Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Originally known as Bucky, Jack Monroe was picked to be the sidekick to the man who wore the Captain America mantle during the 1950s. The man was trained by the government to fight in the Korean War but the war ended before either of them could be deployed. Made unstable by the Super Soldier treatment, the pair attacked anyone they suspected of being a Communist before they were put in suspended animation. Thawed out by Hydra, they were used as weapons against the Defenders and S.H.I.E.L.D. with the 1950s Captain America dying in the fight. Monroe was able to be cured of his madness and later became the new Patriot with Jeffery Mace's blessing and joined the New Invaders. When Mace was subsequently diagnosed with cancer in the 1970s, Mace passed the mantle of Captain America to Monroe. Mace and Nick Fury then personally trained Monroe with Monroe working alongside Bucky (Rick Jones) until the latter dropped the Bucky identity and became the new Patriot. Monroe was later captured and brainwashed by A.I.M.

See Also

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