—Baron Zemo[source]The hubris of this filth to try to expand to our lands, thinking we wouldn't notice. Did they think my Hydra, the secret society made of some of Europe's most powerful political minds, wouldn't be able to reach them? My Siege Society is the perfect knife to cut out this cancer!

Starting lineup of the Siege Society
The Siege Society was a team consisting of criminals and mercenaries assembled by Baron Zemo to take out the Secret Squadron so Hydra could bring order to Europe instead of them.
After taking out the guard that patrolled the Tower Bridge, the Siege Society teleported into the Secret Squadron's hidden base built at the bottom of the River Thames. While most of Siege Society took out the Secret Squadron members stationed in the hidden base, Baron Zemo and Black Widow took control of the base's computers with a computer virus. After that, Black Widow ended her partnership with Zemo as she didn't want to risk the lives of her men any further. Eventually, Nighthawk and Blur arrived and took out the surviving Siege Society members.
While Silver Witch distracted Blur, Baron Zemo and Nighthawk dueled on the Tower Bridge. During the fight, Nighthawk revealed that he built the base with the sole purpose of luring Zemo out, knowing that he couldn't resist attacking it. Nighthawk then killed Zemo. When Blur arrived after defeating Silver Witch, he was knocked out by Hawkeye, allowing Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Fire-Ant to escape using Blue Eagle's mechanical wings.[1]
- Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo) (deceased)
- Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
- Fire-Ant (Scott Lang)
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
- Silver Witch (Wanda Maximoff) (imprisoned)
- Soviet Agent (Walkovitch) (deceased)
- Sabretooth (imprisoned)
- As an enemy of Justice League pastiche Squadron Supreme, Siege Society is possibly a pastiche of Justice League's villain team Secret Society.
See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Siege Society (Earth-21798)
- 5 image(s) of Siege Society (Earth-21798)
- 7 member(s) of Siege Society (Earth-21798)