- For other uses, see Kir.

Map of Kir City in 2387.
Kir was a province that was located on Vulcan.
Located on the eastern equatorial area on Na'nam, it was situated directly east of Shi'al and extended southwest to the borders of Khomi. This region contained a variety of ecology with temperate lowlands that were present on the coast of the Thanor Sea as well as an arid grassland beyond and a broken volcanic plain that radiated out to the north as well as the west of Mount Tarhana.
The province of Kir was represented the average daily life on Vulcan as it held within its boundaries the estates of several of the Great Houses on the planet as well as a number of well connected political personages which included Federation Ambassador Sarek. In addition, it held a number of small villages and towns with one fairly large city that was also known as Kir that consisted of a population of 140,000 individuals. This area was the traditional home area of Clan K'vek which ruled it as one of the leading merchant families in Vulcan's spacefaring history.
Any offworlder was capable of observing Vulcan in microcosm by spending several months in Kir. However, it held only a few tourish attractions or religious pilgrammage sites to draw attention to itself. Only a small number of short-term visitors tended to visit Kir more than the typical view presented by day shuttle or by the Tarhana Observation Tower. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)