In the year 2420, when Ultron murdered the Avengers and enslaved humankind, he created his own Avengers team, composed mostly of A.I. modeled after heroes from the past, including Spider-Woman.
Some time later, the A.I. Avengers saw the reign of their master Ultron threatened by the appearance of different Avengers, each from a distinct time period, brought to the present by Doctor Doom. Spider-Woman, Captain America, Hawkeye, and Vision confronted the past Vision and Iron Man when they performed a frontal assault at the Avengers Tower, intending to shut down Ultron's drone factories. When Spider-Woman leapt at Iron Man, Vision blasted her head off with his forehead beam.[1]See Also
- 1 appearance(s) of Jessica Drew (A.I.) (Earth-14831)
- 1 minor appearance(s) of Jessica Drew (A.I.) (Earth-14831)
- 1 image(s) of Jessica Drew (A.I.) (Earth-14831)