Marvel Database
Marvel Database
The designation "Earth-TRN892" used in this article is unofficial , used by this wiki for internal purposes only until an official designation is provided by Marvel.
(For more information on TRNs, go to this page).


When Galactus and Silver Surfer arrived on the planet Zarax, alien sorcerer Zoloz was sent to capture the herald and he did it. After a magic interrogation, Surfer said only a word:"Earth"[1], so Zaraxians gave their powers to Zoloz who was sent to Earth to find the Sorcerer Supreme believing he was humans savior from Galactus, but Zoloz stole the magic powers of Strange and used them to exile Galactus in the magic dimensions. Dormammu later tried to transform the devourer into his herald, but Galactus ate Dormammu and started to eat all of what there was in the mystic realms. Doctor Strange was in search of help when Zoloz appeared followed by Silver Surfer and many other heroes; they attacked Galactus together, but they all were killed by the Devourer of worlds, in particular Surfer tried to talk with him, but he was immediately killed.[2]



Seemingly those of Norrin Radd of Earth-616.



See Also

Links and References

