Marvel Database


Princess Mari of Homeworld, along with her brother, Prince Argon, were the only survivors of the slaughtered figurehead royal family just before Rann's return. They had the hapless job of initiating a rebellion against Baron Karza. Argon, who became Force Commander after his alteration in Karza's Body Banks, eventually died after being the temporary host for a resurrected Karza. Marionette called the Micronauts family and Commander Rann her love. She served as nominal leader of the Micronauts during a brief, trying period when a demoralized Commander Rann removed himself from active duty following a major defeat. Strong-willed and independent while still warm and generous, she showed no mercy to those who willingly served Karza's evil. But she would risk her life to persuade any who serve Karza because they saw no other hope that there was an alternative. Her hand of friendship brought one of Karza's former creatures, Huntarr, into the fold.[citation needed]


Power Grid[3]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Master: Several Forms of Combat:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Gifted


  • Decelerated Aging: Despite being more than 100 years old Mari retains the youth of a 20 years old.[1]


  • Master Combatant: Mari is a skilled swordswoman, acrobat and martial artist.[1]
  • Diplomacy: Due to her royal upbringing Mari is well-versed in royal protocol and interplanetary xeno-diplomacy.[1]



  • Anti-Gravity Jet Pack[1]


  • Laser Sonic Pistol[1]

See Also

Links and References

