Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Lady Iron Fan was previously in a relationship with Brother Sabre of the Five Weapons Society. Despite their breakup, Sabre still kept the necklace she had given him.[1]

Through unknown means, Lady Iron Fan acquired a Cosmic Cube and put it up for bid at her casino in Macau. Several criminal organizations, including A.I.M., the Hand, Hydra, the Inner Demons, and the Serpent Society attended her auction. Lady Iron Fan reunited with Brother Sabre and became acquainted with his half-brother, Shang-Chi, the new Supreme Commander of the Five Weapons Society. Unbeknownst to Lady Iron Fan and the other attendees, Shang-Chi and Brother Sabre were pretending to maintain the Society's villainous nature to prevent the Cube from being purchased. When the Hand outbid the attendees, Captain America interrupted the auction and helped Shang-Chi subdue the criminals and take the Cube. Outraged by Shang-Chi's and Brother Sabre's betrayal, Lady Iron attacked them with her Iron Fans to reclaim the Cube, but was defeated by the combined efforts of the brothers and Captain America and was subsequently taken under Captain America's custody. However, Brother Sabre secretly used to Cube's power to trick Captain America into capturing duplicates of the Cube and Lady Iron Fan, allowing her to escape with some of her henchmen. After her escape, Lady Iron Fan was approached by Chieftain Xin, who made an offer to her.[1]

Lady Iron Fan and her triads later joined up with King Wild Man and his Yeren, Red Dot and his cyborgs and Shang-Chi's half-sister Sister Staff on Qilin Island where Xin announced his plans to destroy Shang-Chi and the Five Weapons Society.[2]. Lady Iron Fan joined the others at the House of the Deadly Hand and proceeded to carry out Xin's orders to assassinate Shang-Chi.[3] The attack ended in failure as Sister Staff revealed herself to be a triple agent and helped Shang-Chi and the Society capture Lady Wild Fan and the others. During interrogation, King Wild Man slipped a Yeren Root onto Red Dot, turning him into a Yeren and causing him to go on a rampage. King Wild Man used the opportunity to take Jiang Li hostage, forcing Shang-Chi to let them escape to the roof where they fled through a portal created by Xin to Qilin Island.[4]

After Shang-Chi and Xin's final battle involving the Ten Rings was televised all over the world, Lady Iron Fan was contacted by several criminal organizations about the Rings, due to her prior service with Xin. With help from a traitorous Warrior of the Deadly Hand, Lady Iron Fan gained the access code for the vault containing the Ten Rings at the House of the Deadly Hand and sold it to Hydra, A.I.M., the Hand, the Inner Demons and the Red Dot Collective. She hired Razor Fist to keep Shang-Chi preoccupied while her clients raided the House; when Shang-Chi discovered the ruse, Lady Iron Fan taunted him via video recording. Her plans ultimately failed when Shang-Chi donned the Ten Rings to force the raiders into retreating.[5]

Lady Iron Fan and Razor Fist were chosen by the Most Revered Game Administrators as participants for the Game of Rings and summoned to the Meritorious Striving Pagoda, where they were each given a Ring. The two of them fought Red Cannon but were defeated and eliminated, losing their Rings to Red Cannon.[6]



Skilled Martial Artist



Lady Iron Fan utilizes razor sharp hand fans. Through unknown means her fans can be controlled as projectiles.


Gene Luen Yang based Lady Iron Fan off the character Princess Iron Fan from the Chinese novel Journey to the West.

See Also

Links and References

