Marvel Database

Appearing in "Hell To Pay!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Treme X-Men #3

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Synopsis for "Hell To Pay!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Treme X-Men #3

Following their battle with Vargas, Psylocke is really dead and Beast mortally wounded. The rest of the team searches the city all over, but can’t find the killer, who is neither mutant, nor superbeing, yet something more than human. To save the Beast from dying Tessa uses a never before seen power. She can perceive mutants' full potential and temporarily bring it forth. It strains her a lot, but she boost Hank McCoy’s healing factor so that he is able to survive his injuries. Later Psylocke’s coffin is brought to the airport to be flown to England. Storm also sends the Beast back to Westchester as he is too weak and would only be a liability. Unbeknownst to them, Vargas is watching them.

Appearing in "Dreamtime Serenade"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Treme X-Men #4

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Synopsis for "Dreamtime Serenade"

Reprint of the 1st story from
X-Treme X-Men #4

From one of Gateway’s dreamtime visions, the X-Treme X-Men learn that Bishop is a descendant of Gateway. They look at a diary page, which pictures Gambit crucified with six pieces of jewelry and something growing out of his chest. Later the X-Men break into Destiny’s house only to find a crate with goodies prepared for them. One box looks like holding a diary, but it has been stolen by Vargas. At the same time Gambit breaks into Vargas‘ castle, but is captured and defeated. Yet he charms his way out of the situation and is allowed to leave, on the way out he steals a big diamond, which Vargas notices, but pretends not to. Later Gambit checks on the X-Treme team and finding them to be alright, leaves before being spotted.

Appearing in "E is for Extinction – Part One of Three"

Reprint of the 1st story from
New X-Men #114

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "E is for Extinction – Part One of Three"

Reprint of the 1st story from
New X-Men #114

In Sydney, Australia, Cyclops and Wolverine rescue a mutant known as Ugly John from a residual sentinel attack. On their way home in the X-Wing, they are connected to a telepathic conference by the Professor. He tells them that the all new mutant detector, Cerebra, has located an enormous mutant surge in Ecuador. The Professor asks them to make a quick turn and investigate the anomaly. Meanwhile, Beast presents Jean Grey with his advanced sub-basement clinic. She brings her worry over Charles to her teammate's attention but is suddenly distracted by a telepathic disturbance. Jean rushes to Cerebra, where she finds the Professor battling for dominance over his mind. The ordeal leaves Charles distraught and weakened.

At the same time, Cassandra Nova brings the mild-mannered dentist, Donald Trask into a virtual reality simulation of the early evolution of the human race. She explains that within four generations Humans (Homo sapiens) Sapiens will soon be extinct; to be replaced by Humans (Homo sapiens) Superior. Back in reality, she brings him to a hidden Master Mold factory unit in the Ecuadorian drill. There they are accommodated by Wild Sentinels but the androids do not attack them because they recognize Donald's "Trask DNA." Cassandra says Trask's future now lies in genocide.


This is a UK title that features reprints of American X-Men titles.

See Also

Links and References

