Apocryphal Subject Matter
This article describes content which is adapted from other media and therefore may contain non-canonical elements which do not fit within accepted continuity.
This article describes content which is adapted from other media and therefore may contain non-canonical elements which do not fit within accepted continuity.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Ben Parker (Dream)
- Betty Brant
- Dr. Curt Connors
- Flash Thompson
- Liz Allan
- J. Jonah Jameson
- Joey (First appearance)
- John Jameson
- Joseph "Robbie" Robertson
- Hank Pym (First appearance)
- Namor
- Dr. Isaacs
- Dr. Chu (First appearance)
- Rosalie "Rosie" Octavius
- Ursula Ditkovich
Races and Species:
- Earth-96283
- Earth
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Booth Memorial Hospital
- Central Park
- Times Square
- Queens
- Manhattan
- New York City
- New York
- United States of America
- Earth
- The novelization of Spider-Man 2 made some references to other Marvel characters:
- In the film, actress Joanne Baron played an unnamed "skeptical scientist"[1] who asks if Doctor Octavius could be vulnerable to the advanced artificial intelligence of his mechanical arms. In the novelization, Dr. Henry Pym takes her place instead and asks the question. Pym also mentions that he had recently developed a cybernetic helmet that Otto could've used instead of the inhibitor chip. When the experiment went wrong, not only is Peter Parker was nowhere to be seen (as he was changing to Spider-Man), Pym is also described to have "disappeared from sight." After the accident is over, Spider-Man turned his head to notice Pym seemingly reappearing out of nowhere to check on Ock's pulse. This implied that Pym already discovered the Pym Particles in addition to creating his helmet, and may already be or about to become Ant-Man.
- Spider-Man's costume is found by a garbage man in the film, and brought to the Daily Bugle. In the novelization, the costume is instead found by a homeless man described as having a "somewhat triangular face," upswept eyebrows, and long hair covering his ears. The homeless man also has a vague memory of being someone but can't remember due to amnesia. When the Daily Bugle guard suggested that the man might be Santa Claus or the King of Atlantis, the latter starts stirring the homeless man's mind a little. This implies the man could actually be the amnesiac Namor the Sub-Mariner.