Ta'Vistar (or Ta'Vistor) is a city on Vulcan.
History and specifics[]
Ta'Vistar is located in the northern region of the province of Tat'Sahr, in the center of the Viltan Flats. It is the cultural and economic center of the province. While only about a quarter the size of ShirKahr, it is a much older city, having existed for nearly 25,000 years in different forms, with some of its original construction dating back tens of millennia before the Time of Awakening. The city has the province's only shuttle port, serves as Tat'sahr's main trading center and has a population of 250,000. (Last Unicorn RPG modules: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans, Planets of the UFP, Decipher RPG module: Worlds)