed by using them with any type of seeds.

Stray cats can spawn in villages. They can be tamed with any type of raw cod or raw salmon.

Wolves spawn naturally in forests, taigas, giant tree taigas and snowy taigas, along with all variants of these biomes (with the exception of flower forests). Wolves can be tamed with bones. Beware that if you accidentally attack an untamed wolf, similar to zombified piglins, it and its whole pack will start attacking you.

Horses and donkeys are found in plains and savannas, llamas are found in savanna and mountain biomes, and mules are obtained from breeding a horse and a donkey. Horses and llamas are tamed differently than other tameable mobs. To tame a horse or a llama, keep using them with nothing in your hand. The first few times, they may buck you off, but eventually, they will let you stay on and hearts will appear. This means that you have tamed them successfully. For more information on taming horses, donkeys, mules, and llamas, see the pages "Horse#Taming", "Donkey#Taming", "Mule#Taming", and "Llama#Taming".

Once you have tamed one of these mobs, you will be rewarded the advancement.

Parent of: A Complete Catalogue

Glow and Behold![]

Advancement-plain-rawMake the text of a sign glow

Requirements: Use a Glow Ink Sac on a sign

First, you would need to acquire an glow ink sac. Glow ink sacs are only obtainable from glow squids.

To locate a Glow Squid, they spawn in water below Y=30 in total darkness.

You can find glow squids usually in naturally generated caves with water in them, or bodies of water that are below sea level.

Once you've located one, kill it. It will guarantee you an glow ink sac.

Next, craft a sign, using this formation:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Matching Planks +

Then, place a sign down and write something on it (does not matter). After that, use a glow ink sac on the written sign.

Fishy Business[]

Advancement-plain-rawCatch a fish

Requirements: Use a fishing rod and catch a fish in the water.

First, you need to craft a fishing rod, using this formation:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Stick +

You can also find one in ruins chests, obtain one from a drowned, or buy one from a Journeyman-level Fisherman. Now find a body of water and throw the bobber in the water. There will be bubbles moving next to the bobber, indicating that something is in the water. Once the bobber dips in the water, quickly reel it in. To get the advancement, you need to catch a fish, not treasure/junk items (you can only catch treasure loot by fishing in open waters). If you didn't get a fish; try again.

Parent of: Tactical Fishing

Total Beelocation[]

Advancement-plain-rawMove a Bee Nest, with 3 bees inside, using Silk Touch

To complete this advancement, you will first need to find a naturally generated bee nest. All naturally generated bee nests have three bees inside. You will also need any type of tool enchanted with Silk Touch, although axes work the fastest and are recommended. When you break the bee nest with a tool enchanted with Silk Touch, it should drop as an item, with the bees still being in it, and the bees should not be angry at you. If you don't break it with Silk Touch, the nest will drop nothing, and the bees will be mad at you. You must break the nest quickly, otherwise the bees could escape before you break it. If there are bees around the nest, they will get mad at you too, so make sure all three bees are inside the nest. You can also break the nest at night, because bees stay in their nests at night. Once you break the nest, you will get the advancement.

Bukkit Bukkit[]

Advancement-plain-rawCatch a tadpole in a Bucket

Requirements: Have a bucket of tadpole in your inventory.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Smells Interesting[]

Advancement-plain-rawObtain a Sniffer Egg

Requirements: Have a sniffer egg in your inventory.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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A Seedy Place[]

Advancement-plain-rawPlant a seed and watch it grow

Requirements: Use farmland with any type of seed.

Plant any type of seed on tilled land. The easiest seed to acquire is wheat seeds, which grow wheat, and can be harvested by punching grass or tall grass. The advancement is given as soon as the seed is planted; you do not have to wait for it to grow.

Parent of: A Balanced Diet | Serious Dedication

Wax On[]

Advancement-plain-rawApply Honeycomb to a Copper block!

Requirements: Use a Honeycomb on a Block of Copper.

