Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Krakinos was a crab-like deity who claimed to be ruler of the fallen city of Andrina. He was either banished or trapped into another dimension, and a Church of Andrina arose in his name, seeking to leave their mark on the world. Learning that Gil and Sofía Corazón were doing research on the Totem of Andrina, the Church kidnapped them, correctly predicting that their daughter Aña would come to save her parents. To thes surprise of the Church, Aña did not come alone but brough another version of herself from a different reality as well as the Totem itself.[1] Both girls were restrained with knock-out gas and their Spider-Totem energies were used with the Totem to open the portal from which Krakinos came through. Aafter waking up, the girls managed to break out and one of them took the Totem out of its protective case. The portal's polarity was reversed and it began sucking everything back in. Spider-Girls managed to push Krakinos back through the portal, after seeing which members of his Church decided to follow their master. After they went through the portal as well, the Totem was destroyed, closing the portal behind them.[2]

See Also

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