Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Ms. Lion (Earth-97161) from Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Vol 1 2 001

...But what's your name?

Hairball 2 (Earth-97161) from Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Unleashed Vol 1 4 001

It is too difficult for you to say, little one.

Ms. Lion (Earth-97161) from Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Vol 1 2 001

Well, then. I'll make up a name for you. I'll call you...Hairball

Niels (Earth-97161) from Avengers vs. Pet Avengers Vol 1 1 0003

Dummy, you can't call him Hairball! That's my name!

Ms. Lion (Earth-97161) from Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Vol 1 2 001

Oh, okay. How about Hairball 2?

Niels (Earth-97161) from Avengers vs. Pet Avengers Vol 1 1 0003

You are so stupid! No one's going to call him Hairball 2! You're just--

Zabu (Earth-79161) from Tails of the Pet Avengers Vol 1 1 0001

So, Hairball 2, How do you--

Niels (Earth-97161) from Avengers vs. Pet Avengers Vol 1 1 0003

Oh, come on! I hate that stupid dog.

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Hulk - Pet Avengers"

Featured Characters:


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Synopsis for "Hulk - Pet Avengers"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

There are worlds beyond our own. There are powers we don’t understand. And there are pets that cannot be controlled. Are the Pet Avengers might enough to save the entire world from amazing creatures of myth?

See Also

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