Megami Tensei Wiki

Gozu-Tennoh is a demon in the series.


Gozu-Tennoh (牛頭天王*)? is a fearsome protector deity found in Japanese esoteric Buddhism. He is a combinatory deity, meaning he is an amalgamation of many beliefs.

He originated in India as a minor tutelary deity who protected the monastery of the Jeta Grove and was associated with pestilence, and his name was Gosirsa Devaraja. As his cult spread it merged with many traditions in Asia. In Tibet, he was known as "Ox-Head Mountain" (Gozusan), when it was transmitted to China (牛頭天王), it became merged esoteric Buddhism, Daoism, and Yin-Yang spiritual philosophies, before being transmitted to Japan, where it merged with the local Onmyodo tradition.

In Japanese tradition, he was also associated with the legends of another kami of disease called Sominshorai, and then became identified with the kami Susano-o, along with his consort and son. He also became identified with the kunitsukami Okuninushi. His chief features continue to emphasize his nature as a deity associated with epidemic disease, though in time he was transformed into a tutelary deity who protected his followers from such ailments, and eventually becoming a deity of justice, a deity who ascertained the truth (a.k.a, a Tadashi no Kami), and a god of the cardinal directions.



Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne[]

Gozu-Tennoh is the leader of the Mantra Army and an enemy of the Assembly of Nihilo. He, and the rest of his army, are stationed in Ikebukuro, where he rules. He leaves most of the workload to his direct subordinate, Thor. Gozu-Tennoh has a unique Manikin Priestess who serves under him. Gozu-Tennoh believes in the absolute power of strength and he eventually sides with Yosuga. Before this, he simply rules over Ikebukuro and attempts to control all of Tokyo. When the Demi-fiend enters Ikebukuro, he is accused of being a Nihilo spy for trespassing on Gozu-Tennoh's headquarters, causing him to be arrested. He has to prove his innocence by defeating several enemies in combat. After the Demi-fiend defeats them, Gozu-Tennoh grants him an increase in power, allowing him to summon two more demons, to sway the Demi-fiend to join him.

After traveling to the Nihilo Assembly, the Nightmare System activates, hitting Ikebukuro and destroying the Mantra Army. Gozu-Tennoh is mortally drained of Magatsuhi by the System, but says that despite being close to death his will shall live on. He then dies, the statue he uses to manifest collapsing to pieces. His spirit wanders the Vortex World in bitterness to try and find some sort of way to get revenge for his grievances against Nihilo. After some time passes, Chiaki Hayasaka finds his ruins due to the ill-intent she manifested at Yoyogi Park, allowing her to recognize feelings similar to hers from Gozu-Tennoh's wandering spirit. His spirit speaks to her, they have a long chat about both their mistakes and how to achieve their desires. Gozu-Tennoh agrees to give the remains of his power to her body, making her a pseudo-fiend and allowing her to thrive in the Vortex World, resourcefully build her army, and make plans to find Magatsuhi to summon her god, Baal Avatar.

Shin Megami Tensei IV[]

In Shin Megami Tensei IV, Gozu-Tennoh is defined as the Demon Lord Baal's flesh and blood.

Shin Megami Tensei V / Vengeance[]

In the Shin Megami Tensei V games, Gozu-Tennoh is mentioned by one of the Miman near Tennozu Isle.

Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Gozu-Tennoh appears as a Persona of the Chariot Arcana. This Persona is an early-on powerhouse due to its early access to the Megido and Megidola skills, however its usefulness can be slightly offset by the SP Cost of the Persona and all of its rank increases are put into its Magic Attack and Strength stats. Upon being returned to the Velvet Room at MAX Rank, it will yield a Grydyne Stone.


Megami Ibunroku Persona[]

Gozu-Tennoh P1
Arcana Type Subtype Level SP cost Returns °
Chariot Force Nuclear 18 8/12 Grydyne Stone
MAtk MDef
Strength 21
Vitality 18
Dexterity 20
Agility 11
Luck 16
79/69 54
Affinity Mark
1h 2h Sp Ax Wp Th Ar Fs HG MG SG Ri Te Ru
- - - - - - - - - - - 1.5× - -
Fi Ic Wi Er El Nc Bl Gr Ex Mi De Cu Nr ???
1.5× 1.5× 1.5× 1.5× - Rf 24 24 - - - - 34 14
List of Skills
Rank Skill Effect
1 Squash Medium Rush damage (1 foe)
3 Toxic Sting Light Tech damage+Poison (area)
5 Megido Light Nuclear damage (all foes)
7 Thunder Kick Light Tech damage (1 foe)
8 Megidola Medium Nuclear damage (all foes)

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2[]

Dx2 Gozu-Tennoh Icon
Race Rarity Grade HP
6★ Stats
Strength 186
Magic 110
Vitality 267
Agility 55
Luck 175
Deity ★★★★★ 96 1624
Phys ATK Phys DEF Mag ATK Mag DEF See Also
720 716 561 678 [1]
Physical Phys Fire Fire Ice Ice Electricity Elec Force Force Light Light Dark Dark
Repel Null Null Null Null Resist Resist
List of Skills
Skill Cost Effect Archetype
Epitome of Endurance Auto -25% to this demon's affect on Battle Speed. +20% to max HP. Innate
Supreme Might Auto Adds Phys Pierce. +100% to Max HP. -20% to all damage received.

At start of enemy turn: Reduces the enemy's Press Turn Icons by 1. (up to 2 total)(This Chain Effect will activate up to 3 times per battle.) For 2 turns, make all party members immune to Mortal skills and increase their DEF by 20%.

While the one with this skill is alive, all party members will receive the following effect: While immune to Mortal skills, +30% to damage dealt and +50% to hit rate.

