Marvel Database
Marvel Database



Ixchel is the Maya goddess of the moon. Eons ago, after the Maya Sky Father Hunab Ku emerged out of primordial nothingness, he created the "Heart of Heaven" which he then used to give life to Ixchel and other Maya gods.

Later, Ixchel was impersonated by a human who gained superhuman powers as a result of exposure to water contaminated by Terrigen Crystals.[1]

Third Host[]

In 1000 AD, the Third Host of the Celestials occurred, during which the aliens informed they would return 1,000 years later to judge Earth's right to continue existing. While the pantheons prepared for war, Gaea planned a peaceful solution to the problem with many goddesses, among them Ixchel.

For the next thousand years, they searched for humans representing mankind's highest ideals, to be offered to the Celestials as an offering. The goddesses placed the candidates in suspended animation, with their superhuman potential, the legacy of the First Host, awakened.[2]

Modern Times[]

More recently, the villainous Spanish alchemist Diablo brainwashed the Inhuman Crystal into thinking she was the goddess Ixchel in the Central American nation of Terra Verde.[3]


See Also

Links and References

