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Razza and his sister Zazella were the twin children of the Crimson Witch, the servant of Razazel who seduced mighty warriors in search of a blood potent enough to return her god to the mortal world, and of "Lord Bevel Stonemarrow", the "famous witch butcher" of Brythunia. Though Bevel's claims were proved to be lies and his blood lacking any power, as she was achieving butchering him at the towe, the Crimson Witch sensed that she was now carrying his twin children. Nine month later, she gave birth to Razza and Zazella, the Children of the Great Red Doom, named after Razazel.

The Children grew in the Tower of Razazel, spending their time between helping their mother by doing chores for her (sharpening her daggers, sweeping out the scabs, gathering cave toads for poison), playing together among the corpses of their mother's victims, listening to their mother's tale of Razazel, and praying to him.

Eventually, the Crimson Witch headed to Zamora to secure Conan, a young barbarian fighting at the Maul of the City of Thieves. She returned to the Tower with him, but Conan managed to free himself, beheaded the Crimson Witch, and fled after setting the temple ablaze. Razza intended to attack Conan himself, but was held back by Zazella who proposed that to slay one another to save themselves a death by fire. As they were about to proceed, they were saved and carried away by their beheaded mother.[1]

Despite the Children sewing her head back, the Crimson Witch remained a feral creature, unable of speak, but demonstrating her motherly love through display of bestial violence against those who would threaten her children. In Aquilonia, they used her to stage an ambush, thus collecting a cart and corpses which they used as provisions and for magic of blood and bones, allowing them to locate Conan.

They found back Conan as he served as a mercenary for Turan, fighting and being the sole survivor of the massacre ensuing a Stygian ambush. Razza wanted to collect him then, but Zazella held him back again. Conan glimpsed their presence but believed himself to be losing his mind.[1] They followed as, having been promoted to the rank of great commander in the Turanian army, he led the charge against the Stygians, and the Children collected the corpses in Conan's trail.[5] In Tortage, the Children were approached by pirates who intended to capture them to serve on them on their ship. The pirates were slain by Conan, who wished for them to find their mother's murderer, unknowing of the Children's origin. Again Zazella held Razza back from striking then.[2] They heard tales or witnessed themselves as he survived the man-eaters of Zamboula, the Dragon of Xuchotl, and the devils beyond the Black River.[1] After Conan returned from a lengthy trip, living and fighting alongside the Picts, the Children crossed Conan's path in Velitrium, and Zazella held her brother's arm.[6] They also heard of or witnessed his encounter with the Undergod. As Conan fought for his life aboard the Ship of the Dead, Zazella held her brother once more. They later witnessed as Conan the King sneaked away from the Royal Palace of Tarantia, along a lion, to deal with the bandits and cutthroats of the capital himself.[1] When Thoth-Amon failed to kill Conan, he was informed that the Children of the Crimson Witch would be the doom of Conan.[7]

Later during King Conan's rule, after he routed invading Turanians, he stumbled upon the Children as they were gathering corpses from both sides. As they revealed themselves as cannibals and worshipers of Razazel, Conan was attacked by the Crimson Witch. Standing his ground against her while intending to protect the children, Conan was backstabbed by them.[4] Conan was returned to the temple, but the Tower, too damaged, started to tear apart under the spell of the Blood Roots. Conan escaped, only to be crushed and killed by falling boulders.[1] While Conan fought with Crom himself to return to life, the Children were transformed by the power of Razazel,[3] and the power of Conan's blood, remade in the image of Razazel, returned to their "true form". Conan fought the Children of the Crimson Witch and Razazel, but was outpowered. Conan was saved as Conn, leading the Black Dragons interrupted the butchering. The twins held their ground and slew some Black Dragons, until Conan, having recovered slightly, returned and butchered them both (though they appeared to survive beheading and massive chest damage), hurling them down the abyss of the Tower of Razazel.[2]


Razza was the rash and hotheaded one of the two twins, constantly ready to strike at Conan. Though, her sister always held him back and her decisions appeared to prevail constantly





Razza and his sister used various carts[4][1] dragged by horses[1] or by the Crimson Witch.[8][1] to gather corpses and travel.[4] They also traveled at the back of a camel[1]

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #10 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part ten: The Children of the Great Red Doom
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #12 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part twelve: The Power in the Blood
  3. 3.0 3.1 Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #11 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part eleven: By Crom
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #1 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part one: The Weird of the Crimson Witch
  5. Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #6 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part six: The Sole Survivor
  6. Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #2 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part two: The Savage Border
  7. Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #7 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part seven: Barbarian Love
  8. Conan the Barbarian (Vol. 3) #3 ; The Life & Death of Conan – part three: Cimmerians Don't Pray