First, you will need 1 piece of Honeycomb. First, you would need to locate a Beehive that contains Bees inside, either naturally generated, or crafted. A naturally generated Beehive can be found in: Plains, Sunflower plains, Flower forest, Forest, Wooded hills, Birch forest, Tall birch forest, Birch forest hills, or Tall birch hills.

Then, craft a pair of Shears using two Iron Ingot like this:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot

Wait until the Beehive looks like it is full of honey, and then use shears on the beehive. (Note: It is recommended to put a campfire under the beehive so that after you shear the beehive, the bees inside and outside will not get angry at you. Not putting a campfire under the beehive and then shearing the beehive will result in the bees potentially stinging you, which may poison you.) You will acquire 3 honeycombs.

Next, you will need to get a copper block.

Copper ore can be found most often generating at Y level 47 to 48. When mining it, remember to use a Pickaxe that is anything but wooden, the ore will drop either Raw Copper or copper ore (the latter will only drop if you're using Silk Touch).

Smelting either raw copper or copper ore will result in a copper ingot.

Copper block can be crafted with 9 copper ingots, like this:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Copper Ingot

After obtaining both the copper block and honeycomb, place the copper block down, and use the honeycomb on the copper block.

Parent of: Wax Off

Two by Two[]

Advancement-fancy-rawBreed all the animals!

Requirements: Breed all possible animals.

Like the in-game description says, breed all the animals! The advancement "The Parrots and the Bats" tells you how to breed animals. The 23 animals are axolotl, bee, camel, cat, chicken, cow, donkey, fox, frog, goat, hoglin, horse, llama, mooshroom, mule, ocelot, panda, pig, rabbit, sheep, strider, turtle, and wolf. Here is a chart with what all the breedable animals can be bred with:

Mob Item(s) to breed with How to achieve item
Axolotl Bucket of Tropical Fish By trading with a wandering trader or using a bucket of water on any tropical fish in lukewarm or warm oceans.
Bee Flowers By killing iron golems, from loot chests, from baby villager gifts, naturally generating from the Overworld, from bone meal, or from trading with wandering traders.
Camel Cactus By breaking naturally generated cactus or taking one from a flower pot in desert villages and igloos with a basement.
Tamed cat, ocelot Raw cod

Raw salmon

When fishing, the player has a 51% chance of getting raw cod

When fishing, the player has a 21.3% chance of getting raw salmon.

You can also find salmon and cod swimming in bodies of water, and you can kill them easily.

Chicken Beetroot seeds

Melon seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Wheat seeds

By harvesting beetroot, from loot chests, or from trading with wandering traders

By breaking a melon stem, from loot chests, from trading with wandering traders, or from placing melon slices in a crafting area

By breaking a pumpkin stem, from loot chests, from trading with wandering traders, from shearing pumpkins, or from placing pumpkins in a crafting area

By punching tall grass or grass

Cow, Goat, mooshroom, sheep Wheat By harvesting a fully grown wheat crop, from loot chests, from killing foxes holding wheat, or from placing hay bales in a crafting area
Fox Sweet berries By harvesting sweet berry bushes
Frog Slimeball By killing Slimes
Hoglin Crimson fungus Found in warped forests and mainly crimson forests, in the Nether
Tamed horse, Tamed donkey, Tamed mule Enchanted golden apples

Golden apples

Golden carrots

A 6.5% chance to be found in bastion remnant chests, a 3.1% chance each to be found in woodland mansion or dungeon chests, a 2.6% chance to be found in desert temple chests, a 1.5% chance to be found in ruined portal chests, and a 1.4% chance to be found in mineshaft chests

Crafted with 8 gold ingots and an apple in crafting table, or from loot chests

Crafted with 8 gold nuggets and a carrot in a crafting table, trading with master-level farmer villagers, or from ruined portal loot chests. Ps for Mule you have to breed a tame horse and a tame donkey

