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- Likely Others (Tend to purchase all #1s before firmly deciding.)
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- All-New, All-Different Avengers
- All-New, All-Different Marvel Point One
- All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe
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- Venom: First Host
- Venomized
- Venomverse
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- Wakanda Forever
- Weapon H
- Weapon X
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- West Coast Avengers
- Where Is Wolverine?
- Wolverine: Infinity Watch
- X-Force
- X-Men: Black
- X-Men: Gold
- X-Men: Red
- X-Men Prime
Powers and Abilities

Inhuman Physiology: Bells possesses certain physical skills superior to those of human athletes. Her Inhuman metabolism affords her heightened strength, agility, balance, coordination, reaction times, endurance, and speed compared to that of the human race's most perfect physical specimen.
Size Reduction: Bells possesses the ability to reduce herself and the clothes she is wearing to fractions of an inch in size via an undetermined bio-molecular process.
Sonic Manipulation: Bells possesses the ability to produce and make use of sounds with various psychological and physical effects through an environmental interaction with the frequencies of her size reduction capabilities, including, but not limited to:
- Sonic Enchantment: The ability to subtly influence subconscious minds by changing ambient tones and vibrations to induce various effects including a sense of calm, euphoria, or desire without regard to gender or sexual orientation, thereby allowing her to bend their wills.
- Sonic Disorientation: The ability to alter someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium via amplifying ambient tones and vibrations, potentially increased to the point of affecting inner ear fluid rendering the target unconscious, or simply inducing a state of panic, anxiety, apprehension, or dread.
- Sonic Immunity and Shielding: The ability to counteract sonic frequencies to protect her own hearing and equilibrium, as well as to tighten sound waves around herself, creating a barrier against limited external attacks.
- Sonic Amplification and Sonar: The ability to amplify sound carrier waves allowing her to hear conversations or noises across great distances, as well as utilize sonic vibrations as a form of sonar. By sending out precise waves and listening to the returning, altered wavefront, she can evaluate her surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
- Sonic Healing Factor: The ability to subtly alter ambient tones and vibrations to optimize conditions for the healing of damaged tissues.
Teleportation: Bells possesses the ability to teleport by displacing herself into the Microverse, traveling through it, and then returning to her own universe at a certain distance from her point of departure, be it as little as fractions of an inch or as far as thousands of miles from her original location. It is not yet known whether she can teleport herself farther than that, though she consciously determines her point of return and can displace matter out of sync with her perceptions of the intended destination as needed. The entire process occurs so quickly that Bells is unaware of being in the Microverse at all. She guides herself through the Microverse by a subconscious, natural direction-sensing sonar, and although Bells controls her teleportation ability with her conscious mind, the power to teleport is not psionic, rather appears to be a bio-molecular reaction triggered mentally and accompanied by a visible discharge of rift energy. Bells requires no recovery time after utilizing her teleportation power.
Genius-Level Intellect: Bells possesses remarkable intelligence.
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Bells has above-average combat skills from taking self-defense classes.
Strength level
Bells possesses a degree of enhanced strength, derived from her eugenically superior Inhuman heritage and her intensive regular exercise, allowing her to lift double her own body weight.
Bells' clothing is made from Unstable Molecules, allowing it to shrink along with her.
Her own innate teleportation abilities.