Jae Yeong was hanging out with her friends when Malekith launched his attack on Manhattan during the War of the Realms. She was alerted by her mother through a phone text to evacuate to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Jae and her friends encountered the invading forces when they approached Grand Street, forcing them to cut North through an alley. Jae's friend Chris fell and hurt himself, and Jae stayed with him. This setback left them at the mercy of a group of Dark Elves, but they were saved by Wolverine. A Rock Troll almost snuck up behind him, but Jae alerted Logan and hurled a rock at the monster. The rock hit the monster in the head right when the Punisher shot it from behind, making it seem like Jae had fallen him.
Wolverine comforted Jae; he commended that she stayed for her friend and told her that as long as everybody was fighting for each other, everything was going to be okay. When Jae and Chris reached the Sanctum Sanctorum, her mother scolded her for getting into trouble as they were being transported to the Avengers Mountain. Jae pointed out that Earth's heroes were assembled together, and recalled to her mother Wolverine's words.[1]