Marvel Database
Marvel Database


The Union of South America Nations was a political-economical union of South American countries including at least Argentina, Bolivia, Estrella, Peru, San Diablo, San Gusto, and Venezuela as member countries.[1]


  • In the real world, the Union of South American Nations (USAN; acronym not used on Earth-616) is an intergovernmental regional organization set up by then-president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez with the aim of countering the influence of the United States in Latin America, constituted in 2008 after a declaration in 2004, and covering most of South America except for French Guiana. In Marvel, it was only mentioned in Marvel Atlas #2, published in 2008. Since then, in the real world, most country members have suspended their participation in the Union. As of 2023, the country members include Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela; while Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay suspending their participation in the Union in 2018, and later Ecuador and Uruguay withdrew completely.
    • The Marvel sources did not provide a complete list of country members on Earth-616, so we do not know which fictional countries are members of the Union; or whether Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, and Uruguay ever joined on Earth-616 (Brazil, which was a member of USAN in the real world, has a profile in Marvel Atlas #2 that does not mention it being a member of USAN). We do not know either whether any of the countries suspended their participation or withdrew like they did on Earth-616.

See Also

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