Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 Daily Beagle boss J. Jonah Jackal here, folks! With today's trusted, trademarked televised tirade -- a tantrum tinged by a towering "I told you so!" Quote2
J. Jonah Jackal[src]


Black Jackal (Earth-8311) from Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham Vol 1 15 001

Black Jackal

On the birthday of Peter Porker, J. Jonah Jackal, alongside Mary Crane Watsow and May Porker was kidnapped by the Swinester Six. He was taken to the hideout and was given tea by Doctor Octopussycat whom May Porker kept "accidentally" injuring until she captured him. Spider-Ham arrived and defeated the rest and the group and J. Jonah Jackal attempted to take credit for the capture. He, along with the others went out to celebrate his 25th anniversary.[8]

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