Howard the Duck #1 "Howard the Barbarian" Release date: October 28, 1975 Cover date: January, 1976
Howard the Duck #2 "Cry Turnip!" Release date: December 23, 1975 Cover date: March, 1976
Howard the Duck #3 "Four Feathers of Death! Or: Enter the Duck!" Release date: February 24, 1976 Cover date: May, 1976
Howard the Duck #4 "Sleep of the... Just!" Release date: April 27, 1976 Cover date: July, 1976
Howard the Duck #5 "I Want Mo-o-oney!" Release date: June 22, 1976 Cover date: September, 1976
Howard the Duck #6 "The Secret House of Forbidden Cookies!" Release date: August 24, 1976 Cover date: November, 1976
Howard the Duck #7 "The Way the Cookie Crumbles" Release date: September 28, 1976 Cover date: December, 1976
Howard the Duck #8 "Open Season!" Release date: October 26, 1976 Cover date: January, 1977
Howard the Duck #9 "Scandal Plucks Duck" Release date: November 23, 1976 Cover date: February, 1977
Howard the Duck #10 "Swan-Song... Of The Living Dead Duck!" Release date: December 21, 1976 Cover date: March, 1977
Howard the Duck #11 "Quack-Up!" Release date: January 25, 1977 Cover date: April, 1977
Howard the Duck #12 "Mind-Mush!" Release date: February 15, 1977 Cover date: May, 1977
Howard the Duck #13 "Rock, Roll Over and Writhe!" Release date: March 22, 1977 Cover date: June, 1977
Howard the Duck #14 "A Duck Possessed!" Release date: April 26, 1977 Cover date: July, 1977
Howard the Duck #15 "The Island of Dr. Bong" Release date: May 24, 1977 Cover date: August, 1977
Howard the Duck #16 "Zen and the Art of Comic Book Writing" Release date: June 21, 1977 Cover date: September, 1977
Howard the Duck #17 "Doctor Bong!" Release date: July 26, 1977 Cover date: October, 1977
Howard the Duck #18 "Metamorphosis" Release date: August 24, 1977 Cover date: November, 1977
Howard the Duck #19 "Howard the Human" Release date: September 27, 1977 Cover date: December, 1977
Howard the Duck #20 "Scrubba-Dub Death!" Release date: October 25, 1977 Cover date: January, 1978
Howard the Duck #21 "If You Knew Soofi...!" Release date: November 22, 1977 Cover date: February, 1978
Howard the Duck #22 "May the Farce Be with You!" Release date: December 27, 1977 Cover date: March, 1978
Howard the Duck #23 "Star Waaugh" Release date: January 24, 1978 Cover date: April, 1978
Howard the Duck #24 "Where Do You Go -- What Do You Do -- The Night After You Saved The Universe?" Release date: February 21, 1978 Cover date: May, 1978
Howard the Duck #25 "Getting Smooth!" Release date: March 28, 1978 Cover date: June, 1978
Howard the Duck #26 "Repercussions..!" Release date: April 25, 1978 Cover date: July, 1978
Howard the Duck #27 "Circus Maximus" Release date: July 4, 1978 Cover date: September, 1978
Howard the Duck #28 "Cooking With Gas!" Release date: August 22, 1978 Cover date: November, 1978
Howard the Duck #29 "Help Stamp Out Ducks!" Release date: October 24, 1978 Cover date: January, 1979
Howard the Duck #30 "If This Be Bongsday!" Release date: December 19, 1978 Cover date: March, 1979
Howard the Duck #31 "The Final Bong!" Release date: February 20, 1979 Cover date: May, 1979
Howard the Duck #32 "The Origin of Howard the Duck" Release date: October 8, 1985 Cover date: January, 1986
Howard the Duck #33 "Material Duck" Release date: June 24, 1986 Cover date: September, 1986