Kaijuu (怪獣, "Monster" or "Scary Beast") is a race in Megami Tensei and Megami Tensei II. Based on the demons it is composed, the Kaijuu clan later originated the Drake and Wilder clans respectively. The members of this race are enourmous animals from horror stories and man-eating creatures.
List of Demons[]
Megami Tensei[]
Demon | Level |
Basmu | 3 |
Apep | 9 |
Tarantella | 16 |
Tammuz | 18 |
Bug | 23 |
Serpent | 35 |
Scylla | 39 |
Cockatrice | 48 |
Megami Tensei II[]
Demon | Level |
Wyvern | 20 |
Manticore | 29 |
Basilisk | 31 |
Scylla | 37 |
Apollyon | 40 |
Typhon | 42 |
Fenrir | 44 |
Hydra | 48 |
Vritra | 53 |
Nidhoggr | 55 |
Leviathan | 60 |
Tiamat | 72 |