Marvel Database
Marvel Database

The Morrowlands was a commune of Arakkii artists and poets choosing to live away from Arakko Prime.


Following the terraforming of Mars,[2] a group of Arakkii artists and poets chose to settle away from Arakko Prime. Together they founded The Morrowlands to seek out a purpose other than war (though they still remember the Abyssal Prisons and wars of Amenth).[1]

Staging a false-flag attack to show off her new X-Men Red, Abigail Brand secretly dispatched the Progenitors to attack the Morrowlands. However, the X-Men Red were quickly overpowered when Cable was killed. The Progenitors were eventually defeated by the Brotherhood of Arakko with the help of the Morrowlanders inspired by Fisher King and Storm.[1]

During Uranos' assault on Arakko, the Morrowlanders were attacked by Uranos' bio-metallic slime.[3]


See Also

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