This article is about the location in Shin Megami Tensei V. For more uses, see Tree of Knowledge (disambiguation). |

The Tree of Knowledge in Shin Megami Tensei V
The Tree of Knowledge (知恵の樹, Chie no Ki)? is a location in Shin Megami Tensei V. The place has only appeared briefly in promotional material and has likely been brought up by name on topic of the Special Case of the Japanese Limited Edition of the game,[1] not much is known about the location, aside from that it can be found in Da'at.
In the Canon of Creation, Tree of Knowledge appears in a vision the Nahobino undergoes after reaching the end of the Temple of Eternity and using the Three Keys they had wrest from Odin, Zeus, and Vasuki to open a way into the Empyrean, where he floats around with Tao Isonokami's Goddess of Creation form as they beheld the major players for Order and the new variant of Chaos settle on what they'll do with the Throne of Creation. In the Canon of Vengeance, while this situation still happens, it is far more abridged in length, due to Yuzuru Atsuta's death preventing the new forces of Chaos from forming and Ichiro Dazai & Fallen Abdiel ambushing the Nahobino after the vision is over, aiming to kill him to prevent a Nahobino from ascending the throne.
The Tree of Knowledge appears at the end of the game's Game Over scene. When the Nahobino falls in battle, he glares at his slayer one last time before expiring, with the young man and Aogami, or Hayao Koshimizu in the majority of the lategame of Canon of Vengeance are suddenly on the Tree of Knowledge, looking morosely at their vanishing body, then they too fade away as motes of magatsuhi into the Tree of Knowledge after one final look at each other.
- ↑ 『真・女神転生V』 初回限定版「禁断のナホビノBOX」の内容をご紹介!, (June 16th, 2021)