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Marvel Database

A good day to be alive. It is filled with the promise of peace.


Solicit Synopsis

Because one trip to Attilan and the world of the uncanny Inhumans just wasn't enough, the Marvel Masterworks present the amazing Lee/Kirby creations in their very first self-titled series! Come along and join Black Bolt, Medusa, Triton, Gorgon, Karnak and loveable Lockjaw, as they struggle in battle against both Kree and Skrull in The War of the Three Galaxies! It all begins when Blastaar bursts into the Inhumans' Himalayan refuge to activate an ancient menace designed to devour the entire Inhuman race. That Kree monster is just the first salvo in a war that will lead the Royal Family to the stars and into battle side by side with Captain Marvel. And if cosmos-spanning war isn't enough to keep Black Bolt and company busy, the insane Maximus can always be relied upon to wreak havoc - and then only to whet the appetite for the coming of the Incredible Hulk! Illustrated by the king of detail-packed penciling George Perez, master of amazing anatomy Gil Kane, and 1970s up-and-comer Keith Pollard, with scripts by the fan-favorite writer that crafted many of the era's greatest epics, Doug Moench, it's a singular saga that's collected here for the very first time!

Collecting THE INHUMANS #1-12, CAPTAIN MARVEL #52-53 and material from WHAT IF...? #29-30 & THOR ANNUAL #12.
This issue collects following issues:

See Also

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