Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Eastwards of Grondar, past the Stagus was an empty wilderness stretching unto the Edge of the World of the continent of Thuria.

It was said from Zarfhaana to Grondar that none rode back from beyond the sunrise, and Zarfhaanan guards stated they have never seen anyone return from the sunrise in years of duty.[1]

Points of Interest

The Edge's World was separated from Grondar at west by the Stagus River.[1]



  • The easternmost side of Thuria is also occupied by the Far East (and the non-Thurian kingdom that would be the basis of Khitai), it is unknown how the World's End and the Far East are located relatively.

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Marvel Preview #19 ; Riders Beyond the Sunrise
  2. Conan Saga #97 ; The Kull Comics Chronology: Skulls and Mirrors Once More