1st profile
Featured Profiles:
- Felix Alvarez
- Ani-Men
- Anthem
- Atom Smasher
- Black Brigade
- Black Widow Update
- Blizzard
- Harrington Byrd
- Cape-Killers
- Chessmen
- Commander Kraken
- Edwin Cord
- Cybermancer
- Kathy Dare
- Devastator (Petronova)
- Devastator (Larionov)
- Kearson DeWitt
- Dreadknight
- Dreadnoughts
- Suzi Endo
- Clytemnestra Erwin
- Morley Erwin
- Espionage Elite
- F.A.U.S.T.
- Firebrand (Gilbert)
- Firebrand (Broxtel)
- Firebrand (Dennison)
- Nick Fury Update
- Gremlin
- Guardsman
- Half-Face
- Justin Hammer Update
- High-Tech
- Iron Man Update
- Iron Man 2.0
- Iron Man 2020
- H.O.M.E.R.
- Parnell Jacobs
- Kala
- LMD's
- Mandroids
- Vic Martinelli
- Masters of Silence
- Mauler
- Meredith McCall
- Melter
- Jake Oh
- Marcy Pearson
- Artemus Pithins
- Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.
- Rescue
- Glenda Sandoval
- Sapper & Golden-Blade
- Seekers
- Erica Sondheim
- Ezekiel Stane
- Howard Stark
- Maria Stark
- Stark Space Station
- The Stark
- Tiberius Stone
- Termite
- Vibro
- Vor/Tex
- War Machine Update
- Whiplash
- Worldwatch
Solicit Synopsis
Activate the latest edition of the IRON MANUAL, purposed for experts and novices alike! Built around reliable parts including Iron Man and War Machine; engineered with new designs such as Rescue, Ezekiel Stane and Whiplash (Vanko); kit-bashed from the future with the Stark and Iron Man 2020; and refurbished to accommodate an infusion of Firebrand, Mandroids, LMDs (Life-Model Decoys), Masters of Silence, Anthem, Gremlin and more! It's all in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe format, featuring plenty of all-new art by Mario Gully (Ant, KIDNAPPED)!