Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 You're talking about invading the Black Skull's main compound. The central headquarters for his War Machines. The blood will flow in rivers across the wastelands. When do we start? Quote2
Wonder Man[src]


Simon Williams was an actor in the movies of the Black Skull, where he was forcefully irradiated and fought others to the death. He later escaped and joined Ant-Man, Vision, Infinity Thing, and Moon Knight to fight Black Skull and his War Machines.[1] When Ghost Rider and a Deathlok arrived on their world and was captured by the Black Skull, Wonder Man joined the others in attacking the Black Skull in order to rescue them.[1] After fighting off variants of the Red Skull, Wonder Man and Infinity Thing stayed behind, while the others set out to recruit Avengers across the Multiverse.[2] After the Avengers defeated Mephisto, Simon and Ben were seen in Avengers Tower, having joined the Multiversal Avengers.[3]

See Also

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