
List of rooms in Metroid Dread
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Transport to Dairon A[]

Burenia 1

This is the upper of the two Shuttles that Samus Aran takes to Burenia from Dairon. Located right outside the buildings that make up the area's research site, this Shuttle station is under constant rainfall.

Connecting rooms

Transport to Burenia A (Shuttle)
Forking shaft (Power Beam Door)

Blue gate shaft[]

Main article: Blue gate shaft
Dread Spittail

The "blue gate shaft" is a significant room in Burenia. It appears in Metroid Dread. This room is located in the center of Burenia, and features a large gate leading to the top of the research site. It was most likely used for observation of the natural life at sea. It is divided in half by both the gate, and a narrow passage above a lower floor. Samus first enters the room from the lower floor, which features an observation window. Through this window, it is possible to see multiple Fish, Seaslugs and Amoeba swimming around. A rounded platform on the floor extends into the background, with three short staircases leading up to it. On the platform is a pair of mysterious devices with yellow lights, which might be control devices. To the right of the platform is a group of four cylindrical canisters with unknown contents. Another device exists left of the platform and appears to have a small monitor. There are two breaches in the ceiling, through which thin streams of water pour indefinitely. These leaks are apparently not enough to flood the room, as it remains unaffected for the duration of Dread.

Above the lower floor is a small ledge, upon which another monitor device and group of canisters is placed. The ledge gives way to a narrow passage Samus can roll through with her Morph Ball, leading to the upper floor. Immediately outside the passage is a fallen wall panel with exposed and sparking circuitry. The background wall here rounds out in the center of the room and is lined with seventeen portholes. Above these are five windows and six thinner streams of water, which appear to be the source for the streams below. To the left is an exit with an overhead light that sparks, despite functioning.

The namesake gate is present directly above this walkway, and is impenetrable. It resembles a factory press with red lights when it is closed, and blue when opened. Two pistons connect it to the wall behind. After Samus encounters Quiet Robe in Ferenia, he remotely unlocks the gate for her, causing it to lift and allowing her access to upper Burenia. Once lifted, it is possible to access two small shafts on either side of the gate. Both feature staircases connecting to a background walkway that stretches the circumference of the room. A higher walkway above has a guardrail. The following rooms lead to Drogyga, the boss of Burenia, and the elevator to the next area, Ghavoran.


Missile Tank

Connecting rooms

Network Station B (Power Beam Door)
Map Station (Power Beam Door)
Forking shaft (Power Beam Door)
Transport to Ghavoran (tunnel obstructed by Grapple Beam Block)

Network Station B[]

The first Network Station Samus will use in Burenia.

Connecting rooms

Blue gate shaft (Power Beam Door)
Cave entrance (Power Beam Door)

Transport to Dairon B[]

This is the lower of the two Shuttles between Burenia and Dairon. Unlike the upper one, this station is located below sea level, making it the only underwater Shuttle in Dread.

Connecting rooms

Forking shaft (Power Beam Door, obstructed by Breakable Organic Block)

Flash Shift chamber[]

Flash Shift chamber

The "Flash Shift chamber" is a small side-chamber with two access points from the long shaft in lower Burenia. Five streams of water flow from ports in the background wall. A tall, upright Chozo Statue holds an Item Cube in its hand, which contains the Flash Shift Aeion ability. Once acquired, Samus cannot leave through the door she came in, as it locks behind her. She must instead escape the room by Flash Shifting over a Shutter Platform above her.


Flash Shift

Connecting rooms

Burenia's long shaft (one-way Power Beam Door and Shutter Platform)

Drogyga's domain[]

Main article: Drogyga's domain
Drogyga energy balls

"Drogyga's domain" is a room in Burenia. It appears in Metroid Dread. This is an underwater chamber near the top of the Burenia facility. It is one of a handful of rooms in Dread to have no doors in or out of it; only Pit Blocks that provide a one way entrance and exit.

Much of the room is obstructed by Drogyga itself, which is embedded into the back wall and takes up space in the center of the in-game plane. On either side of Drogyga are port holes with bars, through which it will unleash tentacles during its battle. At the base of both walls are Shootactivators that are connected to water wheels, controlling the level of water in the room. When Samus shoots one, part of the water will drain from the ceiling, allowing her to use a sliding platform lined with a blue magnetic strip on the ceiling. This carries her over Drogyga to its other side, where she can shoot the other Shootactivator. Doing so fully drains the water from the room and leaves Drogyga vulnerable to attack.

