Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Lens was a Nazi spy who was sent to the United States to disrupt American society. He would smuggle his "gems of death", jewels tainted with a fast acting poison into the country. Working with American traitor Paul Smythe, owner of the Star Department Store, he had the poisoned jewelry sold to unsuspecting victims.

After a string of bizarre deaths happened, the Whizzer made the connection with the jewels and determined that all the victims had recently bought them at the department store. Getting a job at the store in his civilian identity, the Whizzer exposed Lens and Smythe, preventing them from putting on a sale that would have claimed many victims looking for a good bargain.[1]



Lens was a trained spy.



Lens was armed with a pistol. He also employed his "gems of death" diamonds coated with a poison that would kill its intended victim if they wore it for a prolonged period of time. Those effected would develop bruises around the area where they wore the jewels at the moment of death.


Die Linse & Optik are the German words for Lens.

See Also

Links and References

