Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Wade Wilson was a new student of the Xavier Orphanage for Troubled Boys. There, he didn't fit in well with the other super powered students due to his troubling and juvenile tendencies and as a result ostracized by everyone, including the Orphanage's faculty. Thus, leaving him a very lonely child.[1]

Wade Wilson (Earth-10330) from Prelude to Deadpool Corps Vol 1 2 003

After being sent into detention with Scott Summers for disrupting their class session, Wade convinced Scott to escape from their detention to be at the school prom after telling him that he will help him to be with Jean Grey (if he is paid).[1]

At the prom, Deadpool caused a ruckus and fought with Logan and nearly all of the Orphanage's students. Mistress Storm stopped the fight, and Deadpool was ridiculed by everyone around him. Under pressure, Wade decided to leave the Orphanage for good. Just as he said this, Deadpool of Earth-616 arrived and recruited Wade into the Deadpool Corps in saving the Multiverse.[1][2]

As part of the Corps, Kidpool travelled to Earth-20110 where the native Deadpool was a member of the Avengers and then they all died under unknown circumstances. When mind controlling berets fell from the sky, they resurrected Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man as zombie mimes. After the Deadpool Corps defeated the resurrected Avengers, one of the berets landed on the native Deadpool's head and overtook him. The Deadpool Corps killed the now-dubbed "Mimepool" by strapping him to a rocket and firing it off to the planet of the berets' origin.[3]



See Also

Links and References

