- This article is about the Vulcan desert. You may be looking for the TOS novel, Vulcan's Forge.

Map of the Forge in 2387.
Vulcan's Forge (also known simply as The Forge) is a vast desert area and canyon complex located on Vulcan.

A vista of the Forge.
At its center are the Fire Plains of Raal, and the city of ShiKahr is one of several located at its periphery. Also within the Forge are Mount Seleya, and the volcanically active region known as the Womb of Fire. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans, ENT episode: "The Forge", TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)
The Forge is home to a variety of animal- and plant-life adapted to severe desert conditions, including sehlats and le-matya. For cities near the Forge, it is the site of the traditional kahs-wan trial.
Humans referred to it as the Sas-a-shar desert. (TAS - Log One novelization: Yesteryear)
According to historical records, Vulcan's Forge is where Surak began his pilgrimage 1,800 years ago. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening")
The Te-Vikram Brotherhood were known to reside in the Forge during the time of Surak. (TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Exodus)
Jadzia Dax had not visited Vulcan's Forge as of 2374, although she had always wanted to. In that year, her husband Worf suggested their honeymoon should take the form of a hike across the Forge during Summer, although Jadzia did not want to spend her honeymoon "climbing, hiking, sweating, bleeding or suffering in any way". (DS9 episode: "Change of Heart")
External link[]
- Vulcan's Forge article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.