Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 The Spider-Ham legacy stands in the way of Gobbler domination across the Multiverse. I've come to end it at the source. Quote2
Green Gobbler[src]


Green Gobbler 2099 is the nemesis of Spider-Ham 2099. She teamed up with her counterpart from Earth-8311 to take over the New Yolk City by getting rid of the original Spider-Ham. They tricked him into grabbing the Time Cube, which send Spider-Ham across time and left the New Yolk City for their plucking. Spider-Ham eventually returned, accompanied by Spider-Ham 2099, Spider-Rex and Rex's nemesis Gobblisaurus. Gobbler 2099 invited Gobblisaurus to join the two of them, which she found to her liking.

Gobbler Army (Earth-8311) from Spider-Ham A Pig in Time Vol 1 1 002

Cross-time team-up

Recovering her Time Cube from Spider-Ham, she used it to summon Green Gobblers of other realities to assemble into the Gobbler Army. However by then the Scavengers have arrived to help, evening the odds. Other Gobblers were defeated and send home to their realities, while Gobbler 2099 was webbed up and taken back to Earth-93726 by her nemesis.[1]




See Also

Links and References