Mantra 6 MP Inflict Phys damage (Power: 100) to all enemies. This skill will receive a boost in power for each skill with a stat buff effect activated by a party member (including the skill holder).
+5 Power for every skill with a stat buff effect activated. (+150 Max)
Adds the following effect after the 10th boost: If the attack is successful, 100% chance to insta-kill all enemies hit.
Damage done by this skill depends on own Max HP and references 30% of Max HP to calculate. Damage done by this skill ignores all death prevention skills.
Crushing Force 6 MP Inflicts Phys damage (Power: 150) with a 30% critical hit rate on a single enemy. Damage done by this skill depends on own Max HP and references 30% of Max HP to calculate. Damage done by this skill ignores death prevention skills.

If attack is successful: +20% to party ATK. (1 turn)

Auto-Rebellion Auto

At beginning of 1st turn: Self enters a state of Might. The next Phys attack will have a Critical effect.

Charge 6 MP Self enters a state of Charge. Increases the next Phys attack damage by 125%. Protector
Offensive Cry 7 MP Reduces all enemy DEF and increases own parties ATK by 20% for 3 turns. Protector
Prodigious Ability Auto +20% to Max HP. +20% to hit rate. Psychic
Epitome of Interception Auto +15% to Phys hit rate, +20% to max HP. Psychic
Null Light/Dark Auto Adds Null Light/Null Dark. Elementalist
Phys Slowda Auto +15% to Phys damage. -20% to own affect on Battle Speed. Elementalist



  • Gozu-Tennoh's musical theme is titled "Masura" (マスラ*)? in the Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Original Soundtrack. It follows the naming scheme of the rest of Reasons which suggests that it would be Gozu-Tennoh's Reason of creation, should he not be crushed by Hikawa and forced to relinquish his strength unto Chiaki who has already conceived her own Reason. Nonetheless the term "Masura" never appears in the actual game script.
    • "Masura" (益荒*)? is an archaic term for "strength," "bravery," and "masculinity."

Maniax - Maniax Chronicle Edition - HD Remaster - Nocturne Konton - Novel
Playable Demi-fiend - Dante - Raidou Kuzunoha the XIV
Non-Playable Yuko Takao - Chiaki Hayasaka - Isamu Nitta - Hikawa - Jyoji Hijiri - Futomimi - Sakahagi - Heeho - Lady in Black - Lucifer - Kagutsuchi - Gouto-Douji
Vortex World Shinjuku Medical Center - Shibuya - Cathedral of Shadows - Amala Network - Ginza - Harumi Warehouse - Great Underpass of Ginza - Ikebukuro - Mantra's Headquarters - Labyrinth of Amala - Kabukicho Prison - Ikebukuro Tunnel - Asakusa - Asakusa Tunnel - Mifunashiro - Assembly of Nihilo: Marunouchi - Obelisk - Yoyogi Park - Amala Temple - Yurakucho Tunnel - Northern Temple - Diet Building - Bandou Shrine - Tower of Kagutsuchi
Soundtracks Original Soundtrack - Maniax Soundtrack - Deluxe Pack Incence Disc - OST (US)
Themes Boss Battle - Normal Battle - Normal Battle ~Large Map~ - Normal Battle ~Town~
Terminology Candelabrum - Conception - Kagutsuchi - Macca - Magatama - Magatsuhi - Manikin - Reason - Yahirono Himorogi - Order of Messiah - Cult of Gaia - Demonic Sponsor - Shadow Vortex - Nightmare System - Terminal - Great Will
Lists Demons - Bosses - Skills - Items (Vending Machines) - Merchandise - Translations - Trophies - Patches and Updates - Steam Profile Items
Other Best of Demons
Other Media
Events Shin Megami Tensei Online Live 2021: Reason of Music
Fool Arcana Tenjiku Tokubei - Narukami - Kamakura Gongoro
Magician Arcana Houri - Urvashi - Cu Chulainn - Hermod - Varuna - Frey - Hanuman - Ildanach
Priestess Arcana Maso - Ame no Uzume - Sati - Hathor - Urdr - Tensen Nyannyan - Usas - Verdandi - Laksmi - Skuld
Empress Arcana Vesta - Mokosh - Arianrhod - Brigid - Seioubo - Durga - Ishtar - Kali
Emperor Arcana Seimen Kongou - Airgetlam - Brahma - Marduk - Odin - Baal - Amen Ra - Vishnu
Hierophant Arcana Yama - Aizen Myouou - Shouki - Ogma - Take-Mikazuchi - Thor - Fuhedi Mergane - Indra
Lovers Arcana Pixie - Jack Frost - Pyro Jack
Chariot Arcana Ogun - Gozu-Tennou - Hokuto Seikun - Seiten Taisei - Susano-o - Shiva
Strength Arcana Otohime
Hermit Arcana Fuutai - Aonbarr - Byakko
Fortune Arcana Cerberus
Justice Arcana Nemhain - Triglav - Macha - Verethragna - Morrigan - Tyr - Bishamonten - Pallas Athena
Hanged Man Arcana Barbatos
Death Arcana Hel - Ankou - Mot
Temperance Arcana Anubis - Genbu
Devil Arcana Bres - Loki - Beelzebub - Lucifer
Tower Arcana Nyarlathotep - Amatsu Mikaboshi
Star Arcana Janus
Moon Arcana Lilim - Succubus
Sun Arcana Bennu - Vidofnir - Yatagarasu - Suzaku - Garuda
Judgement Arcana Nike - Phaleg - Azrael - Armaiti - Yamaoka - Michael - Satan - Vohu Manah
World Arcana Quetzalcoatl - Illuyanka - Seiryuu - Mucalinda - Shokuin