—Fabian CortezI am Cortez. My forefathers were ancient nobility in Europe--and men of wealth in the new world. We bent continents to our whim. And my sister and I were mutant... the pinnacle of the bloodline... But we were shunned by the sapiens in our family. Treated as embarrassments. Handed a pittance. The scraps from the family table. Barely six figures... Property in Florida... But I am Cortez. My name is a mutant name, because it belongs to me. And if the flatscans want it back... they can wear it on their tombstones.
Appearing in "Giallo"
Featured Characters:
- S.W.O.R.D.
- Executive Producer Fabian Cortez (Resurrection)
- Station Commander Brand
- Peeper (Visual Analyst Peter Quinn)
- Amelia Voght
- Khora of the Burning Heart (First full appearance)
- Forearm (Michael McCain)
- Slab (Kris Anderson)
Supporting Characters:
- Zn'rx Empire
- Chita Clan
- Prince Wezel (First appearance; dies)
- Gylar Clan
- Lyga (First appearance; dies)
- Khondor (First appearance; dies)
- Chita Clan
Other Characters:
- Utopian Kree
- 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt (Referenced)
- Knull (Referenced)
- Gods of Olympus (Referenced)
- Kree Imperium (Referenced)
- Korvac (Referenced)
- Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) (Mentioned) (Resurrected)
- The Six (Mentioned)
- Galactic Rim Collective (Mentioned)
- Zn'rx Empire
- Djagyar (Mentioned) (Deceased)
- Bhoa Clan (Mentioned)
- Kuga (Mentioned)
- Emperor Stote (Mentioned) (Deceased)
- Anne-Marie Cortez (Mentioned) (Deceased)
Races and Species:
- Marvel Prime Universe
- Planet J-453 (First appearance)
- Milky Way
- Sol
- Earth
- Pacific Ocean
- Europe (Mentioned)
- Florida, United States of America, North America (Mentioned)
- Earth Orbit
- Earth
- Sol
- Galactic Rim
- Xaxoxo (First appearance)
- X-Uniforms
- Cerebro
- Resurrection Protocols (Mentioned)
- S.W.O.R.D. Uniforms
- Mysterium (Unnamed)
- King in Black (Referenced)
- Kree Civil War (Referenced)
- Snarkwar
- Hellfire Gala (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Giallo"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
On Krakoa, Fabian Cortez and the Quiet Council discuss the rules of murder. But in space, the murders have already begun…and the killer has a connection to Cortez he’d never suspect. The color may be gold…but this, my friends…is pure giallo…