When Drogyga is defeated, the water is permanently drained from the room, while the water wheels are placed in a state of permanent operation. Drogyga's corpse shrivels up and sinks into the background, exposing three tiles of Pit Blocks in the floor. Samus can drop through these to escape. The sliding platforms remain operational, although using them is rather pointless after.


• None

Connecting rooms

Domain access (one-way Pit Block drop)
Shallow pool (one-way Pit Block drop)

Shallow pool[]

Transport to Ghavoran[]

Main article: Transport to Ghavoran
Shelmit armor being grappled off

"Transport to Ghavoran" is a room in Burenia. It appears in Metroid Dread. There is an elevator to Ghavoran at the very top of this room, which is positioned near the upper side of the interior Burenia facility. The exterior of it is visible through walls in the background, and heavy rainfall outside is audible as well.

The lower portion of the room connects to the chamber underneath "Drogyga's domain" via two tunnels and one Grapple Beam Door. To the left side of the room on this level are the tentacles of Drogyga itself. They cannot be shot at or interacted with, nor will they attempt to impede Samus. Once the creature has been killed, they shrivel into a husk like the rest of Drogyga. A small number of light fixtures illuminate the tentacles and other parts of the room, with the rest of it dimmed. The lower floors are divided in half by a midair wall with outcropped platforms in a zig-zag fashion, leading up to an Energy Recharge Station. This is positioned next to a wall with a Breakable Organic Block on the other side.

Under normal circumstances, Samus must defeat Drogyga and then enter this room from a tunnel in the chamber below the creature. This leads to the organic block wall, where it can be destroyed. Doing so opens and exposes the upper half of Transport to Ghavoran, which is a long shaft with two ledges comprised of Pitfall Blocks, and three blue magnetic strips for climbing. In the background of the shaft is a large display of holographic schematics. The third strip stretches over the ceiling, allowing Samus to reach a ledge leading to the elevator above, and the door to a Save Station.

Using the Pseudo Wave Beam glitch, or a "DT Slide", it is possible to destroy the Breakable Organic Block from the wrong side and proceed to the elevator, skipping Drogyga entirely. A demonstration of the "DT Slide" can be viewed here, and the Pseudo Wave Beam here.


• None

Connecting rooms

Blue gate shaft (tunnel)
Shallow pool (Grapple Beam Door and two tunnels)
Save Station 3 (Power Beam Door)
Transport to Burenia (Elevator)

Gravity cove[]

Main article: Gravity cove
MD Burenia Gravity Suit Upgrade

The "gravity cove" is a room in Burenia. It appears in Metroid Dread. The gravity cove is a subterranean room in Burenia. This is where Samus finally acquires the Gravity Suit after traversing much of underwater Burenia without it. The cove is split into multiple segments, which can only be accessed from the adjacent rooms: the chamber with the Gravity Suit, a narrow underwater corridor in the middle, and a passage underneath that. The latter two are entered from the prior room via tunnels. The corridor is a narrow tunnel that opens up before a door into a large shaft, through which Samus accesses the upper chamber. Most of the room is natural, with underwater species of barnacles, coral and plants visible, along with a slow stream of bubbles. The sole inhabitants of the room are a Dizzean swarm in the middle hallway.

By dropping a massive platform in the next room, Samus can open the door into the Gravity Suit's chamber. There is a large pipe in the background, directly underneath a platform with the Chozo Statue holding the Gravity Suit. Said platform is above the water, marking the end of Samus's trek through the water with it hindering her movement. Two streams of excess water spill from holes in the back wall, although they do not increase the level of water below. The Statueroom theme plays in this part of the room, while lower Burenia's theme plays in the rest of it. Several barnacles and corals have grown over the walls in this part of the gravity cove. When Samus collects the Gravity Suit, a cutscene plays in which she jumps from the floor as it is absorbed into her Varia Suit.

The lowest passage has a Power Bomb Tank in it, guarded by Power Bomb and Boost Blocks. To acquire the item, Samus must have the Power Bombs and run through the previous room until the Speed Booster activates. Then, Samus must Slide into the lower chamber, quickly lay a Power Bomb and then Ball Spark into the Boost Blocks in the tunnel. The tank will be automatically acquired.


Gravity Suit
Power Bomb Tank

Connecting rooms

Cove access (tunnels)
Hourglass shaft (Power Beam Doors)