Tamed llama Hay bales Crafted with 9 wheat
Panda Bamboo By harvesting bamboo in jungles biomes, from killing pandas, from fishing in jungle biomes, or from loot chests
Pig Beetroots



By harvesting a fully grown beetroot crop

By harvesting carrots, from loot chests, or as a rare drop from zombies

By harvesting potatoes, from loot chests, or as a rare drop from zombies

Rabbit Carrots


Golden carrots

By harvesting carrots, from loot chests, or as a rare drop from zombies

Found naturally in the Overworld or grown with bone meal

Crafted with 8 gold nuggets and a carrot in a crafting table, trading with master-level farmer villagers, or from ruined portal loot chests

Strider Warped fungus Found in crimson forests and mainly warped forests, in the Nether
Turtle Seagrass Breaking seagrass with shears, or from killing turtles
Tamed wolf Any cooked meat

Any raw meat

Rotten flesh

By cooking any raw meat in a furnace, smoker, or a campfire

By killing mobs which drop meat

By killing zombies, zombified piglins, or zoglins, from fishing, from loot chests, or from gifts from cats

Ocelots and foxes will run away from the player, so bringing leads is recommended.

Hoglins are hostile toward the player, making them difficult to breed.

Pandas require 8 bamboo blocks within 5 meters to breed.

Trader llamas don't count toward this advancement, only normal llamas do.

A way to check which mobs a player has bred is introduced in the "Adventuring Time" section, which also applies to this advancement; the only difference is that the entry to look for is minecraft:husbandry/bred_all_animals.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

Birthday Song[]

Advancement-fancy-rawHave an Allay drop a Cake at a Note Block

Requirements: Have an Allay drop a Cake at a Note Block.

First, you must craft two cakes and a note block. The crafting recipes for the cake and note block, respectively, are shown below.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Cake Milk Bucket +
Sugar +
Egg +

Empty buckets remain in the crafting grid after crafting the cake.
Note Block Any Planks +
Redstone Dust

Next, you must find an allay in a woodland mansion jail cell or a pillager outpost cage.

Once you find an allay, you must give it the first cake you made earlier. Place down the note block, drop the other cake, click the note block with either mouse button, and the allay will fly to it and drop the cake. When the cake is dropped, you should get the advancement.

Parent of: Wax On

A Complete Catalogue[]

Advancement-fancy-rawTame all cat variants!

Requirements: Tame all the 11 different cat variants.

You will need at least half a stack (but preferably a stack) or either raw salmon or raw cod, usually obtained from fishing or killing fish mobs. You then need to use it to tame all 11 cat variants in the game. To tame a stray cat, you have to hold the raw fish in your hand, then slowly approach it. Cats will flee from you if you get too close or approach too quickly, so sneaking toward it is a good approach. Eventually, the stray cat will start crawling slowly toward you. Once it comes to a stop in front of your feet, use it with the fish several times until red hearts appear on top of the cat, showing that it is now tamed. Each cat variant has a different appearance, and a different name. They are: Black, British Shorthair, Calico, Jellie, Persian, Ragdoll, Red, Siamese, Tabby, Tuxedo, and White. Once you successfully tame all 11 cat variants, you will be awarded the advancement.

Cats only spawn in villages and swamp huts, but it is much more practical to find them in a village. For a village to spawn a cat, there needs to be at least 5 villagers and 5 beds, so make sure to increase the villager population if it's not big enough. Once you have successfully tamed a cat, move it far away from the village, so that more stray cats can continue to spawn.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 50 experience.

Tactical Fishing[]

Advancement-plain-rawCatch a fish... without a fishing rod!

Requirements: Catch a fish with a water bucket.

You will need a water bucket for this advancement. Use it on any type of fish. Fish are naturally found in any aquatic biome. Once you have obtained the bucket of fish (a bucket of cod, bucket of salmon, bucket of pufferfish, or a bucket of tropical fish), you will be rewarded the advancement.

