—Mister SinisterDoes it matter? What care I for the fate of the masses? Whether four or four billion fall in the days and weeks to come... the strongest - and the fittest - will survive.
Solicit Synopsis
Charles Xavier is dead - killed twenty years in the past during a freak time-travel accident - and the world that has arisen in his absence is dark and dangerous indeed. The Darwinian conqueror Apocalypse rules with an iron fist, ruthlessly enforcing his dictum that only the strong shall survive - and in Apocalypse's long shadow, hidden among a downtrodden humankind, are a group of ragtag freedom fighters led by Xavier's oldest friend, Magneto: the Amazing X-Men! When Bishop, last survivor of the true Marvel Universe, locates the X-Men and explains how the world went wrong, these embittered mutants and their tenuous allies must risk everything - and undertake a dangerous and multi-pronged quest - to put things right! The comics event of 1995 is collected in one deluxe oversized hardcover! Collecting UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #320-321, X-MEN (1991) #40-41, CABLE (1993) #20, X-MEN ALPHA, AMAZING X-MEN #1-4, ASTONISHING X-MEN (1995) #1-4, FACTOR X #1-4, GAMBIT & THE X-TERNALS #1-4, GENERATION NEXT #1-4, WEAPON X (1995) #1-4, X-CALIBRE #1-4, X-MAN #1-4, X-MEN OMEGA, AGE OF APOCALYPSE: THE CHOSEN and X-MEN ASHCAN #2.
Uncanny X-Men #320
"The Son Rises in the East"
"The Son Rises in the East"
X-Men (Vol. 2) #40
"The Killing Time"
"The Killing Time"
Uncanny X-Men #321
"Auld Lang Syne"
"Auld Lang Syne"
X-Men (Vol. 2) #41
"Dreams Die!"
"Dreams Die!"
Cable #20
"An Hour of Last Things"
"An Hour of Last Things"
X-Men: Alpha #1
Amazing X-Men #1
"The Crossing Guards"
"The Crossing Guards"
Amazing X-Men #2
"Sacrificial Lambs!"
"Sacrificial Lambs!"
Amazing X-Men #3
"Parents of the Atom"
"Parents of the Atom"
Amazing X-Men #4
"On Consecrated Ground"
"On Consecrated Ground"
Astonishing X-Men #1
"Once More, with Feeling"
"Once More, with Feeling"
Astonishing X-Men #2
"No Exit"
"No Exit"
Astonishing X-Men #3
"In Excess"
"In Excess"
Astonishing X-Men #4
Factor X #1
"Sinister Neglect"
"Sinister Neglect"
Factor X #2
"Abandoned Children"
"Abandoned Children"
Factor X #3
"Open Wounds"
"Open Wounds"
Factor X #4
Gambit and the X-Ternals #1
"Some of Us Looking to the Stars"
"Some of Us Looking to the Stars"
Gambit and the X-Ternals #2
"Where No External Has Gone Before!"
"Where No External Has Gone Before!"
Gambit and the X-Ternals #3
"To the Limits of Infinity"
"To the Limits of Infinity"
Gambit and the X-Ternals #4
"The Maze"
"The Maze"
Generation Next #1
"From the Top"
"From the Top"
Generation Next #2
"Hither Comes the Sugar Man!"
"Hither Comes the Sugar Man!"
Generation Next #3
"It Only Hurts When I Sing"
"It Only Hurts When I Sing"
Generation Next #4
Weapon X #1
"Unforgiven Trespasses"
"Unforgiven Trespasses"
Weapon X #2
"Fire in the Sky!"
"Fire in the Sky!"
Weapon X #3
"The Common Right of Toads and Men"
"The Common Right of Toads and Men"
Weapon X #4
"Into the Maelstrom!"
"Into the Maelstrom!"
X-Calibre #1
"The Infernal Gallop"
"The Infernal Gallop"
X-Calibre #2
X-Calibre #3
"Body Heat"
"Body Heat"
X-Calibre #4
"On Fire"
"On Fire"
X-Man #1
"Breaking Away"
"Breaking Away"
X-Man #2
"Choosing Sides"
"Choosing Sides"
X-Man #3
"Turning Point"
"Turning Point"
X-Man #4
"The Art of War"
"The Art of War"
X-Men Omega #1
Age of Apocalypse: The Chosen #1
"The Chosen"
"The Chosen"
X-Men Ashcan #1
1st story
1st story