Parent of: The Cutest Predator

When the Squad Hops into Town[]

Advancement-plain-rawGet each Frog variant on a Lead

Requirements: Use a lead on all three variants of frogs at least once.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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Little Sniffs[]

Advancement-plain-rawFeed a Snifflet

Requirements: Feed a Snifflet (Baby Sniffer) with Torchflower Seeds

A Balanced Diet[]

Advancement-fancy-rawEat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you

Requirements: Eat every food item that can be eaten.

Eat everything that can be eaten in the game, excluding cake, milk and potions, as they are rather drunk than eaten. Here is a list of all the 40 foods needed to get the advancement:

The player can check their progress on this advancement in 3 ways:

  • The easiest way is to go to the advancement tab and check the progress bar for this advancement. It shows how many of the 40 foods have been eaten before, but not which foods.
  • A more detailed but tedious way is to go to the "Items" section in statistics, and check the "Used" column (the 4th column from the left). All items that has been used (including eaten) at least once has a value greater than 1. This way, the player knows which items have been eaten, but since all items are sorted on the same chart, the player needs to filter out food items from non-food items (e.g. bow), which can take some effort.
  • The most reliable way requires access to the world files. The exact procedure is described in the "Adventuring Time" section, which also applies to this advancement; the only difference is that the entry to look for is minecraft:husbandry/balanced_diet.

Eating all these foods will reward the advancement.

Completing this advancement will reward the player 100 experience.

Serious Dedication[]

Advancement-fancy-rawUse a Netherite ingot to upgrade a hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices

Requirements: Upgrade a diamond hoe to a netherite hoe using a smithing table.

To complete this advancement, you must have a netherite ingot and a diamond hoe. Next, craft and use a smithing table. Place your diamond hoe in the first slot, and put the netherite ingot in the second slot. In the output, you should get a netherite hoe.

IngredientsSmithing recipe
Diamond Hoe +
Netherite Ingot
Upgrade Gear

The advancement should be rewarded as soon as you collect the netherite hoe.

Wax Off[]

Advancement-plain-rawScrape Wax off of a Copper block!

Requirements: Use an Axe to revert a Waxed Copper Block.

Refer to the Wax On achievement tutorial above to see how to make a Waxed Copper Block.

Once you have obtained a Waxed Copper Block, use any type of Axe on it, and the achievement will be awarded to the player.

The Cutest Predator[]

Advancement-plain-rawCatch an axolotl in a bucket

Requirements: Use a water bucket on an axolotl.

First, you would need a water bucket.

You would need to craft a bucket using this configuration:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot

Then, Use the bucket on a water source block, you should now have a water bucket.

Next, you need to find an axolotl. Axolotls usually spawn in water in lush caves above clay blocks. You can encounter them usually by searching in lush caves.

Once you have located an axolotl, Use your water bucket on the axolotl. You should have now both a bucket of axolotl and the achievement for it.

Parent of: The Healing Power Of Friendship!

With Our Powers Combined![]

Advancement-fancy-rawHave all Froglights in your inventory.

Requirements: Have a pearlescent, ochre, and verdant froglight in your inventory.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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The Healing Power Of Friendship![]

Advancement-plain-rawTeam up with an axolotl and win a fight

Requirements: Have the Regeneration effect applied from assisting an axolotl or it killing a mob.

Refer to the previous advancement to find how to get a Bucket of Axolotl.

After you have caught an Axolotl, locate an underwater hostile mob (e.g. Drowned, Guardian, or Elder Guardian, though Guardian and Elder Guardian is not recommended, since they can kill the Axolotl easily).

Facing your enemy, release your axolotl and let the axolotl hit the mob once. After that, kill the mob, do not let the Axolotl kill the mob. Then, you should have the Regeneration I effect thanks to the Axolotl, and this advancement.

Planting the Past[]

Advancement-plain-rawPlant any Sniffer seed

Requirements: Plant a torchflower seed or a pitcher pod on farmland.

Jigsaw Block (top texture) JE2 BE2
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See also[]
